Dad Hopper 2

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"Harrington open up!"

It is currently 9am and Hopper is pounding on Harrington home door. Steve groans and rolls over and reaches for the walkie talkie, Dustin gave him on Christmas.

"The door is open, over" Steve said tiredly.

Steve hears the door being opened then closed and boots coming up the stairs until they stop at his door and there's a knock.

"Are you decent?" Hopper asks.

"Is laying in bed naked decent?" Steve smiles.


"I'm joking I have boxers on come in"

Hopper opens the door to see Steve still in bed.

"So what do u need Chief?" Steve asks sitting up against the headboard.

"You disappeared last night, the kids are worried" Hopper answers.

"Oh yeah" Steve says running a hand through his messy hair.

"Why'd you leave?"

"I uh had something to take care of" Steve said awkwardly.

Hopper raised an eyebrow.

"But it's fine, now sorry for leaving"

Hopper nodded he was about to leave when he heard a groan and saw someone else shuffling in the sheets, then person wiggled closer to Steve took his hand and kissed it making Steve blush a little.

"Good morning pretty boy"

"Good morning Hargrove" Hopper says making Billy's head whip round to Hopper standing by the door.

"H-hey Cheif" Billy smiled awkwardly.

"I'm going back to the cabin, Jane misses you so come over later and bring him if you want" Hopper says then closing the door behind him.

"That was really awkward" Billy sighs.

"Yeah just wait until later" Steve said getting out of bed.

"Wait I'm not actually going?"

Steve chuckles and goes into the bathroom.

"That doesn't answer my question!"

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