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Chapter 13. | Giyū x Reader

<<Third-person Omniscient POV>>

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When the next day rolled around, all of the Hashira, especially Mitsuri and Rengoku, wouldn't stop bothering you or Tomioka about it. Mitsuri was very excited about the new couple, and Rengoku wanted to congratulate them and know all of the details. It was embarrassing, especially for Y/N. We weren't even dating until they thought we were. I guess we both sort of needed that little push.

You were walking around, looking for somewhere away from all the commotion. You stumbled upon a small lake that was hidden from the surrounding walls and trees. It was near the edge of the mountain, so it had a different view of the hillside. This place looks nice. I wonder if the water is cold. Before moving closer, you removed your haori and placed it on a nearby tree. You removed your shoes and your socks and dipped your toes into the water. This actually feels relaxing. You removed your other shoe and sock and dipped both feet in. You neatly rolled up your pants and shifted closer to the water.

. . .

You stayed near the lake for quite some time, and Tomioka grew worried. Where did she run off to? I've looked around everywhere and I still can't find her. Did she head into town? Tomioka started pacing in an open area. He looked up in frustration and noticed your haori hanging on a tree. So she's still here. He walked over to your haori to take it off of the tree. He looked around, noticing a small opening in the walls. What is this? I've never noticed it before. He slowly approached the opening and peered through it. He saw you lying down on your back, your legs in the water. You were daydreaming comfortably on the soft ground. Tomioka placed your haori back on the tree, taking his off and putting it on top of yours. He walked back to the opening and silently slid through it. He removed his shoes and socks and sat down beside you. You were startled when he said, "Hey Y/N." You sat up instantly and stared at him.

"O-oh." Your face grew a little pink, but it wasn't noticeable. "Hi, Tomioka." He looked at your feet. "Is the water nice?" He wiggled his toes. You laughed and nodded. "Yeah, actually, it feels really nice!"

He put his feet into the water. At first, he was taken aback because it felt cold, but after settling into it, it felt relaxing. He sighed and crossed his arms over his knees, slouching over them. He tucked his face into his arms and sat quietly, enjoying the relaxation.

You, on the other hand, couldn't stop staring at him and smiling. "Feels nice, right?" He turned his head to look at you. "Yeah."

You couldn't see it, but he was smiling wide. He was really comfortable just sitting next to you, he enjoyed being near your aura. It felt welcoming and genuine. You laughed and laid back down on your back. You were looking up at the opening above you, admiring the elegant colors up in the sky. It was a beautiful mixture of warm colors, with purple and blue blending in charmingly.

Tomioka glanced over at you, wondering what you were looking at. He then looked up at the sky, gasping at its beauty. He had never seen something like this before. Normally, he saw an orange sky, with a hue of pink, but this was different. He saw orange, red, pink, blue, and purple mixing together but at the same time standing on their own. He lifted his head all the way up just to take more of it in. Y/N noticed Tomioka's astonishment and gripped his shoulder. She slowly moved him down to the ground. He wasn't really paying attention so he didn't regard it at first.

He looked over his shoulder and saw you staring up at the sky, still holding onto his shoulder. She calmed her grip on his shoulder and softly started to massage it. His eyes were full of admiration. She looks just as beautiful as the sky.

Without thinking, he gripped her hand and pulled her over to him. They were side by side, holding hands, as Tomioka moved his attention to the sky. Y/N didn't look over at him, instead began to blush. Tomioka noticed how Y/N felt cold, so he got up and started walking back. Y/N sat up and looked at him. "Where are you going?" He didn't say a word.

After a few moments of silence, he returned holding a blanket. He returned to his spot, still slightly warm, and laid the two of them back down, covering them with the blanket. Y/N blushed more and positioned herself on her side. She rested her head on his shoulder, putting a hand on his chest. She could feel his heartbeat. Tomioka swiftly threw his arm around her, holding her there. They continued appreciating the sky.

The sky was starting to fade into cooler colors of blue and purple. The two colors were overruling the warmer ones, but it made somewhat of an ombre effect. The couple was overwhelmed by the beauty, soaking it all in with the best of their abilities. They sat in comfortable silence.

. . .

The two laid there until the stars came out. Y/N started counting all of the stars as one popped up after the other. She was counting out loud. Tomioka joined her after a few minutes. Y/N giggled as she didn't realize she had been counting out loud. She looked up at Giyū. He stared down at her, waiting for her to say something. A few moments passed as they were staring into the eyes of one another. Y/N closed her eyes and snickered. "This is comfy, isn't it?" Tomioka didn't reply, instead kissed her on her forehead. She closed her eyes and savored his affection.

She wrapped her arm around his chest, nuzzling her head into the nape of his neck. "I'm glad I met you, Giyū."

"I'm glad I met you too."

And thus, from that day forward, the two were inseparable.


~Inseparable~   Giyū Tomioka x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now