A Partridge Gave the Queen

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Disclaimer: This is a short story using inspiration from Alice in Wonderland.

Alice sat upon the ruby throne. A heart shaped scepter was held in her hands, a red and black gown gracing her slim figure. The White Rabbit raced up to the throne.

"What day is it, Rabbit?" Alice queried.

"Why, it is today, Majesty. The same as it was yesterday and the day before."

"No, no, well, yes, but I mean what holiday is it?"

"Well I suppose in the upper world you would call it...Christmas, Majesty."

"Christmas! My goodness, Rabbit, you're right! It's Christmas! Do you know what that means?"


"Bring forth the partridge!"

Rabbit's eyes rounded. "Yes, Majesty!"

Rabbit bounced off, returning momentarily with a partridge at his side. The partridge was sitting in a pear tree.

"Your Majesty!" The partridge coughed on his mouthful of tea. "My gracious! I thought surely I'd have time to finish my tea and biscuits before Christmas arrived."

"You were occupied in the same manner last Christmas, Partridge. I'm certain you have tea all year round!"

"Why, of course, Majesty. Tea requires lots of time." The partridge nodded wisely. "Would you like a pear? It's from my own tree." The bird plucked one of the pears off the upper limbs of the tree and held it out to Alice. "It can change colors if you like."

"Will you make it red and white for me?"

"Striped like the candy?"


The partridge nodded. Instantly, a red and white pair appeared in Alice's hands.

"Marvelous! Now, you know what your job is. I'll let you get on with it."

The partridge cleared his throat and proceeded to sing. "On the first day of Christmas the Partridge gave the Queen....a pear striped like a candy!"

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