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Pic: @/nrwngsa on Twitter

Chapter 12. | Giyū x Reader

<<Third-person Omniscient POV>>


Wow wow, I wasn't expecting Y/N-san and Tomioka-san to start dating. Shinobu prancing through the neighborhood, Mitsuri curious about her cheerful mood. They could've at least told me before I saw them cuddling. Well, that's that. Shinobu didn't realize, but Mitsuri was trying to catch up to her. "Shinobu-chan!"

Shinobu turned around. "Oh, well good evening Mitsuri-chan." Shinobu gave her a small wave. "Do you need something?"

Shinobu is so pretty when she gives off such an aura! "O-oh. Well yes, actually." Shinobu waited patiently. "You seem much more happy than usual, you're prancing like a horse. Would you mind telling me why?"

Shinobu was slightly taken aback but giggled when she thought of it. "You see.." She let a mischievous smile cross her face. "It seems to me that Tomioka-san and Y/N-san are dating." Mitsuri was surprised, but her shocked face turned into an expression of adore. "That is so cute! They would make such a great couple!" She closed her eyes, thinking about how cute they would be. "With Y/N's puppy-like personality, and Tomioka's stoic, strong, handsome one, it would be like opposites attract! I love that kind of relationship! Y/N has the personality of a golden retriever!" Mitsuri was swooning over the idea of Y/N being an affectionate partner and Tomioka being embarrassed. That would be so adorable!

"How did you find out?" Shinobu thought about it for a moment and smiled widely. "Follow me." Mitsuri got quite excited. Did she see them kiss? Were they cuddling together? Oh my goodness, cuteness overload!

Shinobu led her to her estate and motioned her to proceed quietly. Mitsuri nodded and followed Kocho to where the couple was sleeping. Y/N was sleeping soundly on Tomioka's chest while Tomioka had his arms wrapped around her waist. Mitsuri put her hands together. Y/N looks so happy to be with Tomioka! Just like a little puppy! She's so adorable with Tomioka at her side!

Y/N was smiling like a goof with her mouth in the form of a 'w'. Tomioka was sleeping on his back, comfortably holding Y/N. Y/N started to move around, which caused her to start slipping down the bed. Tomioka pulled her back up, except he flipped them over, now both on their sides. Mitsuri almost squealed out of excitement but she caught herself.

She quickly realized that she couldn't see their faces, so she ran over to take a sneak-peak. To her excitement, Tomioka was cradling the back of her head with one hand, while very lightly moving his hand up and down her back with the other. Mitsuri blushed. Y/N snuggled into Tomioka's chest and started to move her legs to push herself up more. In the process, she ended up intertwining their legs together, making the two of them even closer. Mitsuri couldn't hold back anymore and she silently squealed while holding her hands to her mouth.

She ran out the door with Shinobu. They walked out of her estate and Mitsuri started to swoon over the two. "They're so adorable!" She puffed her cheeks out. "I want something like that! It seems like a dream!" Obanai overheard and walked over nervously. "What's going on here?" Shinobu chuckled. Mitsuri blushed even more. Imagine cuddling with Obanai! Obanai, seeing her expression, started to blush himself.

Shinobu cleared her throat, causing the two lovebirds to look over at her. Obanai cursing her under his breath. "You see, Tomioka and Y/N are dating." Mitsuri nodded her head rapidly and turned to Obanai. "Imagine how cute they would be! Their wedding would be so beautiful! Imagine their future children!" Obanai sat in shock.

"Their love life is something I don't care about." Mitsuri frowned. "But just imagine!" She grabbed his hands and smiled at him. He turned away in embarrassment. Mitsuri giggled. She knew what she was doing.

. . .

Shinobu and Mitsuri went around sharing the news. One by one, everyone around the neighborhood knew. Even Tanjiro, Zenitsu, and Inosuke. Tanjiro was happy for Y/N and Tomioka, he wanted to go and congratulate them but he found out they were asleep. Zenitsu was overwhelmingly jealous. He whined. "WHAAAT?! YOU MEAN THE BEAUTIFUL Y/N HAS ALREADY BEEN TAKEN BY SOMEONE WHO'S HAIR LOOKS LIKE A RAT TAIL?! AAAAAHHHHH I DON'T BELIEVE YOU! I WANT TO SEE IT FOR MYSELF!" Tanjiro had to restrain Zenitsu from disturbing the two of you. Inosuke didn't really care, but after hearing Mitsuri's fantasies, he was enticed by the idea of a relationship. "That sounds like something I would want." He looked around aggressively. He ran throughout the neighborhood yelling at the top of his lungs. "HEY! SOMEONE! GIVE ME A RELATIONSHIP!" Tanjiro had to stop Inosuke from disturbing anyone else. He ended up apologizing for their behavior to the Hashira.

Out of all the Hashira, Rengoku and Uzui seemed the most interested. Muichiro wasn't very surprised. "Well, it makes sense, Y/N and Tomioka spent hours in the lunchroom talking. They were disturbing me a lot. Especially Y/N, she couldn't stop talking or laughing." He was looking up at the sky, ignoring everyone else around him. That made Mitsuri happy to hear.

Rengoku and Uzui wanted to check out the newfound couple for themselves. Shinobu took them to her estate, along with Mitsuri again, checking to see if the two were awake yet. "Hurry, I don't think they'll be asleep for much longer." They ushered themselves into the room, stuck in awe at the truth. "I'm happy for Tomioka! I never thought he'd end up in a relationship!" Rengoku smiled wider, but stayed at the entrance of the room. Uzui, on the other hand, wanted to take a closer look. "There's so much pizazz to this relationship! It really intrigues my interest!"

Uzui was being much too loud, and the other three Hashira tried to keep him quiet, but in the end, the both of you woke up. You looked up and saw Uzui really close to your face. You freaked out and fell off the bed, dragging Tomioka down with you. You banged your head on the floor. "Ow.. jeez." You failed in attempting to get up because of the ravenette on top of you. Your face turned a deep red, and you pushed his body off of yours and nuzzled his face into the nape of your neck.

You sat up and looked around the room. You saw four of the Hashira staring at you with wide grins. Your face turned a deeper shade of red. Tomioka was drowsy, being abruptly woken up. He glanced around the room, irritated that he was woken up. When he saw the other Hashira, he didn't seem to have an initial reaction. The first thing he did, though, was to grab you and put you back on the bed, and he plopped down on you. You were greatly shocked and even more flustered. He growled at the other Hashira. "Leave us alone, you disrupted us from our nap." The other Hashira giggled and slowly left the room.

You looked down at him. "T-Tomioka-" He cut you off. "Listen, if they know, the other's probably know too. If you want to get up, you're going to have to deal with them teasing you." He stopped for a moment. "I don't want to deal with that, and I want to stay here with you anyways."

You blushed even more. Your face was so hot it felt like it was going to explode. "They probably think we're dating now, too." Oh great. "What do you think?" You were confused. "What do you mean?"

He took his face away from your neck and looked at you. "What do you think of us dating?" You began to stutter. "W-what are you t-talking about?! We-we're not even dating!"

"That's why I asked." He looked at you. "Would you mind dating me?"

"Uhm.. uhh." You were exceedingly startled. "I.." You calmed down. "I would a-actually really like to d-date you." You looked away in embarrassment. "Then let me show you how I feel."

You looked at him, confused. That's when he locked your lips together. From the amount of shock, you didn't react. But after a second, you settled down and returned the kiss, closing your eyes.

Holy shit I can't believe I just did that.

He pulled away and left you staring into his deep blue eyes. You soon got lost in them. He, as well, got lost in your e/c eyes. After a moment, he put his face back into the nape of your neck. "I'm not very tired anymore, do you have any stories to tell?" He moved his hand up and started playing with your hair.

"O-oh." You smiled. "Sure! I'd love to tell you some more."

You ended up talking to each other for a few more hours.

~Inseparable~   Giyū Tomioka x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now