Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Addison's Point of View

I try my best but I feel awkward and out of place. I know nobody can notice because everyone is drinking. I feel like everybody is staring; which is obviously not the case. They're all busy celebrating their win; not focused on the confused girl standing awkwardly by the kitchen island.

I decide to do a bit of people watching, trying to calm the anxiety I feel. I note Liv and Willie to my right. Willie's got a drink in his hand, but his demeanour is serious. He looks to be whispering something to Liv, who isn't at all pleased with what he's saying. By their body language, it's obvious they're fighting; but why? I can't read lips, and it's too loud to hear anything so I can't eavesdrop; but something was clearly not right.

Continuing around the room I notice Steph and Audrey chatting with their respective partners, looking happy as ever. Steph has her arm around Mitch who's smiling like a school girl; he always was such a giddy guy. Beside them was Aubrey and Mo, who were talking about something that made Aubrey looked extremely happy. Well, I was glad one of us was having a decent time at least.

Auston and Fred are nowhere to be found. I'm curious as to what happened to them both, seeing as it is their home. Against my better judgement, I decide to go looking for either of them, not quite sure who I would rather find first.

Both their bedrooms were empty, it's the first place I check. It's weird, them going MIA at their own party. I explore the entire condo before I realize neither of them are anywhere to be found; they're both gone.

"What the hell..." I say, trailing off. I look out to my favourite spot, the balcony, half expecting to see one of them there; but I don't. I slide the door shut and decide to just take a moment to myself.

I close my eyes, allowing the cool, Toronto breeze to brush by me. It's a fairly chilly night, so I know I won't be able to stay out here long. I don't want to stay out here long either; I know my mind will start to wander if I do.

Maybe my initial gut feeling was right; maybe picking neither of them was my best option. All of us would be hurt, but the hurt would be less, wouldn't it? I curse myself for ever agreeing to this arrangement in the first place. I curse myself for letting myself get close to Freddie, for even letting him in. I find myself cursing him the most.

"Can someone just make the decision for me?" I almost shout, but it comes out in a soft whisper. I feel my eyes begin to sting with tears, a fresh wave of anger flows through me.

"Fuck Auston. Fuck Freddie. Fuck Jessica. Fuck... me" I sob into the darkness, taking a seat on the cold tiles of the balcony. "Why did you have to do this to me?" I ask the void of nothing. "I was perfectly fine pretending before you came along" I say, really starting to feel like I was losing my mind.

Great. Here I was, sobbing and freezing, shouting to myself on the balcony of Auston and Freddie's condo. They're nowhere to be found, as a party rages on inside. Nobody knows I'm even gone. Nobody knows how hurt I feel. I wished for-

I stopped my thoughts immediately. Was that it? Was that the answer? Was it that simple?

I get up from the ground, dusting myself off. I wiped the tears from my eyes furiously, breathing heavily trying to regain my composure. He had to be around here somewhere, right? I just had to find him.

I wait a few minutes before I deem myself acceptable to make an appearance again. I come in from the cold, trying to shake myself warm, though it obviously doesn't work.

I return to his bedroom, where I'm determined to wait for him there. It's here I would tell him how I felt. It's here I would finally choose between the two men that occupied my every thought.

I walk into his room and it's empty, just like it had been when I first checked what felt like hours ago. I look around, and it's exactly like any time I'd ever been here; nothing seemed to be out of place.

I can't help but laugh at all the memories not only this room, but this entire place held. It was here I realized my feelings. It was here I began to truly fall in love with him.

An eternity goes by before I finally hear the door open. I sit up on the bed, my speech at the ready for when he walks in.

He walks in and looks worn down and exhausted. It takes him a moment to notice I'm even there; and he seems surprised.

"Addie" he speaks, surprised but happy. "What are you doing here?" He asks, though I can tell he's not complaining.

"I'm here because I need to tell you something" I explain, getting up from the bed. He eyes me with confusion, so I take his silence as an invitation to keep going. "I know I was so unsure of my feelings, but I was just thinking, and it just hit me- it's you"

"Me?" He asks, now genuinely surprised.

"Yes, you. It's always been you. Well, for a long time now, anyway" I stumble over my words a little. "I thought this decision was hard, but in reality it should have been so damn easy. I'm falling in love with you-,"

My eyes shoot open, and I find myself gasping for breath. It takes me a moment to realize I'm not sitting in Auston and Freddie's condo; in fact, I wasn't anywhere close.

"Oh thank god, she's awake" I recognize Fred's voice say, a sigh of relief following. My eyes dart over to his direction, and he looks a little more calm now. It's obvious he's worked up and worried; but why?

"What happened?" I manage to squeak out, trying to move all my limbs to make sure they were all still there. I'm in the hospital; the incessant beeping tells me this. I'm in a small room, Freddie by my side.

"You were in a car accident" he tells me gently, and I'm floored. I was in a what!? "But you're going to be fine. I think you just have a concussion" he reassures me, but his words in truth don't mean anything.

"How long do I have to stay here?" I ask, feeling uncomfortable immediately. The dream I had experienced had seemed so vivid- I thought I really was about to tell him how I felt. It takes me a moment to realize I don't remember who I was going to tell. In the dream it seemed so obvious; in the dream I knew exactly who I wanted to be with. Why couldn't I have stayed asleep for just one more moment?

"The doctor just has to monitor you tonight" he says with a yawn. "Or I guess- maybe tomorrow night too" he adds, upon realizing what time it was. "I'll go tell the others how you're doing, they're worried sick" he explains, and that answers my question. How did Freddie end up the one in the room with me? After the game, I don't remember much. I don't remember the car ride, or the accident, for that matter.

"Okay" I say, my eyes starting to flutter shut. Maybe I could finish my dream-

"You need to stay awake though" he snaps me out of my daze, turning back to me on the doorway. He pulls out his phone and sends a quick text to someone before giving me his undivided attention again.

"Whyyyy" I groan, and he chuckles.

"To make sure you're doing okay" he says, more worry in his voice. I smile at his response, putting my hand over his and squeezing lightly.

"Thanks for being here" I say gratefully, though I'm sure if given the chance Auston would have been too.

"I guess I just got lucky with when you woke up. We've been taking turns" he says, and now I really wonder how long I've been out.

"How long have I been out of it?" I ask, and he immediately checks his watch.

"Just a couple hours. But we all wanted to see you" he explains, and I can only assume he means him, Auston, Aubrey and Liv.

"I have the best friends" I say with a confident smile, and he nods, agreeing.

I'm not sure how long I'll be stuck here for, but one thing was for certain; I needed to finish the dream I was having. Who was I about to tell?

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