Ch.2 - 3 Cauldron cakes and a Chocolate Frog

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Chapter 2: 3 Cauldron Cakes and a Chocolate frog

"Hey, Can we come sit here" was the voice that brought me out of my thoughts, "of course" I replied to the dark haired boy. I wasn't exactly sure who he meant by 'we' but once the compartment door opened bigger I realized that there were 2 more people with him. A ginger haired boy, and a brown haired girl. They both smiled at me and began to sit down. "Your new aren't you" the brown hair girl asked me, "Yeah, it's my first day here, My name is Lillianne but you can call me Lilli" was my straight out response, but I was concentrating more on the view on the side as my brain kept on wondering more on what Sasha was doing at the moment. "Oh, well welcome to Hogwarts Lilli, or atleast the train for now, my name is Hermione, and this is Harry and Ron" she directed my eyes towards the other 2 boys in the compartment, that were at the moment, fighting over which spell would cause them to degrease a professor's hair.

"Would you like anything from the trolley miss?" came a voice from the door of the compartment. It was an old woman who had a trolley with many candies and treats on the trolley. "No not at the moment, thank you!'  I replied back as I began to look back at the side for the view. I was pretty diet conscious and would be very careful of what I ate. Just as I turned back to the 'golden trio'(which is what they told me), I saw that Hermione had a book out and Harry and Ron each looked like they were playing Apple Bobbing but with chocolate instead. Just as the lady left, I could feel my stomach gurgling, I guess I am a little hungry. One chocolate frog couldn't hurt a fly.

Just as I exited the door, and was about to call for the trolley lady, a blond bumped into me knocking the pearl bracelet off my hand and knocking me onto the ground. It wasn't a pretty sight. Just as I was recovering, I realised that Malfoy had picked up my pearl bracelet and was examining it. I snatched it from him and the only thing I got was a glance. "I have seen that type of bracelet before, where did you get it?" was the only thing he said to me, No sorry, no apology nothing, what a rascal. "I got it by my parents, and it's not possible to see it anywhere as there is only 3 in the world and my parents died with those on their hand, so this is the only one left" I explained as I put the bracelet back on my wrist, checking to make sure it is secured properly. Just as he was about to make another remark over the bracelet, the trolley lady came over and asked if I wanted anything again, "Yes can I have one chocolate frog please" "Of course my dear, but are you sure one as I have never gave out only one to a person before" she asked. "Yes I'm positive, thank you" I responded as I fished for some galleons out of my purse. "And for you dear?" she asked as she focused her glance on Malfoy. "3 caldron cakes please" he responded. "Oh lord, ok never mind forget about the chocolate frog, I don't have my money with me" I exclaimed as I couldn't find any galleons. "Nonsense" Malfoy said as he paid for my chocolate frog as well.

The Hogwarts train came to a stop, as I gathered my items to get ready to get off. My trunk was already there as the headmaster took it in for me when he came to visit me. As I walked off of the train I could see hogwarts. It was a beautiful, wonderful sight. Here I am, about to start my 1st year at hogwarts. Hope it goes smoothly and fun, where my thoughts as I got onto the carriages.

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