The Painful Decision (The Past Chapter 4)

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The Past Part 4 [This chapter contains no scene from the Present Timeline]


It was the weekend, Moonbyul tried to surprise Solar with breakfast, but the plate slipped out of her hands and shattered, waking Solar from her sleep. Moonbyul was angry with herself. Why am I so useless? She kicked the wall.

Solar jumped out of bed and rushed to the kitchen. "What happened? Are you alright?"

Moonbyul was fuming, so she didn't reply.

Solar noticed the mess on the floor and assured Moonbyul, "Don't worry, I'll clean it up."

"Don't touch that."

As Solar got down to pick up the pieces, Moonbyul pulled her away, causing her to cut her finger. Moonbyul hated herself for hurting Solar. She was worried, wanting to check the wound immediately but decided to act indifferent.

"That's why I said not to touch it," she spoke harshly.

"I'm just trying to help you."

"I don't need your help."

Solar sighed, wanting to start her day without a fight. "Byul ah, what's going on?"

"Do you think I'm useless?"

"You know my answer."

"Do I?"

"Byul ah, can we please not do this right now?"

"Is it hard dealing with someone like me?"

"You know that's not what I mean."

"I know exactly what you mean!" She stormed off.

"Byul ah! MOONBYUL!"

Moonbyul ignored Solar's scream and slammed the door behind her. I'm sorry. She wiped her tears and ran. There was no destination in mind, she kept running until she was exhausted. She slumped on a bench and buried her face into her hands.

She didn't know how long she'd spent sitting at the park, which was barren compared to the adjacent street. All she knew was when she looked up, the sky was beginning to change from blue to orange. She slowly wandered home. I wonder how she's doing? She thought about Solar's wound, which was caused by her carelessness. She cursed herself under her breath.

When she reached her apartment, she placed her forehead on the door and sighed. She hesitated to enter. How am I supposed to face her? I know she'll forgive me, but I don't deserve it. Moonbyul took a deep breath and opened the door, hoping to see Solar on the other side. There was only emptiness to be found within. She called out but received no response.

An overwhelming dread welled up within her. Did she leave? The keys slipped out of her hand as she ran to the bedroom closet. She felt relieved when she saw that Solar's clothes were still there. What am I doing? She dropped onto the bed and held her head. Didn't I say I'll let her go? What's wrong with me? She punched the bed. I want to hear her voice. She picked up her phone, her tears dripped onto the screen. What am I supposed to say to her? In the end, she decided against calling Solar.

It was dark when she heard knocking on the door. Did she forget her keys? Moonbyul happily ran to get it, excited she'd get to see Solar again, wanting to feel the warmth in Solar's embrace. As she reached for the door handle, the familiar voice on the other side made her stop. She dropped her hand and let out a long, sad sigh.

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