Chapter 6: The First Task

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The next morning Alice woke up laying on top of George. He had one arm on her lower back, wrapped around her waist, the other was wrapped around her upper back, holding her tightly. Alice had never felt safer then when she was held by George. She rested her head on his chest and cuddled deeper into his chest, listening to his heartbeat and calmed breathing. George woke up an hour later, Alice was asleep on top of him and he smiled. He held her tighter and rolled the both of them to their sides and gently laid Alice down. He looked at her and admired how adorable she looked when she slept. He leaned forward and kissed the tip of her nose. Alice shifted in her sleep and opened her eyes and gave George a sleepy smile. He smiled back at her and moved her hair out of her face and held her face. They laid there just looking at each other for a few minutes, both of them thinking of kissing each other. Instead George pulled her into a hug and Alice thanked him for letting her stay. George started to wonder what it'd be like to wake up like this everyday and be able to kiss her. He wondered what it'd be like to be loved by Alice, not knowing she already loved him and was wondering the same as George. They laid there in each other's arms, cuddled up together till they had to get up for breakfast. George wasn't ready let go and neither was Alice. They just wanted to lay there all day, in each other's arms.
At breakfast they were all talking about their day and the classes they had. As soon as Harry entered the hall whispers started and everyone looked at him. Alice noticed how nervous and anxious he was and she got up and went to him. She hugged him with a smile that said it would be ok. She took his hand and led him to the table. She sat down next to George and Harry sat on her right. However Rita Skeeter watched the exchange between Harry and Alice. She immediately wrote down a Champions Secret Lover article in her notebook for later. For now she'd just watch and listen.
As the day went on, Harry and Alice spent a lot of time together causing Skeeter to think of them as a couple even more. Harry told Alice everything about last night, including his fight with Ron. As he was telling her about the fight he sounded upset and angry. Alice stopped him and pulled him into a hug, saying she knew what he was going through. Harry relaxed into the hug and felt his anger go down. "Thanks Alice, also I wanted to ask you something." Harry said sounding a bit nervous. Alice knew where this was going and she smiled. She told him to go ahead and he started to rampant to her about Draco. "He's perfect, Alice! How can someone be so perfect?! His hair, his grey eyes, and even his arse is perfect!" Harry ranted, Alice just listened with a smile, happy he was telling her this, and trusted her enough to tell him.
That's how her day went she was with Harry most of the time and he was mostly ranting about Ron, Draco, or the tournament. Alice had a gut feeling that something was wrong, that something bad was going to happen. After living with her crazy brother for so long she knew to trust her gut. Harry and her parted ways, he went to the library with Cedric and Alice went to meet George. When she met him however she wasn't expecting to be hugged and spun around. When George finally put her down he fixed her hair so it wasn't in her face and smiled at her. "So how's Harry doing? I wonder how he got his name in?" George asked still holding her waist. Alice put her hands on his shoulders and smiled. "George he's panicking. There's no way in hell he got his name in, you tried and remember what happened when you did. You turned into an old man." Alice said with a giggle. George smiled, he thought she was adorable and beautiful, that and he really wanted to kiss her. He was looking down at her and laughed, rethinking about what happened. He finally let go of her waist, blushing, and moved her hair out of her face again. "Yea I remember, but I also remember making you cry and I don't want to remember that part." He said putting his head in the crook of her neck as he hugged her tightly. Alice smiled and told him that it was fine because she was better now, and he helped her. She held George while she blushed, feeling his breath on her neck.
They didn't know they were being watched though. Skeeter snapped a photo of the exchange between George and Alice, and wrote an article title Champions Secret Love, A Cheater or A Breakup. Skeeter couldn't wait to find out more juicy details later, for now she watched the exchange closely and thought she saw George kissing Alice's neck. She mistakenly let out an audible gasp that was heard by Alice and George. Alice thought they were the only ones in the corridor, she started to get anxious and held George's hand for comfort. George pulled his wand and let go of her hand, he went to go check but whoever was around the corner was gone. He turned around to see Alice on the floor leaning against the wall with her chest heaving. He rushed over to her, he knew she was sensitive to certain sounds when they came from an unknown place. He finally got to her side and saw her shaking. She was having an anxiety attack and she had started to cry. George helped her stand up and decided to take her to the hospital wing, this was the worse he'd seen of one, she never collapsed to the floor while she had an attack before.
When they got there he laid her down on the bed, taking her shoes and socks so she'd be more comfortable. Madam Pomfrey looked her over and gave her a potion to calm her down. After a bit it worked and she calmed down but Madam Pomfrey made her lay down to rest. Alice had asked George to get Harry so she could see him. George left to find Harry, knowing Alice needed him since he'd had been through something similar. George went to dungeons looking for Harry and saw him leaving potions, Draco not far behind, both covered in soot, blisters, and cuts. It was obvious they'd been fighting. George stopped Harry and put his hand on his shoulder gently. Harry was confused as to why George was there and doing that. George whispered in Harry's ear what happened with Alice, while Draco watched getting jealous. Harry said he'd be there soon saying he was just headed to the hospital wing.
After George left that's when Harry started to panic himself. He didn't know much of happened, only that Alice had a panic attack and collapsed. He started to hyperventilate and get dizzy. Draco was asking him if he was coming or not, but Harry couldn't hear him. Draco got concerned for Harry and walked over to him and shook his shoulder. That didn't work so he took Harry's hand, ignoring the butterflies, and dragged Harry to the hospital wing. Harry was out of the panic induced trance by the time they got to the hospital wing and noticed his hand being held and him being gently guided to a bed. He looked up and saw Draco. "Why are you holding my hand Malfoy?" Harry asked starting to blush. Draco didn't answer and laid Harry on a bed next to the one where Alice and George were cuddled up, Alice peacefully sleeping while George stroked her hair. "I took your hand because you were starting to panic, my mother has them and taking her hand calms her so I thought it'd calm you. They're kinda cute as much as I hate to say it." Draco said quietly and wiped Harry's tears that had fallen unexpectedly. That moment was quickly over seeing as Madam Pomfrey came over and started fussing over them. "Why is it always you, Harry? Draco sit here, unfortunately I have to pull a bed closer to Harry's for you. This place is filled with sick children because a Muggleborn student brought the muggle flu back after visiting her parents. Of course it spread! Please try and not kill each other overnight." Madam Pomfrey said sounding stressed. It was true a flu outbreak had occurred all because of one Muggleborn student and the hospital wing was filled. It held different houses, Beauxbatons, Durmstrangs too.
George was watching this exchange closely, he chuckled to himself. It was so obvious Draco and Harry liked each other but neither noticed it.
Alice snuggled closer to George, mumbling in her sleep that George managed to hear somehow. What he heard gave him a bit of hope, Alice said "Love you Georgie" in her sleep. He never blushed harder and got more butterflies in his stomach then in that moment. He fell asleep with her in his arms, hoping that she felt the same as he did.
Two Weeks Later
In the past two weeks nothing happened between George and Alice. No kiss, no I love you's and no snogging sessions. George had given up on hoping she liked him back. Alice was also upset that nothing happened other than the friendly hugs, cuddles and sleepovers. But something happened that made Alice beyond happy and excited.
It was a rainy Sunday afternoon and she was reading in her dorm and was about to close her book to take a nap. Ginny burst through the door, blushing with a huge smile. Alice asked what happened and why she was so excited. Ginny had sat down down and told her that she finally asked Luna out and that Luna said yes and kissed her. Alice had never been happier for Ginny and she pulled her into a tight hug and told Ginny that she was very proud of her. Molly came into the dorms during the hug and asked what was going on. Alice said that Luna and Ginny were finally going out and kissed. Molly came over and joined the hug. Neville came in shortly after with a new plant for Molly and an enchanted small bunch of flowers for Alice consisting of a sunflower, lily, and rose, that would stay fresh, which were her favorite. He set them down and knew what happened with Ginny since he'd seen it happen and joined the hug, kissing Molly's forehead in the process. They finally let go and Ginny was still smiling like crazy when she left the dorm. "I saw it happen on the way back from the greenhouse, it was adorable." Neville said smiling. Molly kissed him and they went to cuddle on her bed. Alice found their relationship adorable, they were definitely soulmates. She laid down, wishing George was there, and fell asleep.
Alice was woken up by Harry shaking her violently. "Bloody Hell! What the fuck Harry?! You gave a heart attack!" Alice yelled. Harry apologized and sat on her bed. He said he needed help with the first task and told Alice that it was dragons. "Well I can't help you, ask Hermione or even better ask Charlie." Alice said. Harry sighed and sarcastically said thanks to Alice. Alice laughed as he left and decided to shower.
When she was in the shower she didn't hear the door to her dorm open. George heard the shower running and knew it was Alice. He walked over to her closet and pulled out a maroon sweater, he then got a pair of jeans out for her and her converse. He laid on her bed and closed his eyes waiting for Alice to finish her shower. Alice stepped out of the shower and put her robe on and walked out of the bathroom. When she saw George she smiled but when she saw that he picked her clothes out for her she got even happier. She loved when George would pick her outfits because it was fun to see what he'd come up with, normally it was chaotic colors but today it was simple. She heard George let out a soft snore and realized he fell asleep. She got dressed and put on mascara. She walked over to George and shook him slightly. He stirred in his sleep then opened his eyes. He immediately smiled, he loved seeing her in the clothes he picked. He also loved when she didn't wear a lot of makeup, but he loved when she did her makeup because she could get creative with it. He pulled her down next to him and cuddled her. "George we have to go down for dinner." Alice said with a giggle. George just held her tighter and said "Just a few minutes of cuddles then dinner." Alice agreed just laid there smiling and playing with his hair while he laid on her chest.
After their small cuddling session they finally went down to dinner. They sat next to each other and started eating. Lee and Chris were snogging and Chris was practically on Lee's lap. "Oh get a room I'm trying to eat here." George said with a smirk Lee stood up and took Chris's hand. Before they walked out Lee said "Maybe you and Alice should snog and get a room." Alice started to blush and George threw a bread roll at Lee. It missed them and they ran out of the hall. George turned to Alice and moved her hair from her face. "Sorry love, I'll talk to him, he shouldn't have said that." George said with a soft smile while holding her face. He let go and turned back to eating. Alice barely ate and after she finished she stood up. She said she had to study and feed Griffin before leaving. "You should really just make a move on her already George." Hermione said. This made George blush and get flustered. " I can't do that she's my best friend! She doesn't even like me that way, besides have you seen her with Diggory?" George said. Hermione just sighed deciding not to take it further knowing it wouldn't work.
Alice walked quietly down the halls, thinking about what happened. It hurt to know that George would never feel the same way as she did. Alice bumped into someone and it caused her to fall backwards the other person landing on top of her. "Sorry I wasn't watching where I was going." Alice looked up and noticed it was Cedric. She smiled glad to know that it was him and not some random person. Cedric got off her and helped her up. They heard footsteps and Cedric knew those footsteps. They were Skeeters footsteps. He grabbed Alice's hand and led her to the library just around the corner. When they got there the door was locked and the footsteps were getting closer. It was dark and Cedric had to improvise, so he pinned Alice to the wall. "Cedric what the hell are you doing?" Alice yelled in whisper. Cedric shut her up by kissing her which shocked Alice. Cedric kept kissing her till the footsteps went away. "Sorry Skeeter was coming and I didn't want her to see me and it was dark so I did that. Sorry it was the first thing that came to my minds." Cedric explained. Alice was still shocked but she told Cedric that it was ok because she knew how annoying Skeeter could get, as Harry told her. He still had her against the wall and Alice looked at him. Even though she liked George she wanted Cedric to kiss her again, just so she could forget about George for once. "Cedric, could you kiss me again? I just want to forget about George for one night, please." Alice said softly. Cedric looked at her confused and feeling bad for her. He knew how much she liked George and how George never made any moves on her, which he saw hurt Alice. "Please Cedric? I'm giving you full consent not to mention you have me pinned against the wall." Alice said with a light chuckle at the end. "Your sure about this? That you want me to do that?" Cedric asked making sure she was 100 percent sure. Alice nodded and looked him in the eye signaling for him to kiss her. Cedric kissed her again, this time Alice responded to the kiss. While kissing her, Cedric took his wand out and unlocked the library door. "Jump" was all Cedric said before Alice jumped wrapping her legs around his waist. He carried her into the library and locked the door again, placing silencing charms as well.
Cedric put Alice on the nearest table as he moved his kisses to her jawline and neck. Alice had started to unbutton his shirt, and then her own. He skillfully took her shirt off and threw it. "Thank Merlin for skirts." Cedric said while rubbing her thighs. Alice was nervous but excited. She trusted Cedric and knew he would be gentle knowing he was going to be her first time. He opened the button on his trousers and pushed Alice's skirt up. He gently took her underwear off and put himself in her slowly. Alice wouldn't lie, it hurt a bit but soon she got used to it.
Cedric made sure she finished first then pulled out and finished himself. He helped clean her up and get redressed. "You did amazing Alice." Cedric complemented making sure that she knew she did good. He helped her off the table and started to walk her back to her common room. "Thank you Cedric." Alice finally said. She was happy that she finally could forget about George for once and have a new, exciting memory in her mind.
When Alice got back however she saw that Fred, George, Harry, Hermione and Ron were waiting for her. As soon as she came in Hermione came up to her. "Alice! Where were you? We were so worried! It's after curfew and- is that a hickey?!" Hermione said which cause everyone's heads to turn and Alice to start blushing. George immediately got jealous and angered. "Well um yea I guess it is yea." Alice said sounding nervous. Fred was smirking, Harry had his eyebrows raised, Ron was eating and oblivious, Hermione was surprised, and George stood up to leave. "Had to feed the stupid cat, my ass. You just snuck off to get laid, obviously it was Cedric." George said sounding irritated. Alice started to blush more making the answer obvious to them. "I knew it." George mumbled before going upstairs, with tears of anger in his eyes. Fred went after George and Harry and Ron left so Hermione and Alice could talk. "So you are with Cedric. You could've told us that you were dating him but I thought you liked George. What happened to that?" Hermione said sounding confused and Alice explained what happened from her falling over to the library. Hermione cringed at the fact that Alice had done it in a library, Hermione's favorite place, well it was. Alice had started crying because she felt guilty that she did that to George and Hermione comforted her and said that he'd come around.
Meanwhile on the stairs Fred heard everything, he went back to grab his quidditch book but instead overheard everything. He wanted to tell George but he knew he'd have to let George figure it out himself. That night Alice went to bed guilty and heartbroken. She had a great time with Cedric but seeing George so mad at her hurt her feelings. All she wanted was to forget George for one night but now he was on her mind more then ever before. She hoped that Hermione was right about George.
A week had passed and George had been ignoring her the whole time. The first task was a day away and Harry had been ranting to Alice about it. Alice was sitting in the common room alone since everyone had gone to bed. She was writing to Tonks, explaining everything to her and ranting to her. They had shared everything together from crushes to personal things because they were like sisters. Alice went to the window and gave the letter to Hedwig and sent her on her way. Alice went and sat down on the couch and starting reading Winnie the Pooh. It was a children's book but she had loved it ever since Ted had started reading it to her when she was two, not to mention Andromeda had her room decorated in that theme till she was nine. She was too immersed in her book that she didn't see George come in. He sat next to her and just looked at her admiring her features. He gently touched her thigh to get her attention, causing Alice to jump slightly but relax when she saw who it was. She went to get but George pulled her back down. "Nope your not leaving." George said with a sigh. Alice rolled her eyes and reluctantly sat down saying "what?" sounding annoyed. "Look I'm sorry. I overreacted....again and I shouldn't care that you hooked up with Diggory. Molly hit me again this time she just slapped me, thank Merlin for Neville, she's feisty. Fred overheard your conversation that night and he said that your not dating him and it was just a one time thing. Is that true? That it was a one time thing?" George asked really hoping that she said that it was just a one time thing. "Yes George. Not that it's none of your business but yes a one time thing. I shouldn't be forgiving you because you acting like a little bitch because I lost my virginity to Cedric is stupid but this is your second strike. One more and I don't think I'll be able to forgive you again." Alice said ending on a more quiet note. George she could tell she was serious and he felt guilty. Since he had been so stupid and jealous he might lose her and that couldn't happen. He pulled her into a tight hug, which Alice returned. "I'm so sorry Alice. I'd been stupid again and I can't lose you. I'm sorry please stay with me?" George asked hoping she'd say yes. Alice sighed as she pulled away from the hug, placing her hand on his face. "Never again?" She questioned. "Never." George assured and hugged her again. Alice was finally happy again because she had George back and him assuring her that he wouldn't do it again made it even better. George pulled out of the hug and laid her on his lap. "So what are you reading?" Alice explained to him what Winnie the Pooh was and how it's been her favorite since she was little. "Can you read it to me, please?" George asked. Alice smiled and opened the book again. She started to read it to him and George was loving every minute of it. He was running his hand through her hair, which made Alice tired. Soon she had fallen asleep. The book had fallen against her chest. George looked down and smiled. He picked up the book and closed it, putting it on the table. He was careful with the way he laid down. He put Alice on top of him and she nuzzled into his chest. George took the blanket off the back of the couch and covered them, mostly making sure Alice was covered. George continued to run his fingers through her hair and slowly fell asleep.
"This is just adorable isn't it?" Lavender said, gushing over how cute they were. "You'll wake them love, let them sleep." Parvati said kissing her girlfriend's cheek. Harry and Ron came downstairs, followed by Padma, Hermione and Molly. Neville came along shortly after. "Bloody hell. They should just snog and tell each other that they love each other already." Ron said a bit annoyed. Harry smirked and looked at them, wishing he had that with Draco. Hermione walked over and gently shook them awake. Alice blushed when she realized that she was sleeping in the common room with George. She had completely forgot she fell asleep here. "Well morning everyone." George announced moving Alice's hair out of her face. "Ready for the task Harry?" George asked casually as he helped Alice get off him. "Um yea I am." Harry said confused as to why George was so casual. "Dammit I missed it!" Fred yelled as he came downstairs with a camera. Alice started giggling and George smiled at that. "Well I'm gonna go get ready. See you soon, good luck Harry." Alice said smiling at Harry as she walked up the stairs. George got up and stretched then walked upstairs to change himself. Everyone started to leave the common room for breakfast, leaving Ron and Harry. "I wish they'd get together already, she's all he talks about." Ron said to Harry as they were leaving.
Finally it was time for the first task and Alice wished Fleur, Cedric and Harry good luck. Alice went and sat down next to George, who made sure she was warm by snuggling up against her and Alice laid her head on his shoulder while they waited for the task to begin. The first three champions' turns went by quickly though when it was Harry's turn it felt like it took forever for Alice. When the tasks were finally over Alice went down to the hospital wing where they took the champions to be looked over. When she got there she hugged Harry, who flinched in pain. "Sorry, sorry I was just nervous and scared for you. I love you Harry, your like my brother and you scared the shit out of me with that damn dragon." Alice said with a giggle. Harry smiled, it felt good to have someone so close to him. "I'm really tired now, I think I'll sleep for a bit because if I get up Madam Pomfrey might just hex me." Harry said. Alice and said she'd sit with him.
Over the next hour many people came in with get well gifts for Harry. Neville gave him a plant, Luna gave him moon water to "help heal him" according to her, Ginny gave him chocolate, and Fred and George gave him Exploding Snap cards, but there was one visitor who stood out. Draco had come behind the privacy curtains around Harry's bed quietly but jumped when he saw Alice looking at him. "Don't tell anyone I came here. I just wanted to drop something off." Draco said and Alice smiled knowingly. She saw Draco put a lily flower and a small letter next to it. Alice smiled at him before going back to reading Charlottes Web.
A few minutes after Draco left, Harry woke up. He saw the flower and small letter and looked at Alice for an answer as to who gave it to him. "I fell asleep I don't know who it was. I woke up and it was there." Alice lied. Harry picked up the flower and the note. He opened the note and in green ink it said;
Feel better soon. I thought your parents would like to be here in a way. I tried my best.
Harry looked at the bottom of the note and saw a very detailed, animated drawing of a stag that was prancing around the page. He smiled knowing that it symbolized his dad and the flower symbolized his mom. "Who's it from Harry? What's it say?" Alice asked. Harry showed her the note and said he didn't know it was just signed M. Alice smiled when she saw what Draco wrote, he really liked Harry. "The flowers enchanted, Harry. It won't die. Neville's given me one before." Alice said and that made Harry's smile bigger.
When Alice got back to the common room she saw George. She sat next to him and told him what happened. "That's adorable. One of them needs to make a move." George said smiling. Alice gave him his book back and smiled. "Thanks for letting me borrow it." She said kissing his cheek and leaving for bed.

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