Moonlight Magic

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Anika stared up at the sky, with the crystalline stars twinkling down on her. She gave a sigh of contentment and laid out flat, crossing her hands across her stomach. He blonde hair streamed out behind her and her amethyst gown bunched around her as she shifted into a comfortable position. She continued to gaze up at the moon. For as long as she could remember, she had always loved to look at the night sky. The night was calming to her. She much preferred the night over the day.

Being the daughter of a Duke came with many duties. She was required to go to boring lessons on language, etiquette, and history. She didn't mind the history part so much. Some of the old myths and legends surrounding their small duchy intrigued her. She loved learning about The Age Of Dragons, when dragons roamed freely throughout their lands before being forced to extinction by the hunting of knights. She loved the legend of unicorns, who came only to a pure hearted maiden. Her blue eyes flashed as a shooting star blazed across the indigo sky.

Anika closed her eyes, carefully making her wish. She didn't know if shooting stars actually granted wishes, but she might as well try. I don't know if you actually grant wishes, but if you do, please grant mine. I wish for freedom, freedom to be my own person, and not one of my Father's making.

Anika's father, Duke Arcolyn, was a rather controlling man. Everything Anika did was ordered by her father or reported to him immediately. At least he hadn't found out about her forbidden night strolls yet. Anika breathed deeply, letting her worries wash away. She closed her eyes for a moment.

Footsteps crunched on dead leaves. Anika's eyes shot open and she rolled over to face whomever was  approaching her. She gripped the handle of her obsidian dagger tightly; she never went anywhere without it and was fully trained in the art of many defense forms. Anika remained still, concealed by a cluster of bushes. The footsteps sounded closer. A person walked past the bush.

Anika sprang our of her hiding place, swiftly placing a gag in the boys mouth and held her dagger at his throat. She pulled him behind the bush before removing the gag. Daron's brown eyes twinkled in the starlight. Anika released her breath; she hadn't even known she'd been holding it. She put her dagger away. "Sorry," she said, blushing a little.

Daron laughed. "It's ok. I'm impressed that you managed to sneak up on me like that. What are you doing out here anyway? Doesn't your father forbid you to leave the estate after dark?"

Anika gave a hiss of exasperation. "Don't you dare tell him! He hasn't a clue that I do this."

Daron nodded solemnly. "I'd never tell on you, Anika."

"Besides, I could ask you the same thing. Shouldn't you be back in the village?" Anika lifted her brow.

Daron shrugged. "One of the mares gave birth and Alexander needed my help."

Anika smiled a bit. Here was something to look forward to in the morning. "Colt or filly? And what does it look like? Which mare?" Anika asked.

"Slow down, Ani!" Daron laughed. Anika felt her face turn red as Daron called her by her pet name. He had given it to her when they were just children and it still stuck like flies in molasses. "It was Star. She had a black colt. He has a white patch around one eye and white socks on all of his hooves. He'll be a fine stallion when he's older," Daron sighed.

Anika thought for a moment. "You sound as though you admire him. Has he a name yet?"

"I do admire him. He's a beauty of a colt. No, he doesn't have a name. He was born a few hours ago," Daron said.

"Well, do you have a name for him?" Anika bit her lip. Her father wasn't going to like this one bit.

"Well, as soon as I saw the patch around his eye, I thought a good name for him would be Patch, but it's not a very good name for a pure-bred," Daron admitted.

"How long have you worked for us?" Anika knew she didn't need to ask. He'd been there since he was a baby. They'd grown up together.

Daron glanced at her. "What are you plotting now, Ani?"

"You've served my father well, but he's never repaid you. He's paid you in money I know, but not in horses as he has all the other stable hands. I could ask my father to give you Patch if you like," Anika offered. In her mind, she was already thinking of a way to convince her father to give Daron the colt.

Daron shook his brown haired head. "He'll never allow it. I'm in debt to your father." Daron sat down. Anika knelt beside him.

"Your father is in debt to him, not you. I could convince Father, I'm sure of it!" Anika prompted.

Daron shook his head again. "No, Ani. Your father doesn't like me already and he'll dislike me even more if you ask for something on my behalf."

Anika felt desperation claw at her chest. Couldn't Daron have one thing that he wanted? Surely it wasn't too much to ask. "Then, I'll ask for him for myself. I'll say I gave Patch to you."

Daron smiled softly and took her hand in his own. Her breath caught. His hands were rough and calloused, proof of the hard work he performed daily. "Ani, you don't have to."

"'ve done so much for me. I just want to do one thing for you, to repay you. You've been my friend my whole life," Anika paused.

Daron thought for a moment. "Do you really want to do something for me?" He asked finally. Anika nodded. "Tell me how old you are," Daron said.

"Daron, don't be ridiculous. You know how old I am," Anika said.

Daron held up a hand. "Just answer me please,"

"I'm 17," Anika said.

"And what will your father have you do once you're 18?"

"Marry." Anika nearly choked on the word. Of course her father would find a suitable match for her once she was 18.

"Then, will you keep me in mind as you make a list of possible suitors?" Daron asked tentatively. Anika gasped. "I'm sorry. Was I too forward? I didn't mean to," Daron quickly apologized.

"No, no, no. It's not that," Anika said hurriedly. "It's just, I never knew you felt the same way as I did." She clapped a hand over her mouth and felt a furious red flush seep into her cheeks. She was thankful for the dark, for without it, Daron could have obviously seen how red she had turned.

Daron's mouth hung open. He shut it quickly. " me too?"

Anika nodded slowly. "I always have. Since we were children actually." It felt strange to be telling him this. She had always kept it a secret from everyone. "And to answer your question, of course I'll have you in mind."

Daron smiled softly. He put a hand to her cheek. Anika flushed again, her heartbeat racing. She felt herself tremble slightly. Daron leaned closer to her. "Is something wrong?" He asked, his eyes filling with concern.

"No," Anika replied hastily.

"You're trembling," Daron pointed out.

"It's cold tonight," Anika said.

"Not really," Daron smirked. "You're a bad liar, Ani."

"Oh shut up. Are you going to kiss me or not?" Anika rolled her eyes.

Daron laughed and leaned forward, closing the distance between them. Anika let herself sink into the kiss. Finally, after all these years, she could find freedom in expressing how she felt. Daron's hand moved to the back of her head and ran through her hair. She wrapped her arms around his neck. Then she broke away.

"Oh Father isn't going to like this," she whispered.

Daron smiled. "Your father doesn't like a lot of things."

Anika nodded. She gazed up at the sky again, feeling more alive than she had in a while. The Stars shimmered brightly. Anika shifted her gaze to the moon. "How beautiful," she breathed, her voice laced in rapture.

"The moonlight has much magic over the mortal minds," Daron stated.

"The moon's magic gave me a gift tonight," Anika said.

"What was it?"

"You." Daron smiled warmly at her and she smiled back. The shooting star had granted her wish. She realized that it had been granted long ago. When she was with Daron, she was free to be whomever she chose to be. He was her freedom, and someday, she would be his.

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