Chapteen Fifteen

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The time for lunch came around and I dread every step that I made towards the cafeteria I noticed Layla the second I walked through the doors and started to make my way over to her before stopping as I saw Warren sitting by himself I made my way towards Layla as Will shouted out, “hey guys over her!” we made our way over but Penny duplicated herself, “sorry all full.” one copy disappeared, “unless Blake.” I shook my head, “nah I’m good.” Layla gave a forced smile, “it’s fine Will I think I see an empty table over there c’mon guys.” I grabbed her arm before she could sit lowering my voice, “is it okay if I sit with Warren I need to apologize to him for the way I was acting earlier.” she shook her head giving me a genuine smile, “go ahead it’s not a problem just promise that you won’t ditch us.” I side hugged her, “I would never do that to you Lay.” I jogged over to his table, “I’m sorry.” he gave me a look of confusion, “I um I actually did stop by your house last night.” his confused expression only deepened at my statement.

I cleared my throat building up the courage to explain, “I came over and your mom said that you were in your room so I headed up and I overheard your conversation and that’s why I was acting like I was the s’morning.” I felt a pit form in my stomach making me queasy, “you were jealous.” he had a smirk forming and I blinked back tears as my inner wolf whimpered at the lack of sensitivity and the hurt must of shown on my face because he immediately attempted to apologize, “Blake I’m-” I cut him off, “you don’t get it do you I guess you are blind as people say.” I knew it was crossing a line but I didn’t care as I grabbed my tray and threw everything away as I rushed out of the cafeteria towards Principal Powers’ office and I lightly knocked on the door. There was a muffled, “come in.” I cracked the door open and peeked in, “oh Miss.Kitsch please take a seat.” I did so, “so what can I expect from this visit?” I gulped, “I need more information on this mate thing.” she looked up from the paper, “like what?” 

“Um do they feel any kind of emotional connection like you do?” tears burned in my eyes, “if you mean does it feel like there is a pull towards the said person then I don’t know your mother didn’t like to go into too much detail about it.” she sighed, “was it that Warren boy you refused to talk until he arrived.” I nodded, “yeah but he has a girlfriend and I’m just a friend.” A single tear fell and she sighed, folding her hands, “it won’t be easy but I think it’s best if you try to let him go.” I made an indignant noise, “how the hell do I do that?” she shrugged, “I have no idea but it might be for the best.” I hid my face in my hands as more tears surfaced, “I feel stupid because it felt like we had something.” she sighed again, “sometimes it’s better to be just friends than anything more I know it hurts and it’ll probably hurt for a really long time but try to let go.” I nodded taking a deep breath, “I owe him everything so I guess I can try and move past this.” 

She gave me a small smile, “it’ll be alright in the end.” I nodded standing, “thanks.” she nodded and I left the small office heading back to the cafeteria. I didn’t even look towards Warren’s table as I made my way towards Layla’s and I sat next to her laying my head on her shoulder, “life sucks.” she looked at me concerned before looking at Warren, “did he hurt you?” I sighed, “not intentionally.” I played with my fingertips, “I don’t know how to tell him.” Everyone looked at me with confusion clear on their faces. I sighed looking at Layla and she nodded so I lowered my voice, “Warren is supposed to be my mate.” I looked over at Ethan, “that’s kinda why I snapped at you earlier sorry.” He shrugged, “eh worse things have been said and done to me.” I sighed looking over my shoulder looking at Warren then turned back around sighing as I laid my head down, “what am I gonna do?” Layla rubbed my back, “well what did Principal Powers say?” I sighed, “that I should move on.” my voice cracked, “but I don’t know how I’m already attached this little set back feels like it’s ripping my insides to shreds.”

 I laid my head onto Laya’s shoulder. She slung her arm around my shoulder and then Zack spoke up but keeping his voice low, “you could pretend to date me.” I lifted a brow, “and why do you think that would work?” Layla giggled, “because if he’s your true mate then he’ll feel the pull too and if he sees you with Zack that might awaken his mate instincts and make him jealous.” I rolled my eyes, “I don’t even know if he feels the pull too Layla.” I paused, “but with that look you want to make someone jealous too Zack so count me in.” he fist pumped the air making me grin and then the lunch bell went off making me look at Layla, “I’ll see you on the bus then we can formulate a better plan about this.” she nodded and I waved as I headed to my next class.

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