Ch.11 - I Just Want To See Draco

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Chapter 11: I Just Want To See Draco

"Wow, Lillianne you're so much prettier than I thought you would be" Ms.Weasley said to me as she pulled me in for a hug.

"You can call me, Lilli, Ms.Weasley" I responded with a smile.

We were currently in the train station. It was pretty busy as many muggles were there at the moment. As soon, as I pulled away from the hug, a patch of blond hair caught my eye. It was Malfoy. I quickly glanced away before his eyes caught me staring at him. I did notice one thing though, Parkinson was clinging on to his hand, but he seemed quite irritated about it. My attention quickly changed onto my pearl bracelet, which I hadn't worn in a while. I found it while I was packing for the winter break, and I promised myself that I would always wear it from now on.

"Well, c'mon, no need to jolly-gaggle" Ms.Weasley, responded as she noticed me daydreaming.

We were supposed to apparate, but as I wasn't licensed yet, I had to be with someone licensed, and in this case it would be George.

"You ready Lills?" he asked as he took my hand.

"Ready as I ever will be George" I responded as I could.

He took my hand and before I knew it, I was spinning into a dark tornado. It felt as if I was on my way to hell, or even worse. Before it even started, my feet were on the ground, but my eyes were spinning.

"Lills, are you okay?" George asked me with a concerned look

"I'm fine" I responded with a fake smile, that was pretty clear.

When I shifted my eyes to the building in front of me, I fell in shock. There was a wonderful tall building in front of me, although it did seem a little dark on the outside, I could tell that the inside was nice and cozy. The structure looked like it was going to fall apart any time soon. It was sorta scary but I had to trust the Wesley's, they were my only sort that felt like family.

"Dear, why don't you c'mon in?" Ms.Weasley said to me as everyone started apparating back.

"Sorry about that Ms.Weasley, I was in awe of the building" I responded as I picked up my bag and started entering the burrow.

"No need to apologize dear, and you can call me Molly" She said as she showed me to the living room.

George had gone to help the other with the luggage, and it was only me and Molly that were in the burrow. Just like I suspected, the inside of the burrow, was very cozy. It was all warmth and red, as they were all gryffindors.

"Have a seat Lilli, Would you like some tea?" Molly offered me, as I sat down on their couch.

"Yes Please, only if it's not a bother for you" I replied.

By this time, everyone was already walking in, George and Fred came in first, then the trio, and then the rest of the Weasley families, and a few others I didn't know of. They all seemed like adults, and that's fine, as I really wasn't here to socialize.

"Oh, Arthur, I didn't know they were visiting today, I guess Lilli needs to be informed about it as well, correct?" Molly asked, with a concerned look.

At this point I was lost, what do they need to tell me? And who are all these people?

"I'm pretty sure she needs to know now Molly, but Tonks, and Lupin don't know if she is trust worthy" Arthur responded.

Everyone by now, was listening into the conversation, I didn't know what they are talking about, but I wanted to know right now.

"What do I need to be informed about, Why do I have to have you approve of how trustworthy I am?" I responded back, with a harsh accent. I didn't care if these people were older than me, I needed to know.

All of a sudden, things began to shake, and my vision started to turn red, I didn't know what was happening, but all I know was that I was becoming angrier and angrier every second.

"Lills, calm down ok, take a few breaths, we will tell you once you calm down, here take a seat" George soothingly talked to me, while leading me to an armchair. I started to calm down and my vision came back to normal.

"What was that?" A man questioned me, now that I looked up I realized all of the people in this room had their wand pointed to me, excluding George and Molly.

"I- I'm not sure, please don't stun me, I don't know what just happened, I didn't have any control over myself" I pleaded with tears forming in my eyes.

"Lills, you didn't do anything, they are just in shock" George said as he tried to comfort me. It was sorta working.

"Ok everyone, Lilli, clearly had no idea what happened, so let's put down the wands" Molly said as she slowly stepped forward in between me and the others.

"No, she had no control and we don't know if that will happen again" Hermione responded.

It hurt seeing Hermione say that, as I trusted her most out of the entire group. I couldn't take it anymore, I stood up from out of embrace, and I could tell that the grips on the wand tightened. I immediately ran upstairs, and locked myself in the nearest room possible. I quickly put enhancement  spells on the room so no one could enter. I could hear George running up the stairs, and before I knew it, he was banging on the door. I couldn't let him in though, I had had enough of what was going down, and I immediately fell to the ground, crying hysterically, I couldn't stop myself, no one trusted me, and I had no way of escaping the house I just wanted to see Draco, I wanted to be in Draco's embrace just one more time. I hope I can see Draco soon, he means the world to me.

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