Spare key

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Steve had a spare key under the mat and once you use the key you bring it in the house with you and put it back once you leave, these were Steve's rules but what he didn't know was somebody named Dustin Henderson made a spare.

"Are sure we should be here Dustin?" Will asked worried.

"It's Steve were talking about he said we can come over whenever" Dustin reassured his friend.

"It doesn't matter just get the key already" Mike said rolling his eyes.

Dustin looked under mat.


"What's weird?" Max asked.

"The keys not there"

"Great" Mike said sarcastically.

"Don't worry guys I have a spare"

"Wait Dustin you have a spare?" Lucas asks confused.

"Yeah why?"

"Does Steve know?" Max asks.


"So you're telling me you're telling me you made a spare key of a spare key and Steve doesn't know" Lucas says.

"Uh yeah" Dustin nods.

"That's not legal" Max says.

"So" Dustin says unlocking the door and opening it.

They entered the house the first thing that was heard is jazz music coming from the kitchen and there is a sweet smell of pancakes.

"Who makes pancakes at 8pm?" Mike asks.

"Uh Steve Harrington" Max smirks.

The kids snickered then putting their bags down next to the couch.

"We should probaly tell Steve we're here" Will suggest.

"Yeah" Dustin agrees.

They go to the kitchen, the romantic jazz music becoming louder they then made the turn into the kitchen to see Steve and Billy hugging each other swaying to the music, Billy in his just his boxers and Steve in a grey hoodie and also in his boxers. 

Max wasn't still in shock so she took a perfectly made pancake and threw it at Billy making a smack.

"The fuck?!" Billy shouted confused, parting from Steve.

Steve looked over to where the pancake came from and so the party.

"Why are you guys here?"

"Looking for you" Will says.

"How'd you get in?" Billy asks now, "because i'm pretty sure I brought the spare key inside"

"Dustin made a spare key of your spare key" Lucas said quickly.

"Lucas!" Dustin shouted.

"Are you serious" Steve said pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Why are you with him?" Max asks pointing at Billy.

"Why'd you say it like that?" Billy glares at her.

"Because you're an asshole"

"Stop fighting" Steve says, "he's here because he's my boyfriend"

"Hargrove's your boyfriend?" Lucas asks.

"Yeah I am and we just had some extremely steamy sex" Billy smirks.


"And I don't mind doing it in the kitchen right now"

The party ran out of the house taking there bags with him and rode there bikes home leaving Steve and Billy laughing.

"Well that's what Dustin gets for making a spare key" Steve chuckled.

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