13//Survival Step

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(A/N at the end.)


(Y/N) munched away at the Doritos as Jackson explained the situation; He was the brains behind the IRL's, he wanted Google Inc. to patent the idea he did, and they created their first IRL;Google. Jackson did some tweaking to him, Google Inc. found out on the cameras, and actually trashed Google by giving him away to (Y/N). Google Inc. had to make up a story to make (Y/N) feel like she's special, and it worked ("Ouch, really?") Jackson went on to explain further that he found out Google Inc. messed with the IRL, and he couldn't remove the virus that Google Inc. implanted on the IRL, and thus, here they are.


Your POV.

"So... Google Inc. just wanted to kill me?" I rubbed my head. This information is hurting my head so much.

"Well, it was meant to self-activate later in life, but I checked in the basement where Google IRL was created, and saw that Google Inc. activated it manually. I really don't understand why they wanted to murder people, but I can't ask those questions myself. I'll be shot immediately when I hear that information. I doubt they'd let the Google IRL's know, either." Jackson rubbed his neck, sighing.

"I'm sorry, (Y/N). I didn't know anything about this. Maybe you should've given me back when you had the chance..." Phone Google sounded so upset. God, poor thing...

"No, Google. I would never give you away. That's not right, and it will never be right. We're gonna fix this mess." I looked at Jackson, and he raised an eyebrow at me, confused as hell. I'm not sure what to do myself, but we'll take down the mastermind who implemented the virus in Google's body. "You said Google Inc. stuck the virus in Google themselves, right?" Jackson nodded.

"Was it a group of people, or was it one person, do you know?"

"It was the group of people who have access to the IRL's. They're the only ones who actually deal with them, nobody else touches the door to the basement."

"Good. We'll go down there, and... uh, well, we'll go down there and aggressively talk it out. It... it can't be that bad, can it?"

Jackson shrugged. "I haven't been down in that basement for a few years. I've been security for 7 months because they realised they needed it, and I was the only one who still wanted to work here. Everyone else who got fired hit the roads almost immediately. Never knew what happened to them."

I shiver, trying not to think of all those people that were probably shot and murdered. "Well, we'll do something about this."

Jackson nodded, but Phone Google piped up. "I hope you remember I was created by this company, (Y/N) and Jackson. What if something happens to me?"

"Good thought. We'll also figure that out." Jackson replied, tapping on his head.

"So, you're both saying you have no plan and will blindly run in and probably get ripped to shreds? Brilliant idea. While you two get murdered, I'll continue to hook myself up to this building, and see what I can find."

"Wait, you've been doing that the whole time?"

"Yes, Jackson. I tend to not wait and sit around if I'm doing a task."

"Yeah, yeah. Well, (Y/N), there's some stuff in here we can yoink and knock people out with, if necessary." Jackson looked around the room, observing what all we could use to get our way. I shook my head. Phone Google's right; we don't have a plan, and we're not gonna have one any time soon. Quite frankly, our only hope is Google Inc. doesn't launch their AI army and rise up and take over the entire world. I doubt it would happen, but at this point, I really don't know.

"(Y/N)? Hello?" Jackson waved his hand near my face, and I snapped out of my thoughts.

"Oh, yeah... ye- Jackson, Phone Google is right. What are we going to do, exactly? We have a murderous robot chasing after us, we have Google Inc. against us. We're kinda shit out of luck. Phone Google is doing... whatever he said he was doing, and we don't have any plans on how we could fix Goog, and to disable his "kill-mode". We just need to barricade ourselves in here until Phone Google finishes, and tells us what to do."

Jackson sighed, coming to his senses, too. "Fine. Google, are you almost done?"

"Yes. I'm currently waiting to bypass security, then I will have some access to the building. It appears Google has forgotten that I can still access this place. I'll try to find an IRL to work with us. If I can't, I'll have to forcefully transfer into one."

"Alright. Let's barricade the doors, just in case they try to break in. I'm surprised they haven't done that by now." Jackson chuckled, and started to move the couch in front of the door. I got up to help him, and we placed it right in front of the door. I grabbed a table and moved that in front of the door, too. Jackson grabbed some chairs and placed them in various spots. Strategically, you could say.

"I found another IRL. I'll see if it's in working condition." Phone Google spoke after several minutes. Something is going on, I can feel it in my gut.

"(Y/N), are you okay?" Jackson nudged me, and I nodded.

"Yeah, yeah. It's... I don't know. Something's wrong, but I don't know what it could be."

"Hey, don't worry. If anything does happen, I'll try to protect you both as best I can." He smiled at me, and lightly shook my shoulder. "We're kinda like the three musketeers, y'know? We have each other's back in this situation. It'll be okay."

"You're right. Heh, thanks for that little uh... encouragement? Haha." I smiled back, and Phone Google's face popped on the screen.

"Hey, you two." He sounded... jealous? "The IRL is in good condition. I booted him up, and I'm trying to communicate with it. If I can't get any sign of AI life, I'll transfer into it. It shouldn't be much longer." His face went away almost instantly the moment he finished. I think he was jealous! Why, though? Google knows I... uh... ahem, don't get ahead of yourself, (Y/N).

"So, (Y/N), what'll the plan be if everything goes well?" Jackson sat himself on the couch, and I followed suit, grabbing Phone Google.

"Honestly, I don't know. I mean, the "kill-mode" in Google will be gone, so that'll be a good plus... obviously... and, well, if Google agrees to disable every "kill-mode" in every IRL they ever made, then I won't spill any secrets the company has. Oh, and I want them to fix Google's face."

"I doubt Google would own up to disabling that, but it sounds solid enough for me."

"Yeah, and I hope it'll stay solid. Ugh... this has been such a freaky morning. What time is it?"

Jackson pulled out his phone. "Hm, it's 8pm, actually."

I almost jumped out of my seat. "WH- HUHUhuhu.. what?! No way." 

He showed me the time, clearly saying 8:01PM.

"Hoooolyyyyy crap. We've been in here for 7 hours? No way. No way. That's fake."

"The time doesn't lie."

"Absolutely crazy. I hope Auntie doesn't fire me..."

"Hopefully she'll understand."

"Yeah..." I didn't know what else to say. I was still trying to think of how-

Knock, knock, knock.

Oh, shit! Someone's at the door! What do we do?! "Google!" I whispered into the phone. Silence.

Knock, knock, knock. It was more aggressive. God, please, let that be Google, please.


1320 words.


Sincere apologies for not having this chapter uploaded. It's been a... depressing week, to say the least.

Thank you for your patience.

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