Chapter Twenty - Two

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This chapter kinda sucks but I wanted to update you guys since I've had writers block recently I'll try and update again soon

I just sat there for hours reassuring myself that Warren was right beside me and that everything was going to be okay but me being me also had that little voice in the back of my mind telling me something bad was going to happen. I tried to push away that thought but it persisted and I tried to fall asleep instead but as I closed my eyes and started to drift off it felt like a darkness started to loom over me. My eyes shot open as the door to my room slowly creaked open but I couldn't make out who it was.They injected something into my IV making me panic.

I knew it wasn't a nurse due to the clothing they were wearing but they had something covering their face so I couldn't identify who they were. I tried to wake Warren but it seemed all my strength had diminished and my eyes slowly began to slide shut against my will. I lifted my hand right before they slid shut and hit the emergency button on the side of the bed and a loud alarm began to blare through the room making the person dart out of my room. Everyone woke up startled and a group of nurses rushed into my room but I couldn't hold my eyes open any longer.


I stood in a vacant hallway that seemed to go on for miles, "hello?" it echoed off the walls, "is anyone there?" I heard the desperation in my voice and it kind of scared me. There was an evil kind of evil chuckled that echoed off the walls making chills run down my spine, "who's there?!" no response just that evil chuckle again. I slowly began to make my way down the corridor keeping my eyes peeled for any kind of movements. I came to the end of the hall and there was only a left turn so I began to go down that corridor.

Still there was no sign of anyone except for the same evil chuckle every few moments making goosebumps appear all over my skin every time. I came to the end of the hall and this time there were a set of double french doors. I was very hesitant to open them fearing what awaited for me on the other side. Slowly I brought a shaking hand up to the ornament door handle and shoved open the door abruptly. The gymnasium of Sky High was on the other side and I cautiously entered slowly thickly then jumping as the french doors slammed behind me.

"About time that you joined us." I spun around to face a jester who was wearing complete silver with silver face pain, "who are you?" he shook his head, "it matters not who I am but rather who she is." he moved and someone in armor stood upon a stage, "seventeen years ago I walked the wall of Sky High labeled as a science geek and a side kick for being a technopath Everyday being mocked by my classmates for what my powers were." I gulped, "So I hatched a plan why not turn the place that made my life miserable into everything that I wanted."

The face shield slid back revealing Gwen, "I created a weapon that your father now holds called the pacifier it was created to turn anyone into a baby and from scratch I would raise a school full of super villains." I rolled my eyes, "and how'd that work out for you sweetheart." she jumped down from the stage and tightly gripped my throat, "and I plan to start with your precious little boyfriend. He doesn't seem too hard to convince to become a villain after all, look who his father is." I growled trying to pry her hand off of my throat.

"Warren is NOTHING like his father; he is so much more than a boy who's following in his father's footsteps." she squeezed tighter making black spots dance around my vision, "but how hard will it be to convince him once I have his precious defenseless girlfriend in my captivity." I realized that I couldn't summon any of my elemental powers and my wolf form refused to shift, "what did you do to me?" she cackled, "I just simply deactivated your powers for a little while don't worry you'll regain them once the injection fully wears off." She let me go, allowing me drop to the floor clutching at my throat, "see you soon my little dove."


I heard a steady beep along with panicked voices, "she's crashing." "sir you need to leave the room." "we'll tell you when we know." the door closed and I heard the panicked voice calm, "200 clear." I felt the electricity course through my chest but the steady, "up it to 250..clear!" there was a slight change then it turned back to the steady beat, "300..clear!" I felt my body take a deep breath as my eyes shot open and the heart monitor returned to a steady rhythm. The doctors seemed relieved, "we thought we lost you Miss.Kitsch good to see those eyes open."

I couldn't form words and Clarissa tested my eyes asking me to follow the light until she was satisfied, "you scared us sweetheart can you tell me what happened?" I shook my head trying to clear the fog, "I thought I saw someone enter my room." the more I tried to think about the foggier it became, "I think they injected something into my IV." she nodded, "well do you mind if I take some blood samples?" I shook my head, "no take whatever you need to." she quickly left the room returning with a blue band, needle and a couple of tubes.

"Okay hold your arm out for me." I did and she tightly wrapped the band around my bicep making the veins in my elbow pop out. She warned me of a slight pinch but I didn't flinch as she stuck me and I watched the blood flow into the test tube. She took three tubes worth and sighed, "Warren's really shaken up since he was the one who reported you flatlining so make sure to be gentle with him." I nodded, "yeah of course where's everyone else?" she chuckled, "school I tried to convince Warren but once he has his mind set on something good luck changing his mind." I nodded, "okay well let him in." she opened the door and Warren slowly walked in looking me over with tears in his eyes.

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