Ch. 10 - The Train Ride

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Chapter 10: The Train Ride

It was around 12 o'clock in the afternoon, I was sitting in the Great hall eating my lunch, while my stuff was packed and ready to be set on the train. It was the last day of school until winter break, my accident happened about 2 weeks ago, I had moved on from Malfoy, and was about to spend a wonderful time with my friends.

"Are you almost finished Lilli?" Astoria asked, as she got up from the table.

"Yeah, I'm done, I'm not really in the mood to eat" I said as I left my half eaten salad, at the table to go get my bags. I was very excited to go to the Burrow, and Astoria and I promised each other that we would send owls.

As I was exiting the Great Hall, I could see Malfoy and Parkinson entering the Great Hall, hand-in-hand. It was a devastating sight, but I couldn't show Malfoy that I was jealous. We made brief eye contact, but he just gave a sad, sorry look, which I responded with an angry look. There was no point in trying to get back with him now.

"Byee Astoria, Promise you will owl me no matter what" I said as I gave her a hug. I was going to miss her.

"Promise" She responded as she hugged me back.

We both separated ways as she went to the slytherin compartment, and I went on a search to find the Gryffindors.

As soon as I found the cabin, I opened it to see George leaning against the window, daydreaming, and Hermione, Ron and Harry talking. Fred was trying to get George's attention, but it didn't seem like it was working. The Gryffindor cabin's were way bigger than the Slytherin one's, it was shocking.

George saw me right away, and a big smile appeared on his face, but he looked away as soon as he saw Fred making fun of him.

"Lilli, come join us, why are you just standing there?" Mione' said as she pushed Ron to the other side, this also came with a grunt from Ron of disagreement.

"Haha, sorry Mione', I was just enjoying the view" I said as I gave a little glance to George, who blushed at my comment. I loved teasing boys, it was a habit of mine.

"Oooo" All 4 of them said, as George looked away.

"We're almost there guys, you should stop fooling around, and actually get ready" Ginny responded, as she entered the cabin.

"Are we already there, I wanna sleeeeppppp" I said as I switched spots, with George so I could have the window side. Harry was already sleeping on the window side.

"Well..You have about an hour and a half to sleep, if you really want to" Ginny responded as she sat beside Mione' who was reading her next term books.

"Well I'm going to use that chance" I said, half drowsing into sleep.

"Lilli wake up, we're there, get up" I heard as I slowly woke up. I was on top of George's shoulder, It was cute, and he looked like a ripe tomato.

He was trying to wake me up, aww how cute of him.

"I'm up, I'm up" I responded as I put my hands up, pretending to surrender.

" Ok, I understand, Hey Lilli, can I call you, Lills? I love that name, and it suits you" He said as he scratched the back of his head.

"Lills..I like that name, of course you can call me that, George" I responded, with a smile.

I gave him a slight peck on the cheek, before heading off of the train. It was going to be a fun present shopping, but I still had to buy Christmas presents, and I might just show up to Malfoy Manor.

I heard that Parkinson was going to be there as well, not sure why, but I hope that I can get to visit. After all, his mum did invite me. Anyways. Christmas is going to be fun, and I can't wait to spend time at the Burrow. Life is all full of happiness.


Hey Guys, I decided to upload a little earlier than planned, so there may be maybe more than one chapter today, I love you all, and thank you for your patience. -A

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