Dried Roses (Part 3)

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‼️Warning: Images of decapitation‼️

Witching Season: Week 3

It's Thursday night. I was attacked last Tuesday. Madison and Jeffrey died the same day. Like Neveah and Lucas, they were buried as quickly as possible. Now, there are only two more victims to be found.

I pour over my notes, wracking my brain for a way to stop the Witches. There are piles of homework beside me, but I haven't done any. I haven't been to school since Tuesday. Madison broke my nose and the pain has been pretty bad. Doctors fixed me up as best as they could, while my parents and little brother drilled me about what happened.

When I broke down and told them, they were livid, mostly because I hadn't told them that I'd seen four dead kids right away. I sigh and tap my pencil against my notebook. Ethan is watching Spongebob on tv. For once in my life, I want to watch that dumb show. I want to forget what I've seen. I don't give in, though. I keep thinking.

An hour later, there's a knock at the door. Since my parents aren't home, I get up to answer it. Moses is waiting outside. "I'll be right back in, Ethan," I call.

"Ok." He starts to whistle the Spongebob theme song.

"How are you holding up?" Moses asks. He pulls me in for a hug before I can answer.

"I don't know anymore."

"You're not blaming yourself, are you?"

"For Madison, Lucas, and Jeffrey? No. For Neveah, yes. If I had gotten to the docks sooner, I think I could have saved her."

"I don't think you could have. This is so much bigger than us. It's gone on for centuries." Moses tilts my chin up and kisses me. "You should rest and stop worrying. After this week, it'll be over."

"But only until next year! We'll only be seniors. We could be at risk!" I can't help it. I start crying. I've been keeping my stress and anxiety to myself but I can't anymore.

Moses hugs me tightly and we sit down on the stairs. He stays silent as I cry and only pulls back when I've calmed down a bit. "I don't have all the answers. I don't know how to stop this or how to comfort you." I squeeze my eyes shut. "But I can promise you that Remembrance and I are here for you. We won't let you deal with anything like this alone."

"I know," I whisper. I stand up and Moses stands with me. "My parents will be home soon and they'll freak if you're still here."

"Noted." He kisses me once more. "Call me if you need me. Use the landline. I know you don't have a phone anymore." I nod and he steps off the porch. I go inside and put Ethan and myself to bed.

I wake up early the next morning and roll over. I can't stop the scream before it escapes my lips. A bouquet of dried roses sits on my nightstand. Mom and Dad burst into my room.

"Wren? What's wrong?" Mom asks. She follows my gaze to the roses.

"The...roses. I'm chosen. Moses and I are chosen," I whimper.

"Chosen for what?" Dad asks.

"The Witches chose us. We're the third set of victims." My hand drifts to my neck. The third victims always die by decaptiation.

"That whole legend is a joke. All of these deaths have some sort of explanation," my dad protests. "You are not going to be killed by witches."

I jump out of bed. "I'm going to school today." Mom and Dad look at each other nervously as I change my clothes.

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