Strong boi Steven

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Steve was in the crowded hot kitchen trying to get two more beers for himself and Billy when he hears shouting and it was weird because the shouting could be heard over the loud booming music. 

Steve leaves the kitchen again by shimming by a drunk couple making out on the counter, when he enters the main room the music is barley heard and there is a crowd also the shouting sounded familiar well one of the guys voices. 

Steve tries to push through and see what's going on when he spots Robin and Heather.

"Yo guy's what's up?" Steve says.

"Nothing I would ask you to hang out but you've got your hands tied" Robin smirks.

"Nah just getting beers for me and Bill" Steve says holding up the cans, "speaking of Billy where is he?"

"He's in the crowd" Heather answers.

"Huh he's more of the type to have the fight not watch them" Steve thinks.

"No dingus Billy is the one shouting" Heather snorts.


"Billy got in a fight with this guy coz he spilt beer on him" Robin explains.

"I leave for a few seconds" Steve huffs.

"Dingus you better get over there before it gets physical" Robin says.

"Yeah i'm going but here's a beer" Steve says throwing a beer can to Robin which she catches.

"Uh thanks but why?"

"Because me and Billy are leaving"

Steve pushes  through the crowd of disgustingly sweaty people.

"Move the fuck out of my way please" Steve says as he pushes through and then final gets to the centre.

"The fuck is your problem you spilt your fucking drink on me asshole" Billy says.

"Boo hoo stop being a fucking baby " the drunk guy says his words a bit slurred.

"Bills lets go" Steve says announcing his presence.

"Aww is that your girlfriend" 

"Fuck off and Steve i'm not leaving until he fucking apologises" Billy snaps.

Steve sighs then walking up to the drunk and giving him the other can of beer then turning to Billy and lifting him up over his shoulder.

"Move the fuck out of the way" Steve says.

If you ask Billy the most embarrassing thing that's happened to him, it was when Steve Harrington threw him over his shoulder like he weighed nothing and walked out  of a party until they got to the car. 

Robin and Heather always tease him about it when they got to parties.

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