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Chapter 03. | Giyū x Reader

<<Portions of all POVs from all characters>>

~1 Month Timeskip~ 

I finally finished my rehabilitation training with Tanjiro. Zenitsu and Inosuke are almost finished. During this period, I was able to surpass Kanao multiple times, day after day. I've been sitting in the Butterfly Estate for about two days, I had nothing to do during the day, ultimately I was bored. One day, I decided to wander around the neighborhood, and maybe find someone and strike up a conversation, being the extroverted person I am.

I left the estate and started admiring the area, it was fairly unique and beautiful, I admit I was enticed by how magnificent this place was. I didn't wander much farther when I heard someone exclaim, "Oi! What the hell are you doing out here?!" I turned around to find the Wind Hashira giving me a menacing glare. Oh great, this man was the last person I wanted to see. "Oh, you see, I'm simply wandering around, do you have a problem with that your majesty?" He growled. "You little piece of shit! Who the fuck do you think you're talking to?!" He grabbed the collar of my Demon Slayer Corps uniform. I scoffed. "What the hell is your problem? What the hell was I doing?!" I gripped his arm with my hand, attempting to crush it as much as I could. 

I heard a gasp a few feet away, it seemed like the Hashira did too, we both looked to see a concerned Mitsuri. She was covering her mouth with both her hands, once she realized she was spotted, she ran over and shyly ordered that we both let each other go. It was clear that she was intimidated by him, considering his appearance and nasty attitude towards lower ranks. We both let go and growled indignantly at one another. Mitsuri slapped both of us, earning a shocked expression from me and a death glare from the windy bush hair.

I swear his hair looks like a dead porcupine that has bird shit covered all over it with its spikes clumped together. It looks awful. Has he ever washed it? "..Hey? Are you okay? You're spacing out." He stomped his foot at the ground intensely, "What the hell are you looking at, you brat?!" The Love Hashira quickly silenced him, "Please leave, you should calm down.." He scoffed and walked away, silently cursing under his breath. 

She bowed to me, "I'm so sorry for his behavior! As handsome as he may be, he really can be a brute at times." I waved my hand dismissively, "It's really not a big deal, and you shouldn't be the one apologizing, but thank you, for helping me and for the apology." She came up and I bowed to her. She was slightly shocked but she giggled so innocently. 

She's so cute when she's nice! It's a shame that Shinazugawa would hurt her. She came up. She's so sweet! What an angel. "You're so sweet, Mitsuri-Chan! Oh, and if it's not a bother, would you mind telling me where some food might be? I haven't eaten today." Oh my goodness, what a polite woman! She's so lovely to be around. "Of course! It's no problem at all! Please, follow me." She started walking and I closely followed.

We entered a large room, two of the Hashira were there, I believe they are the Mist and Water Pillars, both at different tables. "Here we are! Would you like me to eat with you?" She smiled at me. "I wouldn't mind if you wanted to-" Someone barged into the room. "Mitsuri-Chan! I need you right now!" The Serpent Hashira was out of breath, "Oh, are you about to eat? Sorry, but I need you." She looked quite shocked. 

"Why cause such a ruckus, panini head." The Mist Hashira hissed, annoyed. "Shut up! I wasn't talking to you!" His attitude totally changed toward the other Pillars. "Sorry, L/N, but I think I'm going to go with Obanai." She looked at me, hoping for my forgiveness. "Oh, it's really no problem, Mitsuri-Chan, you're free to leave if you'd like." I gave her a warm smile, she sighed in relief and walked away with the other Pillar. They're obviously interested in each other. I rolled my eyes at the thought of the two lovebirds and went up to grab some food.

I looked around the room. Should I sit with one of them? But I don't really know either of them, and the Mist Pillar looks much more interested in the clouds than anything else. Giyū just looks lonely.. Y'know what? I might be able to strike up a conversation with him, he's nice to be around and he said he likes listening to me. Not a bad idea. 

I walked over to him with confidence. I sat down across from him. He looked up at me with a stunned gaze. I don't think he expected me to sit with him. "Hey, Tomioka-San, how have you been?" He was still in shock. "Oh, um, I'm okay. How have you been?" I smiled, "I've been doing good, it's nice to know that you're doing fine as well." He seems so sad throughout the day, though, he's always alone. It's quite sad, but I don't see why anyone wouldn't like him, he's a little introverted but that's not a reason to dislike someone. Maybe he doesn't like interacting with others. But he seems to hang out with me with no problem.

"Thanks." He looked down. "I'm from the northern part of Japan, around an abundant amount of mountains. Where are you from?" 

You don't like typical small-talk, you despise it, but you throw up topics that you find interesting in situations like this, hoping a conversation will spark up. You always want a heartfelt relationship with someone you enjoy spending time with. You want to know every little thing about them, even their fears and hopes, it makes you feel like you've formed a bond with that person.

"I'm from the mountains as well." You beamed with joy and gave off such a loveable, addicting aura. "Is that where you were trained? Even though I grew up in the mountains, I wasn't trained there, I was trained on flat land, it was probably the safest thinking about it." 

How is she talking to me so easily? It's like we're the best of friends, she's so relaxed and calm and comfortable in this conversation. I can't even understand why she would want to sit with me in the first place. Does this mean I've made a friend? I sincerely hope so... She reminds me of him.

"Uh, Tomioka-San? Are you thinking about something?" She was giggling between words. "Did you hear me?" I snapped out of it. "Ah! I'm sorry, L/N-San, I was dozing off." Crap, did she take that the wrong way? "Oh, well, that's okay! You looked kinda cute." She laughed so innocently. She had such a unique laugh, she was so loud but her laugh was sort of contagious. I didn't realize but my cheeks started to heat up in embarrassment and flattery. How can she flirt so openly? It's like she didn't even notice what she said.. But I can't even be mad about it! Her aura is so addicting it's scary, damnit!

She calmed down and tried asking me again, "So, where did you get trained?"

"The mountains."

"Oh, so the same place you grew up! That's really cool! What was it like? Oh, did you have to run up and down the hill? My legs would grow so tired. That would be really impressive!" She got so excited, I barely had a chance to respond. She realized she was talking too much. "Sorry, sorry! I got carried away, but can you tell me about it?" She gave me a warm smile. I nodded.

. . .

We ended up staying there for hours, it was mostly her talking, I didn't mind, but she asked me questions whenever something piqued her interest. She wanted to know more about me, which was worrying. She's getting too close, or she wants to get closer, I don't want that to happen, but I do at the same time. I'm just scared that I won't be able to let go of her..

~Inseparable~   Giyū Tomioka x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now