Chapter 27**A New Beginning

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When Kelsie got to school Friday morning the two rings that had been on her left hand since she had started high school were gone. In the place of the promise ring was the diamond that had previously been worn by Darren.

Her parents had given her the ring for her eighth birthday and Kelsie had never taken it off, until the day she handed it to Darren. She was happy to have it back. She had intentionally left the finger the class ring had been on empty.  The skin where the class ring has been was raw and chaffed.  A sad reminder that there had once been something there.

Her friends noticed quickly that the rings were gone so Kelsie told them the news, hoping that the breakup gossip would spread and move on fast.

"He seriously broke up with you in a phone call?" Kelly said

"With a girl talking in the back ground?" Ed said

"And Eric let him live?" Kimmi said

And Kelsie laughed and said, "Eric wanted to kill him, but I didn't see any point. I'm not upset. I didn't even get sick. It's OK. Really."

After the others had walked away Hope came over. Hope dated Bobby, Scott's next door neighbor, and Bobby drove her to school everyday.

"Scott said to give this to you." She said, handing Kelsie a folded piece of notebook paper. Then added "Why is Scott sending you notes?"

"Oh! We're friends!" Kelsie said. "He was standing at the next phone when everything happened so he ended up hearing it all."

Kelsie opened the note when she was safely in first period. Typical of Scott, it was short and to the point.

Hey Sweetie!
I was afraid that you'd be nervous or sad or something today so I made Bobby pass you this note. Don't worry about the talk. Keep your head up and ignore the stupid people. I'll talk to you tonight. It'll be alright. I promise.
Hugs and stuff,

Kelsie thought it was probably the sweetest note she'd ever gotten. She quickly sat down and wrote a reply. Telling him she was fine because she had amazing friends like him. She would pass it to Hope before she left today.

Before fifth period Cody Black stopped Kelsie in the hall and said, "I heard you and your boyfriend broke up."

"Yeah". Kelsie smiled at him. "we broke up Wednesday."

"Umm have you thought about dating yet?" He ask.

"Sure!" Kelsie said with a grin

They agreed that Cody would pick Kelsie up at seven Saturday night.

When Tiffany got to work Friday night she was all smiles. "I missed you last night!" She said. "This place is just too quiet when you're off!"

"I ended up getting back early enough. I should have come in!" Kelsie said, "but I had already taken off so I just took care of a bunch of other stuff, like giving back Darren's ring and keeping Eric from killing Darren!"

"You gave back the ring?" Tiffany asked sounding shocked. So Kelsie told Tiffany all about the phone breakup and sending Eric to swap rings and hanging out with Eric's mom while he handled it.

"So you haven't heard from Dar since you got back?" Tiffany asked as she boxed cookies for a to go order.

"Oh he called last night." Kelsie said, "he wanted to come over and talk about the break up. I told him there was nothing to talk about. He's an ass. It's over. I can do better. I'm done."

"He called you last night?" Tiffany asked.

"Yeah." Kelsie said. "I think it bugs him that I didn't cry. He wanted tears and begging and instead, he got a very angry Eric."

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