Daughter of Clay

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I circle around my ensnared victim, eyeing him warily. He returns my glare through unusual midnight blue eyes. I take a second look. Gold rings his pupils, a sharp contrast against the midnight blue. He has raven black hair and warm amber skin. Black tattoos swirl down his arms and cover his hands. His most striking feature, however, is his wings.

They are massive, yet elegant. The membranous folds are etched with silver whorls. I imagine that means his magic will manifest in silver. He shifts them uncomfortably. I've taken the liberty of tying them together. That's how I managed to capture him.

This man is ancient, despite his young and beautiful face. Faeries do not age like humans, I recall. I toss my dagger and catch it once more. "You traveled too far tonight, Faerie."

"So it would seem." His voice is soft and ethereal, but I can hear power within it as well. "A human has finally captured a Night Faerie. Pray tell, what do you want from me?"

I hadn't thought of that. I knew the stories, of course. If a human managed to snare a faerie, whether they be Night or Day, the faerie would grant them a wish in exchange for their release. I never thought I would actually succeed. I brush my red hair out of my face and think briefly.

The faerie lets out an impatient sigh. "Hurry, Girl. I have places to be."

"Be still. You'll go nowhere until I release you," I snap. He seems faintly surprised...and amused. I think some more, but my thoughts yield no desires. I sigh at last and step closer to him. "Can I release you without you granting me a wish?"

"I wouldn't know. This is my first time being captured."

I squint at him through curious green eyes. "Are you certain? The stories come from your people after all." I see danger within his vibrant gaze.

"I don't know," he repeats. I bite my lip hesitantly. I don't trust this faerie. My gut tells me to leave him tied. I shake my head and disregard the feeling. With a single slash of my knife, the rope around his wings snaps loose. I cut through the rope around his wrists and feet next.

A silver glow surrounds us and my mouth goes dry with fear. The faerie stands, much taller than I expected. His dark wings close around us and I know what will happen next. My knife falls from my grasp as I tremble. The faerie tilts his head, watching me. He brushes a finger against my cheek and I flinch.

"You are no stranger to violence," he murmurs.

"Kill me and be done with it." My voice comes out stronger than I expected it to, surprising both of us.

"Why would I kill you? You are the first human to capture a faerie within 300 years. I'm curious."

"300 years?" I'm not trembling so much now. "Is that how old you are?"

He chuckles at that, and I hear the hooting of owls and rippling of streams in his laughter. "A bold one. No, I'm not quite that old."

"Then...how old are you?" Now that I'm mostly certain he won't kill me, I'm finding myself a bit braver.

"How old do you think I am, Daughter of Clay?"

I knit my brows, examining him once more. Hesitantly, I lift my hand to his face. He does not stop me as I run my fingers across his forehead, down the length of his proud nose, and across his narrow lips. My hands drift to his shoulders and down his arms. I can feel hard muscles beneath his leather armor. He is a warrior, then. I lift my hand towards one of his wings, still encircling us, but he catches my wrist.

"Those are off limits." His voice is laced with a hint of a growl and I nod.

With my assessment made, I pull my hand back to my chest. "245?" I guess.

He smirks. "236."


"You think I don't know my own age?" He arches a brow.

"I'd like to go." I inch away from him, aware of the time that has been rapidly passing by.

"That is not an option."

"What?" My heart stills.

"You released me without making a wish. Therefore, you are mine until you do so." His eyes sparkle with mischief.

"No," I shake my head. "No, you said you didn't know what would happen. You..."

"Faerie, Love. We have a nasty habit of lying." I should've listened to my gut. "Now, you get to come with me to the land of Faeries. You will spend your time trying to catch me again. When you succeed and make your wish, you will be free to return home." His smirk fades. "If you try to run without playing by the rules, the land will turn on you. You will be killed before you make it three meters."

A pit of dread opens within my stomach. "But...my family. I can't...you can't..." I bare my teeth in rage and slam a fist into his wing. He doubles over, as if I punched his gut. I take my chance and run, not bothering to grab my knife. Minutes pass and I hear nothing. I don't slow down.

Silver tinges my feet and I freeze. My gaze flickers up. I have made a terrible mistake. The wrath of a thousand nightmares is written across this faerie's face. I try and fail to move. His wings settle close to his back as he lands. He grabs my face and leans closer to me.

"You are mine," he snarls. "Play by the rules or forfeit your life, Daughter of Clay." I have no choice, but I will not make this easy for him. I feed anger into my gaze. "You should do your research before messing with a faerie."

"I prefer hands-on learning," I retort.

"Well, then prepare to learn." I don't get a chance to argue. He grabs me and with one stroke of his wings, we soar into the night sky. I refuse to cry, despite my fear. This was my own doing. I can get myself out of this. I have to and I will. The faerie lands appear before us and I relish the soft breeze against my cheeks. This faerie chose to trick the wrong human.

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