Ch.8 - Spilling Tears

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Chapter 8: Spilling Tears

It's been almost 3 weeks since Draco pronounced his love for me. I told him I would think about it, because I don't think I can hold up the responsibility of being his girlfriend. He has a reputation to hold and I don't think I can maintain that for him. If any day in the future, I ruin his reputation, I cannot do that to him. He doesn't deserve me.

"Lillianne, wait up" I heard a voice that I didn't recognize.

As I turned around I saw the golden trio, and the twins. Hermione was waving over at me so I'm guessing that she was the one that called my name.

"Hey guys, by the way, you can call me Lilli, only the people I despise call me Lillianne" I exclaimed as I stopped walking and waited for them.

"Ok, Lilli, we were wondering if you want to spend Christmas Break with us?, You seem really nice, and we thought it would be a good idea" Ron had said, along with Hermione pushing him forward.

"I would love to go to the burrow, but I am a Slytherin so I don't think your parents would like me" I declared as I unconsciously rubbed my forearm.

"They actually invited you by themselves, they said they saw you when we entered the compartment and they told us they would like to meet you" both the twins said.

"Oh, well if it isn't a problem for any of you or your family, it would be my pleasure to come to the burrow at winter break" I said with a smile on my face. I knew that I should probably go to the orphanage and meet Sasha but it won't hurt to spend sometime with the Weasleys.

Once our conversation finished, I decided to go back to my common room to write a letter to Sasha notifying her about me not being able to make it back to meet her.

That was a wrong decision.

As soon as I entered the common room, I saw Draco and Pansy trying to eat each other's face off. Draco's hands were roaming around her body, while her hands were messed up in his hair.

My entire body froze as I saw that, before I could even tell what was going on, my eyes were full of tears, as soon as Draco opened his eyes, he pushed Pansy away from him.

"Draacoooo" I heard Pansy squeal as she fell to the floor.

I didn't know what happened after as I ran away from that scene with tears constantly flowing on my cheeks. As soon as I found an abandoned hallway, I broke down. I slammed my head on the wall, as a warm blood fell down from my head. My back slid down on the wall. There were only a few words I could constantly hear.

"I just wanted you to know that I love you and I always will, no matter what, you will always be the girl of my life, no one can replace that" he had said to me before he left. Was I really that easy to replace?

I was balling my eyes out when I heard the voice that used to sound like music in my ears.

"Lilli, your bleeding" I heard as he sat down beside me.

As I lifted my head, I saw a pool of blood around me, "Draco don't you dare come near me, you told me that no one can replace me, guess that was a lie."

"It was never a lie Lilli, you will always be the one of my life" he said as he reached to hug me.

I moved away as soon as I saw that he had reached out, "Never say that again, and it's Lillianne to you,"

"Lilli, please listen to me, you're bleeding please let me take you to the hospital wing, you're losing too much blood, Lilli please listen to me." he pleaded as he tried to get closer.

"M- Malfoy, come any closer and I will hex you to another dimension, and it's Lillianne to you" I exclaimed as I reached for my wand. Even if my vision was starting to get blurry, I can still hex him.

"Malfoy I want you to leave, don't you dare come near me, now GO!" I exclaimed.

He slowly started to get up and leave, but before that he had said 3 words that I never wanted to hear from him ever again "I love you".

"Stupefy" I called out, I wasn't exactly sure if I hit him or not, as I was slowly starting to lose consciousness but the last thing I heard was students coming up to me, wondering what that noise was.

I could hear Dumbledore telling all the kids to calm down and go back to their dormitories.

The last thing I felt was someone hold my hand before I slowly lost consciousness. "She will be okay George" I heard. George?

One thing I was clarified about is that I never want to see Malfoy ever again.

That was my last thought before I lost consciousness.


Hey guys, any feedback would be appreciated, and please let me know if you want a shorter or longer chapter. THANK YOU SOO MUCH FOR 100 VIEWS. Stay Safe and Stay Healthy -A

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