Ch. 4 - Malfoy Helped Me?

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Chapter 4: Malfoy Helped Me?

Why is he looking at me? Do I look okay? Maybe I should sit up straight? I probably seem like a coward when I'm concentrating? Why do I care what he thinks?

These were all a few questions that were going on in my brain, when I was sitting next to Malfoy. He kept looking my way, and is if it was weird, I actually liked it. If you know me, then you know I love attention. Of course, everything was going well in potions, we were supposed to be making a Wolfsbane Potion. Just as I added a few twigs, I had told Malfoy "Add a pinch of peppermint powder so we can get the blue faint smoke and then we are finished". He agreed and took a handful of peppermint powder and ended up throwing it in there. "Malfoy, that was the wrong amount" I exclaimed but it was too late, all I could hear was an explosion noise and someone screaming my name. As I hit a hard surface, I could feel a warm liquid on the back of my hair. The last thing I heard was Prof. Snape instructing everyone to move out of the way. It suddenly went all fuzzy and blank.

As I opened my eyes I could feel a light being shone up on my eyes. I could hear a few muffled voices and some  woman fussing over me. As my vision cleared up, I could see the golden trio,Blaise, Astoria, Malfoy (Shockingly), and Madam Pomfrey. "H-Hi"I stuttered, in pain as my head was throbbing and I couldn't feel my ankle. "Oh dear, you're awake, how are you feeling, do you need an ice pack, are you thirsty" madam Pomfrey rushed to say as she came to my bed. "My head and ankle are in pain, I think I need an ice pack, and yes I am thirsty" I answered. I looked over to Hermione who sat beside my bed holding my hand. "I- I thought you guys didn't associate with Slytherins" I said looking at  Hermione, Ron, and Harry. "You still are our friend Lilli, even if you are a Slytherin'' they exclaimed. Malfoy and Blaise had left the room along with the 'golden trio'. "How did this happen" I asked Astoria as she came to sit beside me. "You had an accident in potions, and if Malfoy hadn't pushed you out of the way, you would have burned your entire skin". "Malfoy had helped me?" "yeah he actually looked pretty tense until you woke up, he wouldn't stop pacing around back or forth, and he looked mortified when he carried you to the hospital wing". "Wow thanks Astoria" I said as Pomfrey came in. "You are free to go but you must come back every 2 days to inject something for yourself as this was Wolfsbane Potion. I grabbed my belongings and took these "crutches" that muggles called them and went off to my dorm.

As I was entering the Slytherin common room, I had almost half the common room come up to me asking if I needed anything, or what happened in potions. I all told them that I wasn't feeling good and I went off to bed. When I woke up in the morning, I had this queasy feeling in my stomach, and before I knew it, I had been limping to the bathroom to throw up. Once I cleaned myself up, I put on a black oversized sweater, some black pants, some black flip flops, and threw my hair in a bun, I made sure I had my pearl bracelet in my hand, and off I went.

As I decided to lay down on the couch, I felt someone come up to me and when I decided to get up to see who it was, I felt dizzy and had to lay back down. Eventually when I stabilized, I got up to see it was Malfoy. "Hey, how are you feeling?" "I feel queasy and disgusting, and I barely wear full black so that makes matters even worse" I complained. As I was about to thank him for yesterday, I heard a squeal that made me have a headache. It was, of course, Pansy Parkinson, who had flung herself onto Malfoy. Once she saw me, she immediately scowled at me and decided that I was too good for her, as she dragged Malfoy along with  her.

"Lilli, get up you have to see Dumbledore" I could hear as someone was shaking me. I hesitantly opened my eyes to see Astoria. I slowly sat up and said "Wha-What?" "Dumbledore wants to see you right now" "Ok hold on I'm going" "Wait, you are going like that?" she said as she gave me a hesitant look. "Yeah, I don't mind what other people think, I don't feel good and I feel comfortable in this" I said as I got up to leave the common room.

I had never been to Dumbledore's office before, but it seemed quite grand. I was going to walk in and knock, as the gargoyle asked me the password. Just as I was about to say that I wasn't told the password, the doors opened to the headmaster and behind him was none other than Draco.

"Why am I here sir?" I said as I took a seat next to Malfoy. "Ms.Canter, You will be tutored by Mr.Malfoy here, as you have missed 5 years of the school". I was shocked and confused. Why did I need a tutor? And out of all the people, Why did the tutor need to be Malfoy? I just sat there with no emotion. "You 2 may leave now," Dumbledore had stated. Once we had left the doors, Malfoy only said 4 words to me "Tomorrow, Library, 3 pm". As he strutted off walking like an ostrich, I realized that I, Lillianna Canter, was going to be tutored by Draco Malfoy. Oh, How life hated me.


Thank - You soo much for the reads and don't forget to vote. Hope everyone is safe and healthy, during these tough times. The tea is just starting to be cooked. There will be a lot more chapters ahead. -A

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