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Chapter 05. | Giyū x Reader

<<Third-person Omniscient POV>>

~At Headquarters~

All of the Hashira were gathered into a meeting the day after you were sent off. It's so strange for the master to call a meeting when one of us is on a mission.. Mitsuri bit her lip, uneasy. "Hello, it's nice to see you all again." He took a short pause. "I'm sure you're all worried about why I called a meeting without Tomioka being present." All of the Hashira were silent with anticipation. The master sat there, trying to find the right words. "..."

The master sat up straight. "I've found out that the demons who were terrorizing the northeast have been following under the orders of one of the Twelve Kizuki." All of the Hashira gasped. "What about L/N?! Will she be okay? Should one of us take her place-" Mitsuri was silenced by the master placing his finger over his mouth. She hesitantly sat back down, looking towards the floor.

"Before any more concerns or comments, please let me take the time to explain all that I know." The Pillars sat there like jittery bugs. "I've been made aware that the demons have been gathered there by one of the Twelve Kizuki, but I'm not sure whether or not it's an upper ranking. I know that Kibutsuji is in charge of this, he's been sending orders to that demon and he's directing the order. As far as I'm aware, the Kizuki has been following orders but has been making some moves on his own accord. That's all I'm informed with." 

The Pillars took a moment to take all of the information in. "How did you find all of this out?" Shinobu had a troubled look on her face. "Before we sent Tomioka and L/N on this mission, a fellow demon slayer, was sent on the same mission and returned to his master with a demon who was willing to spill some information. That trainer sent out a message to me, although I only got this information today, so it's too late to send Tomioka and L/N back, but I did try to send Tomioka's crow to inform him. Hopefully, they'll figure something out." The Pillars sat in disbelief.

"I'm willing to go-" Rengoku was immediately cut off. "No, I don't want to send any of you there, if it's a lower rank they should be fine. If it's a higher rank, I know the risks, and I'm sure they are aware of that too, so I hope they can find a way to handle the situation." The master looked disappointed in himself. If only I knew one of the Twelve Kizuki would be there, I would've sent at least two Hashira instead of one and a lower rank. I pray for your well-being and a safe return. Good luck.

~A few hours later~

The Pillars couldn't stop thinking about your well-being, especially Mitsuri. Why would Master send a lower rank with a Pillar? In any case, it's too dangerous! The master doesn't want us interfering with the mission, so we can't go and help. Oh jeez! I'm so worried about them! Mitsuri made a face of frustration and sadness.

A lower rank and a Hashira? How would that work? I would understand a Hashira and someone of a higher ranking than her but... Even Rengoku had a troubling understanding of the situation. I wish I could go and help! I want to go and make sure they're all right!

The rest of the Hashira were trying to understand. None of them understood why Oyakata-sama would send a Hashira and a first-rank, they knew you just had started, so why go on such a big mission like this? It was comprehensible to them. But in the end, it couldn't be helped.

Shinobu took the initiative and went to visit the master. She tried her best to be calm and presentable. But she had a difficult time controlling her anger. "Oyakata-sama? Is it alright that I've come to visit you? I'd like to ask a few questions about the mission." The master had a faint smile on his face. I'm glad someone is interested. "Of course, Shinobu-san."

Shinobu walked in and sat down directly in front of the master. "So Shinobu, what questions might you have for me?" Shinobu was engrossed in her thoughts and questions, she couldn't pick one. She figured she should ask the question everyone was wondering. "Why... Why would you send a Hashira and a Mizunoto?" Shinobu bit her lip.

Oyakata-sama sat there silently for a moment. "She has complex training, and I believe she could become a Hashira someday." That's not the response I was expecting.. Then again, what was I expecting? "She's received exhausting training that requires exceeding skills, those of a Hashira. I wanted her to work alongside a Hashira to watch their movements and how they work, possibly even incorporate a few things into her training, I knew she could do it, she may be a bubbly person but she's quite intelligent and perceiving. If she didn't become a demon slayer, I have no doubt she would've been a detective of some sort. Regardless, I had no clue that a Kizuki would be present." 

"Why would you send Tomioka?" Shinobu was being more persistent in getting answers.

"It seems that she's shown some interest in Tomioka, she's spent quite a bit of time with him more than the rest of you. I thought it was a good pair-up."

"Why not send the other three boys? I'm sure they could've handled themselves."

"Tanjiro and Inosuke are waiting for their swords to be reforged and Zenitsu has about a few days left of taking medicine."

Shinobu was silent, she grunted quietly in frustration.

"You seem quite concerned about her, Shinobu." His voice almost instantly calmed her down. She took a deep breath. "Now that you know that there is a Kizuki, do you think she'll be able to handle it."

Oyakata-sama was quite surprised at the sudden question. "..." He sat there for another moment, thinking. In the end, he couldn't explain what he was thinking. "I'm not sure how to explain my thoughts, so I can't say." Shinobu looked disappointed. 

She sighed and got up. Bowed respectfully and said, "Thank you for your time, Oyakata-sama." He smiled. "Have my answers settled some of your nerves by chance?" 

"Yes, it's reassured me of some things. Thank you."

Shinobu walked out of the room and shut the door, her eyes were closed, she was in deep thought. When she sensed a few figures surrounding her, she opened her eyes to find the rest of the Hashira standing there, eyes wide. All of them couldn't stop thinking about what Oyakata-sama said for the rest of the night.

~Inseparable~   Giyū Tomioka x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now