Kazenikura's Past & Shinimi's Blood Demon Art

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Pic: @/_natyjs on Twitter

~AUTHOR'S QUICK NOTE~ I wanted to include this just because I will be referencing it in future chapters. Feel free to skip it, but it'll cost ya. I'll have the next part up either tomorrow or the next day :)

<<Kazenikura's past>>

~A century ago~

"Keiji!" My mother was calling for me from downstairs. "Please come down and help us set the table for supper!"

"I'll be down there in five minutes!" I started to organize my room since I knew I wouldn't have time to afterward. My father always wanted my room clean before we got together to eat. "Cleaning your room?" My father joked. "Yep!" I shouted, I could tell he was happy to hear that.

After about five minutes, I was finally ready to head downstairs. "I'm coming!" I announced. When I got down there, I saw everyone was still and quiet. "What's wrong?" I was confused until my mother pointed to the door. I saw a demon, but he looked human for the most part. He had blood-red eyes and extremely pale skin. I soon was as pale as the man when I saw him. 

He looked at me and started shuffling towards me. My father immediately stepped in his way. "Don't come any closer to my family! I want you to leave before I use force!" My sister, Masumi, looked terrified as she stepped in between my father and the demon. "Y-yeah! Pl-please leave a-and do-don't come b-back! Ever!" That's how she developed her stuttering problem. From that one night.

The demon kneeled to my sister's height, she was about five at the time so she was pretty short. "I don't want to have to hurt a little girl like yourself, so please move, I have some business with your brother." I fell on my bottom, terrified. "I would like him to join me." I was extremely confused. I was thinking - J-join him?! With what? What for? I don't want to! I'm too scared to go with a demon. - He stood up and looked at me. "Don't be scared. You'll be safe with me, safer than you are here." He began moving forward again, pushing my father and sister aside. They couldn't move, he did something to them. He crouched to look me eye-to-eye. 

"Don't you want to get revenge for what your family did to you? Forcing you to move away from your friends and not being able to see the rest of your family regularly. They don't even treat you well. You return the favor if you take my hand." He held his hand out to me. 

The deal sounded great in my little head. My little, ignorant fourteen-year-old head. That was my first mistake. Little did I know, that the next night, after agreeing to his deal, I would devour my parents. My sister was nowhere to be found, I assumed she ran off. I went on with the rest of my new life terrorizing innocent civilians using my blood demon art. My blood demon art was based on my profound regret and sorrow that was as deep as the earth's core, which developed me using earth as I pleased. I felt great guilt, but I soon built up a solid facade that helped me cope with the guilt. After a decade of this, I found out why my parents made us move away from friends and family. It was to protect us. My cousins were insane, planning to kidnap me, and my friends were going to be used as bait to lure me in and kill me. I found out that what my parents did was for my sake, and I couldn't live with myself after that. That's why I set out to find my sister, and convert her to my demon state. It took me so long to find her, she lead me on a chase throughout Japan. When I found her, it was about nine decades later, and she was already converted to a demon. I took her with me and forced her to help me with my plans of killing humans for our sake. When I learned that she didn't have the hunger, I used that to my advantage. I cast a spell that in a human's eyes, she would appear to be a little girl about five years old. She looked like a human and didn't have the same hunger I did, so she helped me lure and eat human after human. This went on for a decade until the woman, Y/N I think her name was, defeated me, and let me relinquish this guilt that had built up after so many decades. I felt peace and sorrow and regret, I wanted to be with my family again and apologize to Masumi, who I called Shinimi to scare others. This woman let me do that. I'm indebted to her, and I can't thank her enough. All I hope is that she can take care of Masumi, and assist her in any way she can to help her reach her dreams. I wish the best for her, and I will be watching over her with the rest of our family. Goodnight.

<<Masumi's blood demon art>>

Masumi can control blood. Since the beginning, she has always wanted to help people and heal their wounds, which helped her develop her blood demon art. Since she always was dealing with deep wounds that lead to outstanding blood loss, she was able to control her blood and the blood of others, if she touched it in some shape or form. Masumi disperses blood from her body as she pleases, and can create things using her blood. But, the blood does not just shoot out, it is connected to her by a line of blood, keeping her tied to it at all times. If this bond breaks, the blood will drop to the floor and Masumi won't be able to control it anymore. If she touches it, she will be able to restore her blood and put it back into her body.

She can also do this with others' blood, except she has to be touching the human or their blood at all times, so there as to be a bond of blood latching onto the human and Masumi, attaching the two. If a human has lost blood, Masumi can locate the lost blood by touching the blood from the wound. When she touches it, all of that human's blood will shine, and it will show where the blood is from, or which human it originates from. She can control the blood and direct its way back to the person. 

Masumi's saliva plays a significant role in the healing process. If she heals a person just by restoring/using their blood, the scar will no longer be there, but the pain and lasting effects will stay and recover as quickly as they would if she didn't heal them. Sometimes this can lead to tremendous pain and the person dying just from the pain alone.

Masumi's saliva has unique and special properties. When she uses her saliva on a wound, she can track down lost blood and she can restore it. Her saliva will rid of any pain and lasting effects, it will heal immediately right at that moment. Depending on how severe the wound is, her energy will be affected accordingly.


That is all of the information that I felt was needed to understand these two siblings. If you have any questions about anything, feel free to post a question! I will reply as fast as I can. I will enjoy answering questions! If you have a question, make sure no one else has that same question or has posted it. I will post the next part either tomorrow or the next day!

Put comments/questions right here!

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