Chapter 31**Do bad boys hate kissing?

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On Thursday night Eric visited the cookie shop.
"Hey Baby Girl!" He said as he came in, "I need a dozen Snicker Doodles." Then he added as she was boxing them, "are you coming out with me tomorrow night?"

"Ummm I actually have a date tomorrow night." Kelsie said a bit uneasily. She'd been putting off telling Eric about Scott.

"Oh?" Eric's eyebrows shot up. "Well that's good. Who's the guy? Do I need to check him out?"

"It's ummm Scott Bruner." Kelsie stammered, "we've ummm actually already been out a few times."

"Oh that guy!" Eric said with a smile that made Kelsie confused. "So he finally got the balls to do something?"

"Well no. He hasn't DONE anything." Kelsie said, feeling a little pouty, "but we have been having fun."

"So he's not tried to do anything?" Eric ask grinning.

"Nope." Kelsie said trying to look as of she didn't care. "Not even a kiss."

"He's scared of ya." Eric said and Kelsie laughed until she looked up and realized he was serious.

"And why would he be scared of me?" Kelsie ask, completely mystified.

"I'm not sure about that part, but I noticed it in the jeep." Eric said and Kelsie tried to remember anything Scott might have done, but couldn't. "He wants to touch you. I can tell by the way he looks at you, but it's like he's scared you'll break, or maybe he's scared you'll electrocute him or something. I'm not sure."

"I think you're reading too much into it Eric." Kelsie said. "I'm not sure what's going on with him, but he seems to consider me the same way you do."

"Ohh no Baby Girl!!" Eric said. "That boy does not look at you like a brother."

Kelsie laughed and gave him a quick hug goodbye.

Friday night Scott met Kelsie at the shop again. "Two weekends in a row?" Tiffany ask raising her eyebrows.

"Yeah." Kelsie said, trying not to be nervous. "Tonight I'm meeting his friends."

"Oh gosh!" Tiffany said, "good luck!"

When Kelsie climbed into the truck there was a fountain drink in the console.

"That's cherry sprite." Scott said pointing to the cup. "There will be drinking at this party."

"I can drive if you want." Kelsie said, afraid that he might be planning to drink. " We can get my car instead."

"I don't drink." Scott said cutting his eyes at her. "It's OK though. I ate sugar today so they'll all think I'm drunk, but I never drink."

"Oh OK!" Kelsie said not able to keep the relief out of her voice.

"Were you scared?" Scott ask. "You don't have to be scared. They're all good guys and I would never get so messed up that I couldn't take care of you. Even if I did drink."

"Do you miss smoking?" Kelsie ask suddenly. "I mean smoking umm pot."

"Not right now." Scott said. "I'm not gonna lie though. When I first came back I did. There have been a couple of times when I would have liked to have a joint, but not in the last week." He patted Kelsie's knee. "I've had better stuff to think about."

"Was that a line?" Kelsie ask. Scott just laughed and shook his head.

When they got to the party most of Scott's friends had already arrived. Kelsie was glad to see Hope and Kimmi were there. Then someone picked her up and twirled her around. She turned to see Myles. "I had a feeling y'all would end up together" he said smiling down at her.

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