Unbelievable Excuses

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This short story was written for a challenge on Amino.

Cerise sighed and brushed bits of stray black hair out of her face. The salty ocean summer breeze brushed past her face. She checked her watch again. 4:10 p.m. He was late, again. Cerise stood with a huff and began to pack up the blanket she'd been sitting on.

"Cerise! Wait!"

She paused, hearing Finn's voice. Cerise crossed her arms as he sprinted across the beach towards her. His medium length brown hair was loose and his features flushed. "What's the excuse this time, Finn?"

"I'm sorry. I promise I didn't mean to be late," he replied sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Right. Look, Finn, this isn't working out. We've been together for two years and you still don't make time for me," Cerise sighed. "I'd hoped you'd prove me wrong eventually but you haven't."

"Wait, are you saying..."

"I want to break up. I don't want to be with someone who can't ever be on time for things or make time for me. I'm always second in your eyes and that's something I can't live with."

"No, that's not true. I've told you before that I'm just bad at keeping time."

Cerise's eyes flashed. "And I've told you before that I need a better reason than that. If you have one, I'll reconsider. If you don't, then I'm done."

"I..." Finn seemed to struggle for the words. "Come with me," he said finally. Cerise relented and let him take her hand. He led her down the beach past numerous tourists and swimmers.

After a short walk, they reached a small alcove hidden from the main section of the beach. Finn led her through the rock formations. "What are we doing here?" Cerise asked, skepticism lacing her words.

"You asked for a reason. This is part of it." Finn motioned to a pool of water stranded further back on the beach. It was surrounded by rocks and completely hidden from the tourist world around them.

"What is it?" Cerise asked. She knelt by the water and looked down. Finn placed his hands on her shoulders and knelt beside her, staring at the water reverently.

"My home," he said at last.

Cerise stared at him, feeling her frustration returning. "Your home?" She stood abruptly, shrugging him off. "Do you think I'm an idiot? Do you think this is some kind of game to me?"

"No, I know it's not." Finn stood and grabbed her arms. "You have to trust me."

"Let go of me."


Cerise met his warm brown gaze, full of pleading and sincerity. She gritted her teeth, then nodded. Finn pulled her into the water and dove beneath. Cerise took in a large breath as he pulled her down. Fear threatened to take hold of her mind, but she forced it away and focused on Finn ahead of her. He glanced back briefly.

He didn't seem to be struggling to hold his breath. Cerise narrowed her eyes as her own lungs began to tighten. She tugged on Finn's arm and pointed to the surface. He shook his head and held his hand up towards her face. Cerise's eyes flew open as a thin film coated her entire body. She stared at her hands and saw that it wasn't a film, but a space between her body and the water. It was only about a half an inch wide, but it was full of air. Cerise drew in a deep breath, keeping her wondering to herself.

Finn led her on. On the ocean floor below, Cerise spotted several strange structures. Light filtered out of them and into the water. Several people were swimming around them, as well as seals. They reached a building and swam inside. Finn pulled Cerise up into a room. The water fell away from them as they entered an air filled chamber.

"Where are we and how did you do that?" Cerise asked.

"Like I said, this is my home. As to how I did it, think. I know you've read about me." Finn tapped a finger to her forehead. Cerise tilted her head, eyeing him curiously.

"You're a selkie," she realized. "But how? Am I dreaming or crazy, or..." Finn took her hands in his own.

"Neither. This is real and you're right. I prefer to stay in my human form. When I first met you, you were reading about my kind, remember?"

"Yes, I remember. Still, I thought you were giving me a good excuse."

"Right, why I'm always late." Finn let out a sigh. "Things are...less than perfect around here. There have been hunters killing us. I've been helping make safe zones for us and rescuing others. I know it's not a good excuse for not making time for you, but these are my people. They're important to me and I have to do what I can to help them. I'll take you back now. I just...thought you might want to know."

Cerise remained speechless as they swam back towards the surface. My boyfriend is a selkie? This is so weird. They reached the alcove and Finn gently set Cerise up on the shore.

"I'm sorry. I'll miss you, but I'll stay out of your way," Finn said, preparing to swim away.

"Wait." Cerise grabbed his shoulders and pulled him closer. She leaned over the pool of water, meeting his gaze. "This is a lot to process. I'm not entirely certain I believe this even. Still, your actions are admirable. We can try to make this work."

Finn's eyes lit up and he grinned broadly. "You're amazing."

"But, I do want you to try to make a little more time for me. In turn, I want to help you and your people. Whatever I can do," Cerise continued.

"I...thank you."

"Do not make me regret this." Cerise said firmly. She glanced at her watch for a second time. It read 4:30 p.m. "By the way, you're about thirty minutes late for our date."

"Well, let me make it up to you."

Cerise shrieked as Finn pulled her into the water again. He pulled her against him and kissed her soundly, before she broke away and splashed him. She leaped out of the water before he could grab her again. Finn jumped up after her and chased her down the stretch of the beach.

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