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The halls of the Commission were filled with clacking of heels and men's dress shoes. The Sun was high in the sky, information the beginning of the afternoon. Luke was now leaning on a wall in the main hall, watching workers walk back and forth. It was beyond boring, filled with the desire to see Five and Five only. Tapping his school-boy shoe on the floor, a small guy around his height came up to him. Luke recognized him as the man from before, Herb. He greeted him nicely, "Hi there, I've noticed that you and Five are very similar. And I, uh... was wondering if I could ask some questions?"


"Okay, so what kind of powers do you have?" Herb asked straight away. Luke blinked with a shocked manner, pushing himself off the wall. He crossed his arms, "To-the-point kind of guy, Herb? It's okay, because I do have powers. I am mostly known as the Kinesis for I can move things with my mind, and I have super senses. So, I can hear the conversation those two love birds over there are having about subs for lunch."

Luke pointed to a blond-haired woman with a muscular man, who were just about to walk passed them. When in Herb's hearing range, he was right. They were talking about having subs for lunch. Herb cleared his throat to catch Luke's attention, "Um.. so, how old are you?"

"I'm 115 years old, Herb. Guessing that's twice your age?" Luke chuckled with Herb, "You're lucky, you don't want to be as mentally old as me. Ever." Herb laughed once more, before a silence was created. It was very uncomfortable, causing Luke to raise a brow at him. He nodded nervously and made his way along with every other worker. Luke leaned back up against the wall, his arms still crossed. He gazed at the floor, in some kind of stance about what that conversation was about. He snapped out of reality and let out a small snort, "That was reallyyy weird."

Luke pushed himself off the wall and made his way back to the corridor with Five's room and the message transport room. The hall was almost empty, besides a man pushing a cart. He looked down both ends before making his way to the message room. His ears tensed, hearing the sounds of something falling to the ground. It sounded like it were a person. Luke sped up, walking in an almost running manner. He entered the room, seeing Five putting message bottles in tubes. He gasped, "Five, what- what are you doing?"

Five looked up at him, but before he could respond the Handler spoke before them. Luke turned around to her smiling face. She hummed, "You know that's not how we do things here."

A clink was heard, as Five leaned up against the walls of tubes. Luke gulped, taking a step or two back. There was a small silence before the Handler spoke again, "Where's Gloria?" Luke looked at Five, who glanced back at him. He shrugged, "Don't know, couldn't find her anywhere." The sound of groaning erupted the silence. The Handler began to look behind her, towards Gloria's desk. There Gloria sat, letting out grumbles of pain. Five gulped as well, taking a small step back. Both the boys were in pursuit and prepared to begin fighting. The Handler turned back around.

"You're a great disappointment to me...
you can't change what's to come, Five.
I truly find it so odd that you can't shed this
fantasy. You're a first-rate pragmatist. You
belong here with us!"

"He doesn't belong anywhere, and neither do I! Thanks to you," Luke spat at her. His hands were in fists, curling with anger of her smart mouth. She smiled back at him, causing Like to let out a growl. He continued through his teeth, "You made us killers!"

She only smiled with a small laugh, "You were always killers. I just pointed you in a direction."

The handler unzipped her skirt, pulling out a gun and immediately pulling the trigger. Out of instinct, Five time-warped away, leaving Luke to duck down to the floor. He looked up in a panic, watching her pull the trigger twice more towards Luke. He swiftly curled into a ball, using his best strength to use his mind to cause the bullets to explode into ashes. Sweat dripped down his forehead, draining Luke from energy. The sound of bullets ricocheted from wall to wall. Luke looked up, seeing her walking toward him.

He scrambled on his hands, crawling away from her as she slowly approached. The intercom boomed above them.

"Security Breach In Tube Room."

Before she reached him, Five pushed a basket out to stop her. Putting it to a stop with her heel, she shot at where he sat. Five had already time-warped again, to someplace unknown. The Handler shot the same place two more times, before looking back at Luke. She smirked, Luke knowing her body was filled with annoyance. She quickly walked towards Luke so he wouldn't have time to crawl away from her again. Quickly, she shot him in the calf, just the right place that he wouldn't bleed to death. Luke screamed out in agony, "You bitch!"

She chuckled at him, "What's the rush, Five? We're just getting started."

"Security To Tube Room."

"Is this really how you want your last line of your report to read?" She asked the air, which almost made Luke laugh. Five time-warped in front of the both of them, "When I'm done, I'm just done, I guess." She pointed the gun towards him, frowning, "You can't keep this up, Five. We both know that even you have a limit. Hell, even pretty boy here on the floor. I saved you, and him, from a lifetime of being alone. You owe me."

Luke let out a low chuckle to the fact that she was almost crying over a young school boy with superpowers. The Handler glanced down at him, giving him a small kick towards the wound. He gasped, groaning in pain once more.

The Handler went to shoot Five, but when the gun clicked, it spoke empty.

"Please Evacuate."

"Remain Calm."

The Handler pulled the trigger again and again, causing the gun to click. No bullets came from the gun.

"Do Not Panic."

"I do owe a debt," Five whispered menacingly. He placed his foot on Luke's shoulder, time-warping them both to the other side of the tube room. Luke looked up to see Five holding a grenade, and his breathing hitched up. He forgot about his anxiety meds once again. Five pulled off the hoop, "But it's not to you."

"Please Evacuate."

"Remain Calm."

Five rolled the grenade towards her, causing her to mumble a small 'shit'. Luke's breathing was still rapid, causing Five to glance down at him. Immediately he grabbed him and pulled him outside, bracing him from the explosion. He bent down, picking up Luke. He smiled, "It's okay, Doll, I got you. We need to patch you up quickly, huh?"

He teleported into a room filled with briefcases, looking around at all of them. He threw Luke over his shoulder, grabbing a suitcase with another grenade in hand. He pulled the hoop off with this teeth and ran out of the room. The man guarding the briefcase tried to stop him, but he was abolished bg a huge explosion from the grenade and the briefcases. Glass shards shot towards the two boys, but Five blocked them with the briefcase.

After that, everything went back in time.

𝓢𝓲𝓰𝓷 𝓸𝓾𝓽
Sorry if the ending seemed rushed, i just wanted to have something done for when enough people have read the chapter before this one.

Hope you guys are having an amazing day/night!

ILY all! :)

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2021 ⏰

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