Chapter 7** Naked Twister

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"Stop laughing!! I was miserable!!" Kelsie said, laughing pretty hard herself. She'd called Scott as soon as she finished her Saturday morning shift at the cookie shop and somehow while talking to Scott all the stress and drama of the night before had become funny.

"Well, I'm sorry Sweetie,"  Scott said, trying to catch his breath, "but that shit could only happen to you."

"That's not true!!" Kelsie said still laughing

"Yeah. It is," Scott said suddenly sounding serious, "any other girl would have told them all to fuck off from the start. Especially that Bridget. You have to learn how to do that."

Kelsie was taken aback by the concern in his voice, "if I start doing that, won't people hate me?"

"Nothing wrong with a little hate!" Scott said cheerfully, "love or hate, they're still thinking about you. You should have left all those idiots and hung out with us!"

"You and your harem?" Kelsie chuckled. "No thank you!"

"Harem?" Scott said sounded offended, "those were my dear friends!!"

"Really?" Kelsie ask, "what were their names?"

The phone remained silent for several seconds before Scott started to laugh and said, "oh. That's probably important huh?"

Kelsie laughed and then after a thought said, "I don't know. Being part of your harem might be good. Those girls know where they stand and they just want fun. I could use some fun."

"Oh no!!" Scott said sounding appalled. "You aren't that girl! My grandpa always said there were two kinds of girls. The kind you screw and the kind you marry and you better not mix them up!" Scott's voice softened as he remembered his beloved grandfather who had passed the year before. "You're the marrying kind Kelsie."

"Well crap!" Kelsie said trying to get back to their light mood. "What if I don't want to get married?"

"You will."  Scott said sounding sure. "You'll get married and have a house full of little Kelsie clones, but since you're all mixed up right now, you can't see past the bull shit"

"So does that count for guys too?" Kelsie ask, really interested. "Are there marrying guys and screwing guys?"

Scott laughed so loud that Kelsie had to hold the phone away. "I think pretty much there are just horny guys." He said chuckling.

"So that's why they all cheat?" Kelsie ask with an ache in her chest.

"No!"  Scott said, completely serious now. "Not all guys cheat. I don't cheat. When I have a girlfriend, she is the only girl I mess with. Period. I have never cheated on a girl that I told was my girlfriend." Then a little sheepishly Scott added, "it's not my fault that some misunderstand a good time in a tent as a commitment"

"Ya know Scott, you may actually be a good guy." Kelsie said thoughtfully "when your not being a crazy horn dog"

"Well you're an amazing girl when you aren't being a doormat!" Scott said, a grin in his voice.

"I don't think I want to be in your harem though." Kelsie giggled, "or your tent"

"Well good, because I'm staying as far away from that soap opera you've got going on as I can get!" Scott exclaimed

"So we'll just be friends?" Kelsie ask cautiously.

"Best friends, Babe!" Scott said and then added with confidence, "at least until you fall in love with me and forget Crackerhead's name!"

"I think the fall would kill me!" Kelsie laughed, and then she thanked Scott for raising her spirits and went to her closet to find something to wear to tonight's party.

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