Chapter Four

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I knocked three times at the door. I hated just letting myself in, it felt strange. Though the man at the door did buzz me through, I still felt compelled to knock. I had texted Auston on the walk over to let him know I was coming, hoping it was okay. I just received a thumbs up in response; I took that as an indication that yes, it was fine.

"Oh hey, get kicked out because of date night?" Its Freddie that answers the door. Not that I was checking him out or anything, but damn. The Great Dane was no sight for sore eyes, that was for sure. I shake my head from my thoughts hoping to god he doesn't notice I was most definitely checking him out for a hot minute.

"Yep. I didn't even know it was happening til Mo showed up at the door" I told him with a shrug. "But I'm happy for her; she doesn't shut up about him" I can tell that what I say resonates with him.

"Yeah, we can say the same thing" he chuckles, finally standing out of my way to allow me in the door. "Come on in, Auston's just playing games" he closes the door behind me, and I hold back the sigh. I wasn't a gamer. Well, that wasn't entirely true. I just wasn't one to like the types of games these guys played. Call of duty, Fort night... I took a pass on all those. Too much violence. My time to shine came from any good ol fashioned Mario game. What can I say? They're a classic; and one of the only good memories I had of me and my dad I truly remembered. But, that was a rabbit hole I did not want to go down at the moment.

"Ah, fun times" I finally mumble, and Freddie laughs.

"If you want you can join me in the other room; I'm watching a movie" he tells me, and I'm immediately more interested.

"Movie you say?" I ask, and he nods. I follow him into the living room, where Auston is looking rather intensely at the massive TV in front of him. "Hey, B" I greet to be polite. I know he doesn't care that I'm here, but it felt right to at least say something. He looks up for a moment, nodding and smiling, acknowledging me as well. "Movie sounds great" I look to Fred, who seems a little off put, but quickly regains his composure.

"You know, you're not like other girls" he decides to say, and I'm not sure to what he's referring. My heart begins to pound in my chest, and my head racing with uneasy thoughts. Did he sense something was wrong? Did Auston tell him? Did he-

"Any other girl hes brought around never likes it when he games instead of giving them attention" oh thank god, false alarm.

"Oh, well it's his hobby, he loves it. We see each other enough, we don't need to spend every waking moment together. Besides, it's healthy to have different interests and do things separately" it's only a part lie, because it's true. A healthy relationship has balance. I don't need to be all up in his space, and he doesn't need to be all up in mine all the time. The key is communicating and being considerate of each other's feelings.

"Well put" Freddie looks at me, a little surprised. "I guess I just don't know you that well" he adds, and he looks like he regrets saying it. For some reason. So I dive in before he has the chance to say anything further.

"No, and I don't know you that well either" I tell him. "But you seem like a cool guy" and now it's my turn to regret what I say. What kind of moron says that anymore? Really, Addie? You just had to open your mouth and that came out?

"And you seem like a cool girl" this time he comes to my rescue. I smile, grateful for his company. It sure beats a night alone sitting in a condo that isn't mine, while my best friend gets it on with her crush in our apartment.

"What are we watching?" I ask him, taking the spot I can assume is not his, and stretching out on it. It's a nice love seat, leather and very comfortable. He sits on the recliner beside me, picking up the remote.

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