A Choice

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"Please. Please, I don't want to die." I let my head fall, trying to hide my tears. Corbin takes a step closer. I squeeze my eyes shut, hearing the unmistakable sound of a blade being drawn.

"I'm sorry. I don't want to do this." His voice catches and he clears his throat. "But I have to."

"No, you don't." I start shaking my head. My eyes remained closed. "We'll figure something out. There must be another way. I don't want to die."

"It's the only way."

I force myself to meet his gaze. Green eyes mirror my brown ones. I can see his love for me...and his confliction. I swallow, my stomach churning. "If you loved me, you wouldn't do this."

"I do love you." Corbin steadies his shaking sword. "But my feelings don't matter right now. Besides, you don't love me back."

"How can I love someone who is willing to kill me?"

"To save our home! How can you be so selfish as to not give your life for its survival?"

I flinch and bite my lip. I have already given so much of myself for this land. Must I give more? "That's easy for you to say. You're not the one who has to die!" I fight back more tears. I open my mouth to speak again, but find that I no longer have a voice.

Corbin's hands are glowing green with magic. "I'm sorry," he whispers. "I truly am, but I will do anything to save our home." Corbin raises his sword. I close my eyes once more.

Please, somebody help me! I sob in my mind, all the while knowing that no one can hear me. Steel sings through the air. The blow never strikes me. Hesitantly, I crack an eye open. A very familiar figure stands in front of me, an obsidian shield covering both of us. Corbin holds the remnants of a shattered sword.

My rescuer looks over his shoulder. Long red hair wreaths his face. "Are you all right?" I manage a nod. He faces Corbin again. "How can you call yourself a hero?" He sneers.

"Don't start lecturing me now, Lucian. You know as well as I do that killing her will solve everything. We wouldn't be in this mess if it weren't for you, anyway!" Corbin snaps back.

"I know, and I regret involving you at all." Lucian glances at me. I don't doubt his words. Sincerity shines within his eyes, so similar to his brother's.

"Let her go."

A growl rumbles from Lucian's chest. I stiffen, recalling what usually follows such a sound. "So you can try to shove a sword through her heart once more? I don't think so. Viana will come with me."

"With you?" Corbin strides towards us. Lucian's fingernails shift into talons.

I touch my hand to Lucian's and the talons recede. "I'll go with you. I don't want to stay here with him." I glare at Corbin. So much for always looking out for me. "But on one condition." Lucian waits for me to continue. His gaze is still fixed on his brother. "You will help me find a way to stop all of this."

"We could stop it now!" Corbin protests. "I'm sorry, Viana. I truly am, but it could all be over right now. With you gone, Malum won't have a reason to continue his conquest."

"She has already given up everything!" Lucian shouts. "You would ask her to die as well?"

"I don't see why you care. You have done nothing but aid Malum since the beginning!"

"And now I'm trying to help."

Corbin looks past Lucian and gives me a pleading look. "You're going to trust him after everything he's done?"

"Lucian never tried to kill me!" I push myself to my feet, anger igniting in my stomach. "The opposite, in fact. He has nearly died saving my life while you were off playing hero. I appreciate everything you've done, but yes, I'm going to trust Lucian."

"You're making a mistake."

"The only mistake I made was choosing to help you in the first place." Corbin staggers back as though I struck him. Lucian places a hand on my shoulder. I see Corbin reach towards us just before we vanish. "Will I regret choosing to come with you?"

Magic seems to tear the words out of my mouth, but I know Lucian heard them. "That is for you to decide," he replies. Of course. It is always a choice with him.

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