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Pic: @/mo_mochi on Twitter

Chapter 09. | Giyū x Reader

<<First-person / Third-person Omniscient POV>>


After the body of Kazenikura completely vanished, you tried to run towards Tomioka, only to realize you didn't know where he was. You hadn't seen where the girl had floated to. Damnit, I don't know where he is. You tried standing up. You fell immediately. I can't search for him either, my leg is broken. "Tomioka! Shinimi!" You shouted as loud as you could, not realizing that you could be attracting some thirsty demons lurking in the shadows.


I woke up to hear screaming from the town nearby. The voice sounded familiar, and then I recognized it as Y/N's voice. I got up in a hurry and noticed that my wounds were healed. How was I healed? No, now's not the time to think about that, I have to go help Y/N. I started sprinting in the direction of the voice. 

"Y/N!" I shouted over and over until I found her. She looked so fragile and vulnerable. Her leg is broken! " Are you alright? What happened to the demon?" She was panting as if she was light-headed. "Lay down, you need to regain your strength." I noticed the demon's kimono lying right next to her. Did.. did she kill an Upper Moon..? I was astonished, to say the least.

I carried her bridal-style to lie on a nearby house. "Stay here, if anything happens, call out for me. I'm going to get some bandages to wrap up your wounds." She nodded, almost about to pass out. "Don't fall asleep, I need you awake." I lifted her chin to look me in the eyes, she rested her head on my hand. "I... I'll try not to, okay?" She yawned. There's no chance of staying awake. Will one of the townspeople let her in their house? In the corner of my eye, I saw a little girl running towards us. It was the same girl who Y/N was protecting. That's the little girl who was with Y/N... but isn't she a demon?

I lashed my sword out at her. "Don't come any closer!" I was so pissed I didn't even notice that she was the one who healed me.

"I-I can help her... since she helped me..." She muttered. She was so quiet, it was obvious she was intimidated by me. "Did you hurt her? Why didn't you hurt her?!" I couldn't control my anger and frustration.

"I..." Her eyes started to water. "I d-don't have the hunger." My eyes widened. "Please.. let me help her. She protected me with her life against my elder brother, and I-I want to repay her." She was looking towards the ground, her hands behind her back.

I slowly, but hesitantly, put my sword back in its sheath. "If you want to heal her, go ahead and do it." I took a step back, still close to Y/N.

She walked up to her and started licking at her wounds. "Wh-what the hell are you doing?! I thought you said you wanted to help her!" I placed my hand on the handle of my katana, but when I looked at Y/N, her cuts were healed. "How..." I was completely and utterly dumbfounded.

"My s-saliva is what h-heals people." She tried hiding behind Y/N. I sighed. "Do what you have to do, just heal her quickly." She nodded.

~AUTHOR'S QUICK NOTE~ If you are interested in knowing how Shinimi's healing/blood demon art works I will be explaining it in the next part, or I could explain Kazenikura's past which would include everything about him and Shinimi if you are interested, I have quite a story :)

I watched as the little girl healed Y/N, but I have to admit I was quite disgusted with her healing methods. "So, that's how you heal people?" She stopped what she was doing and looked at me, and nodded shyly as her cheeks grew a bit red. She's a demon.. she surely doesn't look like it. No wonder she fooled us. She continued what she was doing.

. . .

After all of Y/N's wounds were healed, the girl was exhausted and was panting, but Y/N was still asleep. "So, you don't feed on humans for energy?" She was lying on Y/N's shoulder and shook her head gently. "How do you get energy?" The girl was still catching her breath but I thought it was a good time to ask a few questions. 

She sat up. "I g-get energy from eating candy or sleeping." So she's like Nezuko. Wait, candy? "So you eat candy constantly?" She shook her head. "S-since I still have some of my humans memories, I-I remember what the feeling of hunger was like, and it's like that. I'm not constantly hungry, I get hungry when I haven't eaten in a while, or when I'm starving, which makes me lose energy, so I eat candy. I guess you could say I have the feelings of a human, but the body of a demon." She held onto her stomach. Like a human in a demon's body. 

"Are you hungry?" She nodded and laid back down on Y/N's shoulder. I should try to find a way to get her back to headquarters, this could be important information to the master. I thought of an idea. "Do you want to come with me?" She perked her head up, then grabbed onto Y/N's haori. "A-are you g-going to h-hurt me? I-I'll only go if s-she is!" That seemed to get her nerves up. Now I know she's somewhat attached to Y/N. So she's willing to go if Y/N's goes. "You'll go with her and not me?" She pulled on Y/N's haori tighter. "I-I don't like you! You're s-scary. She's r-really nice a-and she helped me."

"You'll be glad to hear that Y/N is coming with me, and we have candy back where I'm heading." Take the bait! She looked at me with hope in her eyes. "Y-you do? Promise?" I nodded. She hesitantly got up. "O-okay."

I sighed with relief. I got up and picked Y/N up, bridal-style. She walked with me like a dog on heel, holding onto my haori. "Oh, question," I spoke without thinking. That's never happened before. She looked at me. "U-uh. Do wisteria trees have any effect on you?" She shook her head. "N-no." I sighed once again. God really is on my side today. We continued walking all the way back to headquarters, by the time we were walking up the hill, it was daytime, and the girl didn't have any effect from the sun shining on her skin. 

The Pillars rushed over to greet us.

~Inseparable~   Giyū Tomioka x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now