Ch.6 - R.O.R

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Chapter 6: R.O.R

"Hey, wake up, you feeling good?" I had heard someone ask me as I shifted to my side on the couch.

My stomach was churning and I could barely get up as I tried to see who was in front of me.

"Ok, I can tell you're not feeling good so let me explain why I woke you up" I heard as I tried to get up, but was unsuccessful.

"This is Astoria if you can't already tell, and I woke you up, cause Draco told me to tell you that you have to attend tutoring today, he wanted me to ask you if you're attending?"

"Astoria, I don't think I can attend but tell him I will try to be there and if I can't, I will send him an owl informing him, thank you" I responded after I successfully was able to get up off the couch after multiple attempts.

" 'kay, I'll tell him that, and the teachers didn't give you any homework as they could tell what was going on," she responded as she walked out of the common room waving to me.

Once Astoria left, I decided to take a shower since I hadn't taken one in almost 2 days, as I got up to my dorm, I picked up a white shirt, a blue flannel, and some jeans. As soon as I had gotten out of the shower, and decided to let my hair air dry for the day, I went to go meet up with Draco, since it was almost 3 pm.

As soon as  I arrived, I realized I was early so I decided to catch up on some reading for what I missed in classes. My head was killing me but I tried my best to ignore it. Just as I was about to open up my transfiguration book, I heard someone call out my name.

"Lilli, feel any better than yesterday or can you still not walk properly?" I heard Malfoy say as he and his goons, along with Parkinson came along.

"Oh shut up Malfoy, I would have rather stayed in that abandoned hallway than have you carry me, it was just my luck that a ferret decided to carry me back to the common room by his own decision" I responded without even looking at him.

"Plus, you're late for tutoring, I wouldn't have shown up if you were going to be late, I would rather get myself some medicine for this damn headache I have".

He didn't even bother to say anything as he sat down, taking out the other chair next to me.

"So about that headache, you were complaining about, would my presence make it any better" he responded with one of his famous smirks, that only Draco Malfoy could do.

"Draco, if you have come here to be cocky, I would rather be in bed" I responded while giving him a glare that meant 'shut your mouth or else you will not hear the end of it'.

"Anyways, are you coming to the ball next weekend," he asked me, eyeing me with a look of.........desperation?

"Yes, in fact, I am, why, are you going single, or no girl could handle your cockiness?"

"Actually, in fact, many girls would die to be my date for the ball, but I prefer to attend single as I have my eye set on a certain girl" he declared.

"Shocking I actually feel bad for the girl you have your eye set on, must not be fun for her," I said as I made a pouting face.

"Well anyway, if you wanna know who the lucky girl is, meet me in the R.O.R tomorrow, at 5 am" he had spoken before leaving with his back on one shoulder.

"Wait, Malfoy, what about our tutoring lesson?" I had asked when I tried to catch up to him but my head not cooperating with me, causing me to wobble.

"Lilli, first of all, be careful, you seem to not be able to walk properly, so don't start running, nobody here wants you fainting" he stated as he came to help me walk back straight.

"Second of all, you said your head was hurting, so why study when it's not even going to process into that thick brain of yours"

"Draco Malfoy, I do NOT have a thick brain, so keep your cocky attitude away from me" I replied as I shoved him off of me and went to walk by myself.

"Don't forget, tomorrow at 5 am, R.O.R" he called after me, his voice echoing after the large walls.


Hey DML, sorry for the short chapter, I wanted to make the next chapter quite long, as they finally meet in private. Please read and vote on my chapters, any support is appreciated. Stay safe and Healthy -A

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