Chapter Twenty - Three

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I held my arms open and he crossed the room in two quick strides and hugged me tightly. I felt his chest shake and my neck damped as he sobbed into the crook of my neck, "I'm right here baby I'm not going anywhere." I played with the ends of his hair which needed some kind of trimming soon trying to calm him down, "said you'd always be my white blood circulate the right love giving me your white blood I need you right here with me." he seemed to calm down a little bit so I continued.

"Said you'd always be my white blood elevate my soul above giving me your white blood. I need you right here with me, right here with me." his sobs were reduced to sniffles but I didn't attempt to remove him from where he was nuzzled into the crook of my neck. I swallowed thickly and continued to sing, "I'm ready to go, I'm ready to go can't do it alone, can't do it alone I'm ready to run through the heat of the sin can't do it alone, can't do it alonge."

A tear slid down my cheek but I quickly wiped it away and tried to keep my breathing in check as I tried to calm Warren down further, "after I lost my mom I never thought I'd be able to trust let alone love anyone again I mean I loved Skye but I didn't love nor trust her nearly as much as I do you." I continued threading my fingers through his hair as it calmed me a little bit, "it tore me apart when I lost her don't get me wrong but if I lost you I don't think I'd ever be able to recover and I have no idea how I would survive without you."

He leaned back still having reminisce of tears in his eyes, "what did you see?" I hummed running my thumb along his cheekbone, "what do you mean?" he sighed running his thumb along my knuckles, "why would you choose me and a life of pain over a chance of being with your mom and being eternally happy?" I chewed on my lip before sighing and patted the empty space on the bed beside me as I laid back down wincing as I pulled on the stitches in my side.He laid next to me and pulled me closer allowing my head to rest on his chest.

"She showed me our lives together if I chose to stay alive and live my life out with you and what were to happen if I chose to flatline and stay eternally with her, leaving you behind." I closed my eyes trying to shake the image of Warren stepping off the cliff, "I didn't want you to go down that path." he wiped the tears that fell, "I don't want you to go through the pain of losing someone again." he placed his forehead on mine although he didn't make eye contact with me.

Instead he slowly twisted the band that laid on my ring finger still since I hadn't removed it yet, "do you think we'll ever get this in our lives?" I was silent for a moment before sighing and smiling, "yeah and if fate is on our sides then we'll have a couple of mini Peace's running around." his face brightened and his contagious smile appeared, "not for a few years yet I hope." I felt my face heat up at Clarissa's words, "yes of course not a few years yet of course." Warren chuckled as he kissed the top of my head.

"We can even use your mom's ring." I smiled, "it has a lot of memories but are you sure you'd be okay with using hers?" he nodded, "of course but if you want a different ring we work that out later on." I yawned and nodded, "yeah let's wait until we're ready." he kissed my head, "get some rest." Clarissa clucked her tongue, "after I run one more test." I struggled to keep my eyes open but lifted my brow, "just a little more blood." she retied tied the blue band around my bicep and took the one vial of blood.

She discarded the gloves then rubbed my shoulder, "get some rest sweetheart you need it." I snuggled into Warren's side and lifted the blanket a bit further up and watched as Clarissa dimmed the lights of the room then quietly shut the door behind her. I allowed my eyes to slide shut and took a deep breath taking in Warren's scent which calmed me further. I felt Warren's fingers drawing random patterns in the shallow of my back luring me further into the realm of sleep. There was a part of me that didn't want to fall asleep afraid that Gwen might be waiting for that and somehow make me hallucinate again.


"Mommy!" I slowly slid my eyes open, "hey buddy where's daddy?" Warren came up behind him and picked him up, "here I am." he swung the little boy around, "good morning babe I told Blaze that he should let you sleep but he said you promised him so yummy delicious pancakes now is that true?" I chuckled, "why yes it is." I stood up and started tickling his sides making him squeal and I took him from Warren, "chocolate or blueberry?" he got a big grin, "CHOCOLATE!" I placed him back onto the ground, "let's go make some pancakes."

He ran down the stairs and Warren hugged me from behind, "do I get some of those yummy delicious pancakes too?" I giggled, "I don't know maybe you might get a different special treat later." I wiggled my brows at him as I pushed him away making him chuckle, "I'm holding you to that." I rolled my eyes as I walked down the stairs and heard Blaze chanting, "pancakes, pancakes, pancakes." I placed my finger over his lips, "shhh you wanna sit on a bar stool?" he nodded and I lifted him up to sit on the large stool.

I quickly whipped up some chocolate chip pancakes sliding them in front of him, "do you want any maple syrup on them or do you want them like this?" he tapped his chin, "syrup." I lifted a brow, "please." I nodded, "much better say when it's enough." I poured the syrup until he nodded, "okay eat up buddy." I heard the baby cry and I quickly climbed the stairs to see Warren holding the baby and I slipped my phone out of my pocket and took a picture, "go down and eat I got her." he gently placed her into my arms and kissed her head.

"Beautiful just like her mama." I kissed him, "I love you." he kissed me one more time, "love you too." I stared down at Emerson, "you hungry?" she gurgled and giggled, "I'll take that as a yes." I headed down the stairs grabbing a bottle from the fridge then let the hot water run for a moment before allowing the milk to sit under the water and warming it up. I poured a little bit of it on my hand and once I was satisfied with the temperature I adjusted her in my arms the offer the nipple of the bottle to her and she took it.

I grabbed one of the burp towels from the counter and placed it over my shoulder. Her gorgeous brown eyes stared up at me as she suckled on the bottle once she drank about three ounces. I set the bottle aside and began to burp her. Warren came over, "I can take it from here go ahead and shower." I handed her over and placed a clean burp towel on his shoulder and handed him the bottle, "thank you." I kissed his cheek, "you need to shower Blaze?" he shook his head, "no mommy I showered last night."

I ruffled his hair, "well let's go get you dressed then." he ran up the stairs, "can I wear my Avengers shirt mommy?" I nodded and grabbed Thor and Iron Man shirt, "which one?" he pointed to the Thor shirt and I laid it on the bed then grabbed a pair of jeans and underpants, "okay get dressed while mommy goes and prepares her shower." he nodded and started to strip out of his old clothes while I headed back to Warren and I's room.

*End of Dream*

I begrudgingly opened my eyes not wanting to leave the bliss of my dream, "good morning beautiful." I looked up smiling at him, "good morning." I didn't want to move as I was comfortable, "what were you dreaming about you were mumbling quite a bit." I smiled, "we were engaged and had two kids. It was great." he smiled, "sounds great." I nodded, "I can't wait for the real thing." he smiled, "me either." I just laid there listening to his heartbeat with a smile on my face as I thought about the future.

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