Chapter Fourteen

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I studied myself a moment longer in the mirror before sighing and exiting the bathroom, “okay let’s do this.” I looked at the clock, “okay we’re gonna practice this one more time okay?” he grabbed the guitar and started to strum, “I found a love for me darling just dive right in and follow my lead well I found a girl beautiful and sweet.” I swayed listening to him closing my eyes getting lost in the lyrics. He strummed the final chords and I clapped, “Layla is gonna love this.” his smile brightened, “you think so?” I nodded, “I know so now let’s go so we don’t miss the bus.” I left my guitar case in his room since I was going to be returning later. I grabbed my bag and headed down the stairs waving to Layla, “hey Lay.” she eyes the bags under my eyes warily, “you didn’t sleep much did you?” I shrugged, “not really but I’ll be back to normal soon hopefully.” she nodded and hugged me, “Well I’m always here if you need me.” I reciprocated the hug smiling, “Thanks Lay.” The bus pulled up and we boarded. I sat all the way in the back in the single seat assuring that no one could sit directly next to me. 

There was rustling and then a body plopped into the seat next to me and I glanced over to see Warren and I gave him the smallest smile I could manage and he furrowed his eyebrows, “I thought we were good.” I nodded, “we are.” it hurt to look at him so I stared out the window, “so I thought you were coming over last night.” I gulped, “oh yeah but it was late by the time I was down with Will so I just spent the night I should have sent you a message sorry.” I changed the subject, “we have work today shift doesn’t start until four thirty though.” he nodded and we didn’t talk for a few moments so I grabbed my Ipod and click on a random playlist slipping in my earbuds I stared out the window watching as the school got closer I stood as soon as the bus touched the ground and rushed off the bus so I wouldn’t have to face Warren until later.  I don’t understand why I was acting like this. It's not like we were even together.

I stared at Will for a minute from across the room before deciding to sit next to him, “how come you get the easy love life this sucks.” he wrapped his arm around my shoulders as I laid my head on his, “oh it can’t be that bad.” I gave Layla a look, “my mate is in a relationship and I’m just a ‘friend’.” I sighed, “I got friendzoned, you almost never get out of that area.” he chuckled, “did I see you talking to Warren Peace on the bus and he didn’t try to kill you?!” I looked over in confusion at the boy in orange, “yeah what’s wrong with him?” he looked at me in a stupor, “his father is Barron Battle he’s a super villain so that usually means that the kids follow in their footsteps especially how he was glaring at Will on the first day of school.” I slammed my hand onto the table making him jump, “THAT MEANS NOTHING SO DON’T YOU EVER SAY THAT AGAIN AM I CLEAR?!” I was livid. I felt my eyes change color so I grabbed my bag and quickly stormed out of the cafeteria not uttering another word to anyone else.

I walked into the girls bathroom and leaned against the counter taking a deep breath trying to calm myself, “hey are you okay?” I looked up to see Gwen Grayson. I resisted the urge to growl, “um yeah I’m fine thanks you don’t have to worry about me.” she nodded, “well I’m here for you if you ever need to talk to someone.” I looked down, rolling my eyes as she patted my shoulder and walked back out of the bathroom. Layla scampered past her, “hey.” I sighed, turning to face her, “hey.” she smiled sheepishly, “I’m sorry about Ethan.” I shrugged, “Warren doesn’t deserve to be compared to his father.” she smiled, “I would’ve warned you to stay away from him but I like the changes I’m seeing he even got you to talk again.” I smiled for a second but it dropped as I rubbed my forehead, “it doesn’t matter Lay he’s got a girl and I’m just a friend.” she pulled me into a hug, “he gave me his shirt though.” I was getting confused. Maybe I was looking too far into this, “oh c’mon that probably means he likes you.”

I blushed, “I fell asleep on him and had a nightmare and he woke me up then he gave me some clothes to change into since I shifted to calm myself down.” she cooed, “anyway you should come over to Will’s house so we can hang for a bit.” she grinned nodding, “that sounds fun.” the bell rang and we split heading to our separate classes. I walked into Mad Science and dropped into my seat next to Warren pulling out my sketchbook deciding to shade in a drawing while I waited for everyone to filter into the small classroom, “wow that’s really good.” I jumped as I felt Warren’s breath on my ear, “oh u-um thanks.” he chuckled, “can I see some of your other work.” I shrugged, “sure they’re just doodles really not that impressive.” I flipped to the page where I colored in a butterfly then another one of a heart with music around it then I passed the drawing of him and he smirked, “was that supposed to be me?” he attempted to snatch the book but I held onto it with an iron grip, “no!” he laughed and let go of the sketchbook and I set it into my bag blushing.

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