The Rest of the Day

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Sasuke POV

Wake up Ihai. I said while shaking her.

Just five more minutes Tobi. Then I will play hide and seek. Ihai muttered.

Oh Ihai. I cooed in her ear.

Shit! She muttered. I ain't in the base of the Akatsuki anymore. Ihai muttered the last four words.

Time for you to take a shower Ihai. I cooed.

Ihai got out of bed. She was a little wobbley but made it all the way to the shower and turned it on.

Ihai got in and washed. Then she just stood there for about fifteen to twenty minutes until the water was icy.

While she was showering I took the time to buy her some clothes to wear. I got her the Uchiha pants since she refuses to wear a skirt. I also got her a tank with her familys symbol. The symbol of yin and yang but in dragon form.

Oi. The hell are my sweats! Ihai muttered.

Hey honey I got you something better. I cooed.

Oh really? What could be better than sweats? Ihai cooed back.

How about pants like mine and a tank with the yin and yang dragons of your clans symbol? I cooed.

Fine as long as the pants can move like my sweats! Ihai basically half muttered and half yelled.

One thing Ihai. I replied all serious.

Hai? Ihai replied.

I have to dress you since I bought the clothes. I smirked.

Fine just hurry up! I would like to be at the Rain before the end of the weekend. Ihai replied.

Hai my dear. Let us get you dressed and we will poof about twenty minutes walk from the meeting point. I cooed.

Hai let us just get there already. Ihai huffed as I dressed her. I put her bra on then the tank. I lifted her up and pull up her underwear then pants. I licked her privates before pulling up the underwear and pants completely making her shiver slightly.

I then pulled them up and buckled the pants. I tyed the Uchiha belt around her waist. We then left.

The guard asked if we had fun. I replied hai and Ihai just blushed.

We got far enough to poof to a food joint and pick up some food for five. Then we walked to the meeting point.

We got there in time for someone to yell.

Took you long enough! Who is the girl?

Ihai hid behind me a little until I told her they can be trusted.

Suigets! Knock of your crap you scared her. A whitish haired person snapped. Hey there I am Jugo. What is your name?

Ihai is the name. Ihai replied.

What no surname? Suigetsu snickered.

I have many surnames since my clan split into other clans. They were dispised and killed. All except me and..... Ihai trailed off.

Ihai dear what were you going to say? I questioned.

Nothing it isn't like she will even know me. She will only know what the Leaf will want her to know if they find out her true origins. Ihai stated bluntly.

Huh what just happened? Jugo asked.

We have known each other forever now. Her family was murdered in front of her eyes. She was banned from Kohona after they discovered she could tame dragons. They burned her ninja head band. She was gone six months then I left. She was with the Akatsuki for a year and a half before Orochimaru got her. Then I killed him after she did a number on Kabuto then she distracted the snake sanin. I replied.

Yeah I didn't kill Kabuto. I just completely rendered him helpless. Basically he can not move for a few months. Ihai replied.

Karin snickered.

Ah so the bitch lives. Ihai snickered.

What did you call me?! Karin yelled.

If you did not hear me you must be a dumbass. As well as a bitch! Ihai retorted.

At least I am dressing like a girl. Karin retorted.

At least I know a barbie when I see one! Ihai retorted.

At least Sasuke likes me! Karin retorted.

At least I am actually mentioned in the Uchiha legendary prophecy! Ihai retorted.

You can be! Karin replied.

Yup I am immortal deal with it bitch! Ihai retorted and pulled out the Uchiha necklace.

Everyones eyes widened.

I just snickered. You haven't changed much Ihai. You have just gotten better at come backs and retorts. I replied.

Well that is what happens when you live with a group of S-Rank criminals that the leader and his partner consider you as their own child does to you. Ihai replied.

Now let get our asses in gear. I can not wait to beat up some of my family! That old fucker and that fucking other Jashanist is going to get for letting me leave with Orochimoomoo! Ihai yelled as she grab her kanata and nunchucks.

Hai let us go. We need to be at the Rain by Saturday. I replied.

But that is a day and a half away! Karin yelled.

Exactly bitch! That is why we need to move now! Since Grampa Kakuza will be in town by Sunday I would like to be their before him and his partner in crime so I can give them both a can of whoop ass! Ihai yelled while ahead of us.

Boy I feel bad for who ever pissed her off. Suigetsu replied.

Oh do not worry. They are family one can die the other can not. I do not know how many times either Sasori or I had to sew his head back on then heal it! Ihai replied.

I snickered.

Karin asked Ihai something.

None my head has never left my shoulders. Unfortunately my heart has been out of my chest before but I am still here. Ihai smiled.

Ihai when she smiled it was more of a crooked grin. A cross between mine and Kakashi's grin.

We will camp out here for the night in the trees we only have three quarters of a day left. If we leave at dawn and double our speed we will be there by noon. Ihai stated.

Damn she is good. I just caculated what she said and it is true. Jugo replied.

Then we all went to sleep. I made sure I was right next to her in the same tree. In a branch that had split to make two in one branches.

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