Pic: @/hirotaxx112 on Twitter

Chapter 10. | Giyū x Reader

<<Third-person Omniscient POV>>

When all of the Hashira came to greet Tomioka and Masumi, they were all baffled. They all started spitting out questions. 

"You two aren't hurt? How?"

"Who's the girl with you?"

"Is she hurt?"

"Why are you carrying Y/N? She has no injuries, right?"

"Are you alright, Tomioka?"

"What happened?"

"Did any of you get hurt?"

"Was there an Upper Moon or a Lower Moon?"

"Did the Kizuki show up?"

"Did you kill all of the demons?"

"Did you evacuate the town?"

"Give us details!"

We were interrupted by a loud bird. "CAW! EVERYONE! THE MASTER OF THE ESTATE WISHES TO HOLD A MEETING! BRING EVERYONE INVOLVED WITH THE RECENT MISSION!" Everyone looked up to see Y/N's crow flying over their heads.

They all headed to the meeting grounds, and everyone was asking questions left and right. Y/N was sleeping peacefully through all of the commotion in Tomioka's arms. Masumi was clinging on tightly to Tomioka's leg. Mitsuri and Rengoku took the opportunity to try and get her to let go of him, but she refused. Every time they offered, she only gripped onto Tomioka tighter and tighter.

When they were walking through the neighborhood, Shinobu made an offer to Tomioka. "Tomioka-san, don't you think we should lay Y/N down? You shouldn't have to hold her during the whole meeting. Why not put her in my estate for now? She can rest and you can worry less." She smiled at him. He was hesitant at first, but he didn't want to have to hold Y/N or have the possibility of waking her up. He agreed and Shinobu announced, "We're going to lay Y/N down so she can rest, go on ahead!"

They got inside her estate and Tomioka found an empty bed for Y/N to sleep in. When he was lying her down, he realized how peaceful she looked. His muscles started to relax and he had the urge to lie down next to you. He completely forgot about everything else when he was staring at your sleeping face, he even forgot Shinobu was there, and instinctively kissed your forehead. He instantly stood up straight when he heard a quiet snicker from behind him. He swung around, covering his mouth, his face growing pink.

He quickly tucked a blanket over you, covering you completely. While he was doing this, Shinobu told Aoi to come and alert the others if Y/N awoke, or grab a Kakushi. Shinobu thought this would be a good time to ask Tomioka a few questions, but when she started talking, Tomioka just speed-walked right by her, ignoring her.

They were walking to the meeting grounds and took their seats. Masumi was being held by Mitsuri, who was sitting right next to Obanai, which he was shuffling closer to Mitsuri every second. Masumi ran over to Tomioka, much to Mitsuri's disappointment, Obanai comforted her and gave Masumi a death glare as she dug her head into Tomioka's arm.

"Welcome back my fellow slayers. It brings me so much joy and peace of mind that all of you have returned safely, especially you, Tomioka. I was told Y/N was put into the Butterfly Estate to rest." His voice put Masumi at ease and relaxed her nerves.

"It's nice to see you in good spirits today, Oyakata-sama. It warms my heart greatly." Mitsuri was extremely happy to be the one to greet the master. I finally got to welcome him! I'm so happy! She smiled so brightly Obanai couldn't look at her without blushing profusely.

"I have brought you all here to clear any confusion, and we are going to be doing that by asking Tomioka questions. I hope you don't mind."

"It's alright." Oh god there not going to stop talking.

~AUTHOR'S QUICK NOTE~ I'm not going to write out the whole meeting, I want to make this a fluff chapter. To give you the run-down Tomioka explained these topics:

* The Upper Moon Kizuki , who took him down (aka you) , and the demons ranking

* Masumi and what he knows about her

* What happened to you

* Details about the battle and what he remembers

Masumi also gave the following information:

* Her blood demon art

* Her backstory

* Details about her brother , herself , and what she knew about Kibutsuji (not much)

That is all :)

After the meeting was finished, Tomioka wanted to check on you. Right as he was about to begin marching, Masumi grabbed onto his pants and muttered. "Can I have candy now? I'm hungry." Mitsuri overheard. She is just the cutest little girl ever! "I have some candy at my resident. Would you like to come with me, young lady?" She reluctantly agreed. Obanai was not happy about this, knowing she was a demon, but Mitsuri convinced him otherwise. 

The three continued to Mitsuri's estate.

Tomioka ran swiftly to the Butterfly Estate. When he entered the room you were in, he saw Shinobu and Aoi checking for any small wounds or injuries. "The girl was right, she fully healed Y/N. It's a relief she wasn't lying." Shinobu stood up. "She seems to really appreciate Y/N and what she did for her, I guess she could repay her by healing the two of you. I can't blame her, Y/N is a truly kind woman."

She walked up to Tomioka. "Would you like to sleep as well, Tomioka? Despite the energy you might've gotten from the healing process, you must be exhausted."

Shinobu ushered Tomioka to sit on a nearby bed. As soon as he sat down, a wave of exhaustion whacked him in the face. He didn't realize how exhausted he was. He fell asleep instantly.

. . . 

After about two hours, you woke up. You sat up slowly and scoped out your surroundings. I'm back at the Butterfly Estate. Tomioka must've brought me here. You heard soft breathing to your left. You looked over to find a sleeping ravenette. You giggled. He looks so comfy. What if I just.. You quietly took your covers off and snuggled into bed with Giyū. He's so warm. You couldn't help but let a wide smile cross your face. You nuzzled your head into his chest and under his chin.

Unconsciously, Tomioka wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you closer. He then placed one of his hands on your head, now you were touching noses. Your face heated up and you smiled like a goof. You kissed his nose and let yourself fall asleep in his embrace.

. . . 

Tomioka woke up before you and noticed how close you were. He was startled but tried not to make any movements as he didn't want to wake you. He blushed extensively. He lightly lifted his head to look around. He wasn't wearing his haori. Instead, it was covering the two of you, acting as a second blanket. He settled his head back to its original spot, and he let himself fall into the embrace of your warmth. Quickly, Tomioka felt his eyelids failing him. Your presence put him back to a deep slumber. You two stayed like that for the rest of the day.

~Inseparable~   Giyū Tomioka x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now