Mirror Mirror

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(disclaimer: inspired by the story of Snow-White)
Snow ran through the dark halls of the castle. Cold gusts of wind billowed over as the phantom pursued her. Snow screeched and jumped over a knights spear that had fallen almost directly on top of her. Why was no one coming to help her? She continued to run, looking at the servants she passed. None moved to help her. She risked a glance back. She screamed as she saw the empty face in front of her own. It's black eyes were deeply sunken in, gray flesh that appeared cracked, and a decaying white robe and hood over its face. The phantom reached out a hand for Snow's face.

Mirror mirror, in my mind, where will I the fairest girl find?

Snow shrieked and tried to run, but she was frozen in place. The phantom drew closer, curling it's bony fingers around Snow's chin. Snow looked desperately around for help. Her father was standing nearby, watching. The phantoms eyes glowed devilishly and Snow found herself growing weak. She saw her reflection in the phantoms eyes. Her hair turned gray, her skin wrinkled. In turn, the phantom grew young and beautiful. Snow felt her life force ebbing away. "Father help me!" She cried, but it was as though she were invisible! Tears streaked her face.She stared into the face of the phantom, the face that had become her stepmothers.

Mirror mirror, come draw nye, 'tis time for the fairest girl to die.

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