The Most Beautiful Sunrise

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After having dinner and returning to their respective rooms, Moonbyul twisted and turned in her bed. I wonder if she's asleep. She sat up and ruffled her hair. What should I do? I miss her already. She placed her hands on her hips and wandered around her room. I want to talk to her. Before she knew it, she was already standing in front of Solar's bedroom door. She raised her hand to knock but hesitated, what if she's sleeping?

Solar lay on her bed, feeling conflicted as she thought about their evening together. It feels nice to spend time with her again. She squeezed her pillow as she planted her face in it. I know we should keep our distance, but I want to see her. Is it selfish of me to want that? She sat up and rubbed her temple. I should go get some air.

When Solar opened her door and saw a dark silhouette standing on the other side, her face turned pale. G-g-ghost! "AHHH!!!!" she screamed and slammed the door shut. She jumped on her bed and hid under her blanket. Don't come in here. Don't come in here. Don't come in here. She clasped her hands together and prayed.

Moonbyul was surprised and happy when Solar opened the door, but Solar's sudden scream startled her before she could give her greeting. What the heck? Why did she scream? She knocked on the door and asked, "A-are you okay?" Solar didn't respond so she let herself in.

Hearing the knocking on the door, Solar blocked her ears and chanted, "Please, go away. Please, go away. Please, go away." When she heard the door open, she prayed even harder. It's in my room! Why is this happening to me!? She was bawling on the inside.

Upon entering the room, Moonbyul saw a circular bundle quaking on the bed. Is she okay? She quickly made her approach and placed her hand on Solar's back. "What's wrong?" she asked concernedly.

"AHHH!!!" Solar jumped back and wailed.

"W-what's wrong?" She was taken aback. "Do you not feel well?"

It took Solar a second to realize who was sitting in front of her. "Byul ah?" She peeked out from under her blanket.


"Byul ahhh!" She hugged Moonbyul and sobbed.

She embraced Solar. "W-what's wrong?"

"I thought you were a ghosttttt!!!"

She's so adorable! Moonbyul laughed at Solar's answer. "Still scared, huh?"

Solar separated herself from Moonbyul and playfully slapped Moonbyul's arm. "Still mean, huh?"

"Ow~, said the person who just slapped me."

"What?" Solar furrowed her brow and pouted.

She smiled sweetly and dried Solar's tears. "I said you're beautiful," she whispered.

"You're still the same. Always teasing me."

"I'm not." She tucked Solar's hair behind her ear. "I mean it."

Solar smiled and met Moonbyul's gaze. "You couldn't sleep either?"

She nodded, "mhm."

"What were you doing in front of my door?"

Moonbyul scratched the back of her head and smiled nervously. "I was going to watch the sunrise. I wanted to ask you to join me, but I didn't know if you were awake. I was wondering if I should knock on your door when you opened it and screamed."

"What did you expect? Surprising me in the dark like that? My heart is still pounding."

"Let me hear it." She pulled Solar closer and pressed her ear against Solar's chest.

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