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Pic: @/Raichi_miyu on Twitter

Chapter 07. | Giyū x Reader

<<Third-person Omniscient POV>>

"If you're gonna be like that, then... BE PREPARED TO RUMBLE! HAHAHAHHAHAHAAAA!" His smile was inhumanly wide. "GET READY TO COME HOME, SHINIMI! HAHAHAHHAAAA!" His laugh shook you to your core.

I can't let him get to her, if she won't hurt people, she could help those who haven't eaten people. She can help! In an instant, you felt the ground start shaking. You moved back. A spike of earth pierced through the ground, and right behind you, appeared another one. You jabbed your sword into it and flung yourself up, and took your sword out. Damn, he's fast! It's like he's predicting my movements! "Oh, c'mon now, don't tell me you're already intimidated by me? I've barely just started!" He laughed as more and more spikes arose.

This is going to be so much fun! I've never met someone with such a spirit before! She's certainly interesting. He grinned. More and more spikes shot up through the terrain. You had to be more persistent with your actions.

At this rate, I'll never be able to get close. I need to give him the slip somehow. You grinned. I'll just return the energy he's been giving me. You started to fly around, jumping off the spikes with ease like an acrobat. They got taller and taller, and you just kept getting higher and higher. You made it above the spikes, and that's what caught Kazenikura off guard.

So she was able to get past these? That's rare, especially for a nobody like her. This is amazing! I've never met someone with such perseverance in a long time! I might want to keep her alive for a little longer. He noticed you were smiling ear to ear. "Oh, is someone excited? Why don't you come down here and we can have a little chat?" His spikes started to vanish into the ground, but you were able to get down.

You began to laugh. "I've never seen a demon quite like you, sparing my life? Even after I refuse to give you back your sister? You're certainly interesting, unless, you plan to kill me right here?" You held your sword over your shoulder like a baseball bat, you had such a psychotic look in your eyes it actually bewildered Kazenikura. A change of attitude? Just a minute ago she was so.. formal. She's up to something, but I can't say I don't like it.

"Hmph, you're quite interesting yourself, but not to worry, I won't kill you. You've entirely captured my enthusiasm. If I didn't know any better, I'd say you're like myself." He sounded proud.

"Well, what can I say, I've never met someone so.. spontaneous. On a flip of a dime, your whole attitude changes." The tone in your voice went from a maniac to a seductive businesswoman. (Does that make any sense to you? I couldn't find the words to explain it) "Honestly, I'm very intrigued. I'd like to learn more about you."

"What would you like to know? I'd be willing to share."

"Is it really that easy? I'd thought you'd offer more of a price to get some information, especially since you're one of the Upper Ranking Kizuki."

"..." He was shocked that you said such a thing.

Is she saying she would like to pay a price? Why not just take the information I give you and be done with it? She's making me think too much. Does she think I would lie? I mean, I am pretty deceiving.

"You're quiet, it something bothering you? ... Am I bothering you?" You leaned your upper-body forward, making your eyes go small, trying to change your attitude.

Her aura... is completely different now! Something isn't right with her. What the hell?

He tried keeping his composure, forcing his creepy smile and trying to make it seem like he was the same as before. Even at these foolish attempts, you saw right through him. You could tell just from the way he was reacting, along with his body language. 

You yourself, however, are an excellent actress and could pull off any emotion you wanted to. It was how you fought. With any demon, you would attempt and succeed with pulling off some maniac act, and you had gotten quite talented at pulling it off. You would manipulate your opponents' thoughts, and predict their movements. You knew your way around a demon's mind, so you knew that they go through the same cycle. It made it that much easier for you to defeat a demon. Although, this was your first time against an Upper Kizuki, so you weren't sure if he would be smarter, but fortunately for you, he didn't seem that different from the rest.

He started sending up more spikes out of anger because of the feeling of losing control. You dodged them and used the same technique as before. "If you're going to put up such a playful facade, make sure you can keep it up no matter what!" Your smile bewildered him. He didn't know whether or not you were pulling an act yourself, or why or how you were able to keep such composure and not show any signs of breaking character.

~Giyū, a few moments earlier~

When Tomioka first noticed the skewers of earth rising up, he knew that one of the Twelve Kizuki was with you. I can't just rush over there when I have to protect this side! There are too many demons intruding over here, it's almost an unbearable amount for one person to attack. I have to stay on the defensive. Once I find an opening, I'll be sure to rush over there to help you L/N, I'll make sure you're alright.

~Present Giyū~

I finally found an opening, the number of demons has decreased and I don't see any more demons approaching. I think I'll be able to get to her, but regardless, I can't be positive there are no more demons. If what my crow said is accurate, I can't risk leaving this side, I have to assume there are more demons being summoned or something. Damnit! Damnit, L/N! Why did I start to care about you so much?! Why did you come and talk to me when no one else would? Damnit, this is the kind of mistake I've avoided for so long until you came around! Why were you so comfortable talking to me? Why did you talk to me like we've known each other for years and years?! Why did you make me feel so special? Like no one hates me?! Now, I have to make sure to protect you! I can't afford to lose you, I'll make sure we both get out of this alive, I'm not letting you die!

~Inseparable~   Giyū Tomioka x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now