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Chapter 06. | Giyū x Reader

<<Third-person Omniscient POV>>

~You & Tomioka~

You hadn't slept, and neither did Tomioka. You were both on the lookout. It was the middle of the night, and yet you had seen no demons. Something isn't right, where are all the demons? Did they know we were coming? No, if they did they wouldn't hesitate in trying to kill us now. What the hell is going on here... Tomioka was getting uneasy. He then saw his crow flying over to him. "Your... bird?" You looked at him confused. 

"ONE OF THE TWELVE KIZUKI IS HERE! CAW! GATHERING MORE AND MORE DEMONS EACH NIGHT, ORDERS FROM MUZAN KIBUTSUJI! EVACUATE EVERYONE IMMEDIATELY!" That damn bird was so damn loud, and you weren't the only one who heard its message. Almost in an instant after the bird finished, everyone came running out of their homes in fear, along with multiple demons running out of the shadows. 

Shit! We need to get down there fast. Without thinking, your body just started moving you down the hill. "Hey, what the hell are you doing?!" 

Shit, if one of the Kizuki is here, everyone could be killed. He almost started running after you, but he caught himself. I can't just run down there like a fool. But I can't leave it to her to fight them all off. They already know we're here, I have to go help her. He ran down the hill as fast as he could without tripping.

Meanwhile, you were already down the hill killing demons left and right and leading the townspeople back into their homes, and protecting wandering children. Damn, how many demons have they gathered? This is excessive. Then it hit you. 

That's it! They're trying to get as many demon slayers they can down here to fend off all of the demons! Possibly kill some of the lower ranks on their journey here? They might be trying to lure the Hashira and kill them off!

Tomioka made it down the hill. "Tomioka! I think I have an idea about why they're gathering demons!" You didn't slow down your pace at all. Tomioka stayed silent, but you kept talking. "I think they're trying to get Hashira down here! I know that most of the upper-ranked Kizuki kill the Hashira half the time, while the lower ranks can't! I'm positive they know that, so I think they're trying to lure demon slayers down here and kill them!"

Nice to have someone like her working beside me. He smiled to himself. Suddenly, in the corner of your eye, you spot a little girl walking so innocently out of her house as if she was so ignorant to what was going on. She had such an innocent look of happiness on her face, she had no clue what was happening. You quickly took care of the demons in your way and got to the little girl, who was reaching out to a demon. 

What the hell is up with this girl? She's so happy. Why? You held her as you kept running through the crowd of demons and slaying as many as you could, trying to keep a low-profile. She almost managed to get out of your grip as she stretched her arms out to hug a demon. When you kept running and kept killing demons, she started wailing violently. All of the demons turned to you at once. 

Tomioka looked at all of the eager demons rushing to you, slobbering with drool, hoping for a meal. He urgently made his way over to help protect you and the girl. Damn, there are so many, and we're only on one side of town. I have to find a way to the other side to help the others, but I can't leave L/N with a wandering child. "Tomioka." You swung your sword with one arm, cradling the sobbing child in the other. "About what the crow said, do you think the Kizuki will show up?" 

You unbuttoned the top two buttons of your uniform and put the girl tucked in the back of it, this way you could use both arms and be sure she wouldn't get away from you. She was now wrapping her arms around your neck, holding onto you.

~Inseparable~   Giyū Tomioka x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now