He has game

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"Come on Mike just ask Steve" Dustin huffs out.

"No way" Mike snaps.

"Dude he's like the ultimate lady killer and charmer he helped me with Max" Lucas shrugs.

"Yeah but that Max, she's not El and besides Steve is not a lady killer"

"Yes he is!" Dustin jumps up.

"I'd have to agree with Dustin, Steve's popularity didn't just come from being rich" Eddie chimes in, leaning back in his chair Will's note book in hand.

"I thought you hated him" Mike glares.

"I don't hate him, Harrington has come a long way and you guys wouldn't stop talking about him" Eddie shrugs then turns to Will handing him his notebook, "this is a good campaign so far, I'll have to give you a few tips"

"Thanks Eddie, and Mike just ask Steve. Eddie is right plus Steve has experience" Will smiles.

"Ugh not you too I bet the whole lady-killer thing is all for show like he hasn't had a girlfriend in like forever especially after Nancy dumped him" Mike smirks.

"He doesn't have to date people to have game, he gives amazing relationship tips regardless" Dustin is not letting Mike win this.


"Mike you're saying Dustin was able to hang onto his girlfriend for this long" Eddie smirks.

"Exactly I- Hey! What's that supposed to mean?" Dustin glares at Eddie.

"Maybe Dustin asked someone else someone who isn't Steve, because Steve Harrington doesn't have game I bet he's not even a good kisser and I'll even ask Nancy" Mike is so smug.

"You don't have to ask Nancy, he is a great kisser" Eddie says absent mindedly whilst taking notes.

Silence. Everyone is looking at Eddie he doesn't realise until he looks up.

"What?" Eddie raises an eyebrow.

"How do you know Steve is a good kisser?"

Eddie is red as a tomato.

"I- uh I mean-"

"Eddie I've come to collect the gremlins" Steve says whilst walking into the trailer.

"Steve I'm sorry" Eddie mumbles hair over his face.


"YOU'RE FUCKING MY DM!" Mike shouts.

There's a pause.

Lucas is laughing.

"Mike language"

"See Mike, Steve has game" Dustin smirks.

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