Twenty - Seven

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I had asked Clarissa to bring me a pack of ice for Will’s eye and an antiseptic wipe for his lip. She handed them both to me. I handed the ice pack to Will and motioned for him to come closer and I cleaned his lip, “I’m serious Will if you hear them say anything else at any point do not engage just ignore it.” he sighed, “I will, I'm sorry, please don’t be mad.” I sighed, “I’m not mad Will I’m just really disappointed, I mean I thought you had learned after that fight with Warren.” he looked down. 

“I just want to get through school and move on with life.” he nodded, “I understand.” I patted his cheek, “so how long are you out for?” he shrugged, “Principal Powers didn’t tell me she said she needs to discuss with my parents first.” I nodded, “so what were they saying?” he shook his head, “you don’t want to know.” I lifted a brow at Will looking him up and down, “I would have asked if I didn’t want to know Will.” he gulped, “mainly how you probably felt bad for Warren and you’re just whoring around with him.” 

I shrugged, “worse has been said.” he shook his head, “how can you brush it off so easily like that?” I chuckled, “because if I let every little thing that’s been said about me like that then I would have become a serial killer by now.” his eyes widened, making me laugh, “I’m kidding, well kind of, anyway I can’t let things like that affect me.” he nodded, “they also made a bet for who could bed you first.” I burst out laughing, “like I would sleep with either of them.” he chuckled, “yeah thought you might laugh at that one.” 

I wiped away a fake tear, “oh that’s a good one.” I chuckled, “thank god I get released soon. I hate it here.” my phone buzzed on the side table and I looked at it, “hey babe ;)” I lifted a brow knowing that wasn’t Warren’s number, “who is this?” I showed Will, “do you know who this is?” he shook his head and my phone buzzed again signaling another text, “I think you know.” I looked at my phone confused before glaring at my phone, “I think Speed snuck into the private records.” Will’s nostrils flared and I shook my head at him. 

“Sorry ‘babe’ but I’m not interested in you or Lash text me again and I’ll report you.” I blocked the number but that didn’t stop my phone from buzzing for the next hour when I finally got annoyed and turned it off. When I got out of here I was going to give those two boys a piece of my mind so they would get the point and leave me alone. There was a knock on my door making me look up, “Miss.Kitsch?” I nodded and the doctor came in and he looked at Will, “is it okay if we talk about your medical record in front of him?” 

I nodded, “yes he’s my brother.” he nodded clearing his throat, “well it looks like your scans came clear and your wrist is only a hairline fracture so I want you to wear this brace.” he motioned for me to give him my arm and I did. He slipped on the brace tightening that, “is that too tight?” I shook my head. It was snug but not too snug, “alright, perfect wear that for about three weeks and I’ll write you a prescription for the pain from your ribs.” he handed me a single tablet with a small cup of water then looked over my chart.

“With that I think it’s time for you to be checked out.” I smiled, “thank you.” he nodded, just sign these and “I’ll have nurse Clarissa come bring a wheelchair.” I signed the papers and a few minutes later she appeared in the doorway, “ready to go?” I nodded, “definitely.” she chuckled and undid my IV placing a bandage on my arm, “alright let’s go.” I sat in the wheelchair doing a mini dance, happy I was finally leaving. She pushed me to the entrance, “I get off in half an hour so I’ll just drive you both home okay?” I nodded, “thank you.”

She unlocked the door allowing Will and I to climb into the back seat. I turned on my phone to text Warren that I was released, groaning in annoyance as my phone buzzed with almost a hundred texts. After five minutes my phone finally stopped buzzing so I clicked on Warren’s contact pressing the message button, “hey babe your mom is driving me home since I was released.” I didn’t expect a message back until later since the teachers didn’t allow phones. I turned on do not disturb mode so I couldn’t receive anymore messages from the delusional two idiots. 

I let my head fall onto Will’s shoulder letting my eyes slip shut, “tired? I nodded, making him chuckle. I was slipping into unconsciousness when the door opened made me jump and I let my eyes open to see Clarissa giving me a ‘sorry’ smile, “alright sweetheart what’s your address.” I groggily sat up straight, “276 Maple Drive.” she nodded, “at the apartments right?” I hummed, “yup that’s the place.” she nodded, “great oh by the way I managed to get your bag and stuff from your car from the mechanics.” she handed it to me then peeled out of the parking lot.

I guess I fell asleep because the next thing I knew Will was shaking me awake, “c’mon wake up we’re at your house.” I forced myself to sit up and climb out of the car, “thanks for the ride Clarissa.” she nodded, “not a problem sweetie stay safe I don’t want to see in the hospital again.” I chuckled, “yes ma’am.” I grabbed my bag and meds before closing the door and headed to the door buzzing my way in to be greeted by my landlord, “oh Blake it’s good to see you’re okay I heard about the accident.” 

I shrugged, “got lucky I guess.” he nodded, “oh I wrote that boy onto your lease and it’ll only increase your rent by forty dollars.” I tiredly smiled at him, “thank you Mr.Parry but please don’t treat him like he’s a criminal.” he nodded, “I promise you I won’t and if he comes around soon please tell him to stop by my office as I owe him an apology I was out of line.” I nodded, “of course have a nice day Mr.Parry.” I headed up to my apartment and locked the door behind me and collapsed on my bed.

“Oh how I missed you.” I groaned as I heard my phone buzzing and I forced myself to sit up and grab my phone off the nightstand. I saw Warren’s name flashing across the screen making me smile, “hey babe.” I laid back down, “hey firecracker.” I hummed, “my landlord added you to the lease so you can move in whenever you want.” he sighed, “well I still need to pack.” I chuckled, “man you never finished I guess you really do hate it.” he hummed, “I’d offer to help but I think your mom would chastise me about working my ribs and wrist too hard.” 

He chuckled, “yeah that definitely sounds like her.” I checked the clock on my nightstand and saw it was only three, “wanna come over so I can touch up your red streak.” he was silent, “sure sounds fun.” I shrugged to myself, “it’s alright just text me when you’re here and I’ll come down to let you in.” he said, “okay I’ll see you when I’m there love you.” I smiled, “love you too, see you when you get here.” I hung up and threw my phone to the side, sighing and then went and grabbed my camera setting up my tripod.

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