Chapter 22 **An Old Friend

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"I'm gonna kill him!" Eric said trying to climb out of the car behind Kelsie.

Kelsie stopped and put her hand on his arm looking directly in his eyes. "No. I'm going alone. Let Tom take you to your jeep and then come get me. I'll be done by then."

No one in the car liked that plan, but the determined look in Kelsie's eyes made them all let her go. Then Tom turned around to get out of the slow strip traffic so Eric could get back to her quickly.

Since Kelsie had walked up from behind, Darren didn't see her, but she heard him. She leaned against the back bumper just a few feet from him as he said,
"Baby, I can't be doing this. I have a girlfriend and I love 'er"

Kelsie said, "I can take care of that for you sweet cheeks." Smiling as she walked up to him and planted a kiss on his nose. "I can make it so you're free as a bird"

"KELSIE!!!!" Darren looked either sick or scared. Kelsie decided it was likely a bit of both. "It's not what you think Kelsie baby!!! She kissed me before I realized and I was pushing her off! I swear!! This is not my fault!! I swear!!"

"Now would be a great time for you NOT to call me 'Baby'". Kelsie said then she turned to see the girl he had been kissing and gasp.

"April?" Kelsie's voice was barely a whisper as she sat slowly on the bumper of the car and gulped for breath praying that she didn't throw up.

"Kelsie?" This was the voice of April. The girl who had been Kelsie's best friend all through elementary school and most of Jr high. They had practically lived together, Splitting their time between the two houses. April had moved away the week after the end of eighth grade.

Now she was back and making out with Kelsie's boyfriend.

"I didn't know he was your boyfriend Kelsie." April was saying. "I knew he had a girlfriend, but I heard she was a bitch."

"Excuse me." Kelsie said and went inside the video store to find a restroom. She knew she wouldn't make it much longer.

As Kelsie was brushing her teeth April came in. "Darren is crying. I see you still throw up when you get upset."

"I'm not upset." Kelsie sighed. "I just throw up a lot now." Then she headed outside before Eric got there and killed Darren.

When Kelsie got back, Darren was being comforted by a group of girls.

"She's not worth your tears Darren." Said one

"She's the one who spent the day with another guy." Said another.

The third caused Kelsie to laugh when she said, "She doesn't deserve you Darren."

"You know it's funny,". Kelsie said walking through the group of girls, "my friends all say the exact same thing."

Then she looked at Darren. "I really don't deserve you, do I Darren?"

Before Darren could answer Eric walked up and Kelsie smiled sweetly at him and said, "Eric, I had Tom drop me off here, but Darren is incredibly busy so could you take me home?"

She turned to Darren and said "I'll see you tomorrow for dinner. Your momma is making me a chocolate cake you know!" Then, just before she was too far for them to hear, she turned back to the stunned group and said, "it was good seeing you April."

"What are you doing Kelsie?" Eric ask when they were in his jeep.

"I'm just giving him the shovel." Kelsie said with a sigh. "He wasn't ready to break up yet. I don't want out bad enough to fight him yet. You had perfect timing as always. Thank you." Kelsie leaned up and kissed his cheek.

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