Chapter Two

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I woke up to my alarm blaring. I groaned slamming my hand down on the button seizing the annoying beeping sound. I sat up pushing my hair out of my face as I stretched. I unplugged my phone from the charger and plugged in the aux cord to my speakers blasting Just Like You by Three Days Grace. I did my normal smoky eye look making my green eyes pop and decided to mix up my lipstick and go for a darker red color to compliment the smokey look. I looked at the clock and saw that it was seven in the morning. I grabbed my keys along with my leather messenger bag that I packed the night before slinging it over my shoulders. I contemplated riding the bus but decided against it I lifted myself into the air flying up into the sky towards the school. I arrived and noticed that the schoolyard was almost empty until I noticed a group of kids heading towards the entrance and I followed them into the gymnasium I blanked out most of the introduction until I noticed a man with a loud voice started speaking, “I’m Coach Boomer you may know me as Sonic Boom you may not here’s how power placement works you will step up here and show me power and yes you will do so in front of the entire class I will then determine where your placement is hero or sidekick.” I zoned out again until the lunch bell rang.

I was a little nervous for power placement but I wasn’t too worried about it like others were up next was Will and his little group was talking about how he had no powers and that worried me a little bit. He stood awkwardly on the stage for a moment before he whispered something into Coach Boomers ear, “what do you mean you don’t have powers you’re a Stronghold.” I rolled my eyes, “CAR!” my eyes widened and flung my hands out levitating the car over his head as he yelled, “are you insane I DON”T HAVE SUPER STRENGTH!” the teacher narrowed his eyes at me, “it’s not your turn to demonstrate your powers.” I rolled my eyes, “yeah well I’d appreciate it if you didn’t kill my brother.” I typed out into my  phone letting the animated vocie speak for me Will’s eyes widened but the teacher pressed a button and Will was thrown from the stage and I slowed Will down lightly attempting to set him onto the bleachers but my concentration slipped last second and he came crashing down onto the bleachers, “ARE YOU CRAZY?!” I typed angrily

 I knew my eyes had changed color by the way Coach Boomer’s face paled, “HE SAID HE DOESN’T HAVE POWERS THAT DOESN”T MEAN TO TRY AND CONTINUE TO TRY AND TEST HIM!” I rushed over to Will, “are you alright?” I typed he nodded but the way his eyes were glazed over and Boomer yelled, “SIDEKICK!” I growled mentally, “BOOMER WE’RE HEADING TO THE NURSES OFFICE!” I had the audio yell but I didn’t wait for his reply. I helped Will up wrapping his arm around my shoulders and helped him walk. He stopped outside the nurse’s office and I gave him a confused look, “what do you mean that I’m your brother I’m an only child.” I shook my head, “your dad had a fling with my mom before your parents got married and ta-da here I am emancipated at 16.” I wrote tired of typing on the tiny screen he nodded, “so are you a freshman?” I shook my head, “no I’m a sophomore but I went to a different school freshman year I was quite shocked when I got a notice to Sky High.” he struggled to read the scribble text I entered the nurses office, “alright Stronghold I’ll see you later.” I patted his shoulder and headed back towards the gym and the moment I entered Boomer pointed to me, “since you’re so adamant on showing off come up here and tell us your powers and demonstrate.” 

I rolled my eyes walking up the stage steps, “I have atmokinesis an-” he cut off the automated voice and the lost of the sentence was covered by his loud voice, “okay demonstrate.” I growled, lighting my arms on fire, “I also shapeshift jackass, stop cutting people off.” I turned into a wolf and growled at him. He took a step back then I grabbed my jacket between my teeth before running out into the hall I transformed back into myself sliding on my jacket to cover myself, “where’s the locker room Boomer?” I showed him the whiteboard he pointed in the direction as he looked at me slightly scared I walked into the room and I slid into my ripped jeans and slid my shirt over my head pulling my long hair from underneath the shirt and adding my leather jacket I walked back out and I asked before Boomer could start talking again, “which group am I with?” I returned using the automated voice again he pointed towards the hero group and I walked over, “that was awesome dude.” I smiled, “thanks someone needed to put him in place.” I placed my phone in my pocket deciding to use my whiteboard unless I had to use the phone. Will walked in and started to walk towards the sidekicks but I grabbed his hand, “don’t worry about him okay it’ll all be fine in fact ask your parents if you can come over tonight I’m sure you wanna know more.” he shook his head, “can’t study group.” I nodded, “oh okay.” my heart dropped and I faked a smile. I dropped his hand and played with the hem of my shirt.

The bell rang signalling the end of the day and I walked out to see the buses leaving Will waved at me, but I just looked down at the ground once all the buses were gone I walked to the edge and sat down letting my legs dangle over the edge. I wasn’t so sure I was going to be able to make it through the year I jumped as I heard footsteps behind me followed by a deep voice, “I don’t think you’re supposed to sit on the edge.” I shrugged showing him my whiteboard which had scribbled, "you gonna stop me?" a guy with long hair sat next to me, “nah I do it all the time.” I nodded looking away from him, “I’m Warren.” I smiled, “I’m Blake.” he made a noise and I looked over at him, “isn’t that a boy’s name?” I shrugged, “I mean it can be gender neutral like Taylor, Kennedy, Jordan, and Alex.” he looked deep in thought for a moment after he read my words, “I guess you’re right.” he went silent again before I stood, “I should probably go can’t be late to work I’ll see ya around Warren.” I glanced at him one last time and saw him smiling to himself.

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