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<<Third-person Omniscient POV>>

"You, in the dark blue haori." A loud and harsh voice rang throughout your ears. You looked up hesitantly. "What the hell were you thinking?!" The snow-haired man pounded his fist on the floor, staring at you menacingly. You didn't respond, but instead gave him a look of disrespect, fully implying "I don't like the way you're speaking to me", as if he would give a damn.

You had just entered the Demon Slayer Corps, but you already wield incredible strength for a beginning slayer. You had practically mastered one of the most difficult, but most unknown, type of breathing method. You took full pride in this. Regardless, you were still in the first ranking of demon slayers, the lowest rank, the starting point. This infuriated you to some degree, but you reminded yourself that you had to prove yourself before trying to move up immediately.

You were caught at the scene with one of the lower-ranking Kizuki, more specifically the Lower Five. You were picking a fight, trying to protect a boy and a girl, who seemed to be the boy's sister, from getting hurt any further. You have to admit, something seemed off, the girl wasn't wearing a slayer uniform, but the boy was. This soon turned into a battle between you and the Lower Five, you were doing a good job, but you couldn't get close enough. That is, until one of the Hashira arrived, the Water Pillar, who took him down with ease. You were 'caught' along with the two others, you decided to run, not to get away from trouble, but to see if there were anymore harmful demons lurking. That's what was on your mind at the moment.

"OI! I don't have all damn day, answer me! I have shit to get done!" The Hashira grid his teeth due to frustration and impatience. "Stop being so vulgar, it's bothering me." A Hashira with snakes all around him scolded the other, giving all of his attention to him. He then looked in my direction. "The girl did nothing wrong, it's her job as being part of the Demon Slayer Corps to protect others." You thanked him mentally. You hated when people started yelling at you for something you saw as right. When those kind of confrontations did occur, you silently sat there and took it, arguing back at them in your own head.

The Hashira then pointed toward a boy, the same boy you were trying to save. "We should have our attention on him, what he did is clearly against the Demon Slayer Corps regulations." He gave him a disgusted look. "Don't waste your time on the girl." He looked up and gave his attention to another slayer standing away from the group. You curiously looked over to notice that it was the same Hashira that took down the Lower Five. "And what about Tomioka?"

"I agree, what should we do with the two?" A man with bushy eyebrows and fire-colored hair agreed to the snake-man's statement. "Isn't it clear? They should both be punished, the boy more so than Tomioka." A Hashira wearing a butterfly-styled haori looked neither at the boy nor the other Hashira, but stared straight as if she was talking to no one.

~Y/N~ Why am I here? I'm no use in this meeting. "I say we should execute the boy, what he did is-" "No, I don't think that's a good idea." A Hashira sitting next to you with pink and green hair abruptly interrupted the Snake Hashira. "At least not yet, I think we should wait for Master to arrive, I don't think it's wise to make decisions without him." Everyone fell silent.

Finally, silence. I was getting sick of hearing all of their bickering. "I wonder what the master will say..." The Love Hashira was whispering to herself.

"The master has arrived." You felt a resilient hold forcefully bring your head downwards. The sudden force threw you off. "Hello, my children, it truly warms my heart that you are all still present and in good condition." You weren't able to get a good look at him, but you caught a glimpse of him at the corner of your eye. He looked as if he had been struck dead but then been resurrected somehow, he looked incredibly ill. "As to you Master! We are extremely pleased to see you in good health as well." This man had such a brute attitude a minute ago, and now he's as respectful as ever. It makes sense, regardless, of course you would want to be respectful to your administrator, but why not take those manners into good use and be kind to everyone else? 

"Aw, I wanted to be the one to greet the master." The Love Hashira was still whispering to herself.

"I'm grateful that all of you had come to this meeting on such short notice." Everyone stared in anticipation. "I'm quite positive that you all have your own thoughts on this matter, and that some of you want punishment regarding the Corps regulations. With that said, I want to make some things clear. You see, there case is rather rare and entirely unique. In the past two years, Tanjiro was been accompanied by his sister, Nezuko, and in that window of time, she has never once harmed, let alone eaten, a human. To my knowledge, I do not believe that Nezuko will ever come to harm a human in the days to come. I request that you all do not bother Tanjiro or Nezuko."

Everyone was struck silent. I don't think anybody was prepared for the master himself to excuse a demon. Come to think of it, I can actually see this demon girl, Nezuko, to be helpful on missions, and I have reason to believe that what the master said is true. She didn't seem to be wanting to hurt anyone on the mountain. With her being a demon, she could potentially protect humans and fend of demons. "That sounds reasonable to me, I find it rather believable." The Hashiras' attention all turned to me.

"You don't have a say in this!" The Wind Hashira pulled your head up by your hair. "Then why was I included in this meeting? I wouldn't be here if I couldn't be found useful in some way or another. Wouldn't you agree?" You gave him a smirk. "Don't be a smartass!" The Hashira glared at me intensely.

"I'll go along with whatever you say, Master. I am happy to oblige." The Love Hashira smiled widely. "I don't think I'll remember anyways, so whatever is fine with me." A Hashira with teal tips was looking up at the sky, clearly not paying attention to anything else but his thoughts.

"I'm sorry, Master. With all due respect, I will take your thoughts into account, but I cannot agree to this madness! It is truly insanity!" The Flame Hashira was looking directly at the master, but still had that smile plastered across his face.

"I thought someone might say that. Well now I must say that former Water Hashira, Mr. Urokodaki, has sent us a letter clearing Nezuko's name." All of the Hashiras' sat there in shock.


You were told to proceed to the Butterfly estate to receive treatment for any injuries, but you were excused by Aoi since you didn't have any wounds that needed immediate or medical care. You were given permission to wander around the estate for you would be staying there for awhile. You had wandered off, though, and traveled the neighborhood of the Hashiras'. 

You heard footsteps coming in your direction. Is someone following me? Don't tell me it's Aoi or Lady Kocho.. You turned around to see the Water Hashira speed-walking towards you, he was about to grab your wrist and you just stood there confused.

"Hello? Can I help you?"

Is he just going to stand there staring at me or say something? He immediately snapped out of it.

"Why did you stand up for them?" His voice was so quite and fragile that if someone were to make any sudden movements it would break.

You were taken aback at the sudden question, peaking your interest. "Oh, well, after thinking about it for a moment, I couldn't find any reason why the master would lie for a demon's sake, and if she really was a friendly demon, that could be of benefit to demon slayers and maybe help change demons from human-eating menaces to something beneficial for all, don'tcha think?" You gave him a warm smile.

~Giyū~ Damn.. I never thought that someone would think about it like this.. 

He stood in shock. "Thank you.." His voice was quieter than before, but just as fragile and soothing as before. He looked you in the eyes, and seemed to vanish into thin air.

I wonder what that was about.. he was the one who stood up for them, but why come to thank me? Who knows, I guess I'll find out for myself.


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