End Times

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This is a story about two of my newest Star Wars OC's, Irel and Axe.

    Irel blinked her eyes open in disgust. The sun hadn't even risen yet and already she was uncomfortably warm. The humid summer weather on Kashyyyk did little to help that. Irel rolled over, expecting to find Axe next to her, but he was gone. Of course he beat me up. He always does. Irel rolled her eyes. Commander Axe was one of the best Clone Commanders in the Grand Army of the Republic, but very few knew him as well as Irel did. He was always up early, sometimes to get more work done, but usually so that he wouldn't be caught leaving Irel's tent.

    She stood, sliding on her boots and clipping her lightsaber to her belt. It wouldn't be long before the droid army returned. Irel stepped out of her tent and stretched briefly. One of the troopers passed by. "Morning, General!" He called.

    "Morning, Rigger. Heard any clankers yet?"

    "Not yet. Maybe they're too scared to show up again," Rigger laughed before carrying on with his work.

    Irel smiled briefly, wishing they could all share Rigger's humor. She knew all too well that the droids would be returning. She assumed they would come in even greater numbers, since the Jedi Council had dispatched Master Yoda to Kashyyyk as well. She hadn't seen the master yet. From her position on the beach, she could see the tower where Master Yoda was.

    A familiar hand slid on to her waist. "Look who decided to join us," Axe laughed.

    Irel rolled her eyes again. "Shut up. You weren't up more than half an hour before me."

    "Want to bet?" Axe pulled her close briefly.

    Irel twisted away and wagged her finger at him in a mock scolding. "Not out here where everyone can see."

    Axe shrugged. "Whatever you say, General."

    "Have the scouts reported back yet?" Irel looked out to the ocean. The sun was rising steadily.

    "Only one. Gizer reported droid movement from the atmosphere. I haven't heard from Veres yet."

    Irel nodded. "Tell me as soon as he reports in. I should go find Captain Womatka." She glanced around before pressing a kiss to Axe's cheek. "I'll see you out there."

    Axe tipped two fingers to her. "You betcha, General."

    Irel headed off to the Wookiee captain's tent. She subconsciously lay a hand on her stomach and sighed. She would have to tell Axe sooner or later. I just don't want to distract him during the fight, Irel thought. She knew better than anyone that being distracted on the battlefield often led to death.

    The Wookiee guards let her into Womatka's tent without a second glance. The captain looked at her and gestured for her to sit. Irel did and began to voice her concerns. "The scouts have reported droid reinforcements in the atmosphere. I suspect they'll drop them just beyond the beaches and storm them." Womatka growled a bit. "Have you heard anything from General Tarfful about why Master Yoda is here?"

    Womatka barked and growled an explanation. Irel nodded briefly and began to reply but was cut short. The tent flaps parted and Veres ran in. "General," he panted, "the droids are coming." Irel was on her feet and out of the tent instantly.

    She raised a pair of monoculars to her eyes as Womatka raced out behind her. "This is not good," she said, passing the monoculars to the Wookiee captian. Several Separatist flagships had entered the atmosphere and were already below the clouds. They released several tanks, spider droids, aqua droids, and more into the ocean. Already, battle droids were storming the beach. "We need to create a perimeter and defend these beaches. Don't let them get to the compounds," Irel ordered. She nodded to Captain Womatka before igniting her lightsaber and lunging into the fray.

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