Farewell (The Past Chapter 5)

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The Past Part 5 [This chapter contains no scene from the Present Timeline]


It had been two days since Moonbyul left. Solar's calls had been going straight to voicemail since last night. She still has her phone off. Solar grabbed her bag and went to find Moonbyul. She knew exactly where, there was only one place Moonbyul would go when she wanted to be alone.

Moonbyul was lying on the bed, staring soullessly at the sky. She sighed constantly as she traced the word Solar with her finger. Once in a while, her tears would escape. She didn't bother to wipe them off, instead opted to continue her endless ritual. It wasn't long before someone came knocking on her door. As though she instinctively knew who it was, she sat up immediately and looked in its direction.

"Byul ah, can you open the door?"

She heard Solar's voice and ran to the door, but stopped herself before she could open it. I must remember why I'm doing this. She leaned on the nearby wall and closed her eyes.

"Byul ah, I know you're in there."

"Go away!"

"Can't we talk about it?"

"There's nothing to talk about!"

"Byul ah, please, I really want to talk to you."

Solar's plea fell on deaf ears. She sat down and rested her head against the door, tears fell as she spoke.

"Byul ah, I don't know where we went wrong. I don't know how we got to this point, but I don't want to give up. Not when you still mean so much to me. Please, say you feel the same way. Can't we try again? I know we can do better. We can, as long as we're together. Please, say something."

No matter how much Solar pleaded, Moonbyul refused to talk. Moonbyul sat on the other side and listened to Solar's every word, covering her mouth as she silently cried. The night had fallen and the winter air chilled Solar to the bones, bringing shivers down her spine. She hugged her legs and rested her head on her knees. She waited until morning but Moonbyul still hadn't budged.

"I ordered food." She knocked but it was ignored. "Please, let me see you. Even a second is enough. I miss you, Byul ah." She waited but there was no response. "I understand. I'll leave now. Please, eat something."

Moonbyul rested her head on the door and thought about what Solar had said. She wanted to give comfort to Solar and it hurt her deeply that she had to restrain herself. Why won't you give up? She closed her eyes and sighed. Please, I don't want to hurt you anymore.

Solar came back later that evening, but the outcome was still the same. Moonbyul refused to see her or talk to her. In the end, she had no choice but to leave without accomplishing either.


It was late-afternoon on the fourth day when she came to visit Moonbyul again. She was happy when the door opened after the first few knocks. Her burst of excitement was shattered however, when the person on the other side was someone unexpected.

"Who are you?" Solar questioned instinctively, perplexed by the situation.

The woman was taken aback. "And who are you?" She raised an eyebrow.

Solar quickly examined the woman, who was barely clothed. "Are you here alone?" She was hesitant to ask.

"You're asking quite personal—Oh, you must be Solar," she spoke and clasped her hands together as if she was expecting Solar's arrival.

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