23//Welcome Back

371 18 9

Your POV.

Brand new day! Ahh. God, it's already been a month?! Time flies by so fast...

"Hey, Google! Can you open up my notes, please?" I call from my bedroom. Google was in the living room, reading some book, but he rushes into my room.

"Opening notes." I heard him in the hallway, and he appears in the doorway with the notes open on his holographic screen. "Which note would you like to see?"

"The note from yesterday, please."

"Opening note. Would you like me to read it out loud?" He tilts his head up for a brief second, and then back down.

"No, thank you. I'll take it from here." I get up and walk over to him, scrolling through the long list. "Lets see... work from 7-4... shopping, ah! Forgot about this one... Google, honey, you know what I should've done yesterday?"

"Monthly cleaning and repairing on me. You told me to not remind you, since you would remember yourself." He doesn't show any smirk or anything. It's been like this for a month.

"Oh. Ah.. ehhum.. yeaah... sorry about that." I scratch the back of my head.

"It is alright. I already went through the process, and have removed one issue. It has been there since we have left, and you have been unable to either see it, or get rid of it."

My eyes widen. Oh no. Did he delete Red...?

"What was the name of the issue?"


"Okay, you don't need to say the rest. I get the jist of it." I put my hands up to tell him silently that he doesn't need to continue the rest of the log.

"Alright. There was also another memory found. It is labeled 'Red'. What would you like to do with it?"

"Oh, uh... well, what can you do with it?"

"I can delete, merge, check it, and do nothing."

I thought for a moment. Actually, longer than a moment. Why haven't I asked Google sooner about merging? Or even asking him about it in the first place? Was I keeping a secret without realising?!

"(Y/N), your heart rate went up fairly quickly. Are you alright?" He didn't do anything, just concerned... I guess?

"Ah, yes. Google, what happens if you merge it with your current memory?"

"I will have the contents of 'Red' stored within my current memory, and it would act like two people in one. It will affect productivity for a short amount of time."

I raise an eyebrow. "Will anything bad happen?"

"Unlikely. 'Red' appears to be from the newest version, and fortunately for me, I am able to upgrade."

"Will you lose any memory? Like, of me? Or what you've done?"

"No. (Y/N), your heart rate is going up again. Are you alright?"

I grin. "Y-Yes, I'm okay!! Ooh, this is wonderful!" I clap a few times and hug Google. He doesn't react at all. "Okay, Google. Can you merge with 'Red'?"

"Of course. It will take a few days to process everything, and even then, I still need a day to reboot. Please select input."

I step back and a holographic screen pops up, with a Terms of Service, an unchecked box, and two buttons that say 'cancel' and 'proceed'.

"I highly suggest reading the Terms of Service."

I give him a 'Really?' look and go to tap the unchecked box. "Google, you realise almost nobody does, right?"

He turns away, making me miss. "Unfortunately, yes. I would suggest reading it, anyway." The unchecked box now had a blocked sign on it.

"Alright, I'll skim through."

Google bent down to my eye-level. "Read."

"Fine. I'll read it." I roll my eyes and actually read the Terms of Service.

He stood up again. "Thank you."


"Well!" I clap my hands together. "That's an hour I won't be getting back. Are you happy, atleast?"

"Very much. You may proceed." The blocked sign disappeared, and Google smiled. That's the first time he's smiled.

"Finally, thank you." I smile back and press the box, then press proceed. The hologram disappears almost immediately after, and Google... shivers?

"Memory merging, please wait." His 'G' glows a mix of red, blue, and white. I step back, unsure of what'll happen.

"Memory merging, 23% complete."

Oh. Okay, not much.

"Memory merging, 57% complete."

I twiddle my thumbs and rock back and forth. This is relatively easy and fast.

"Merging memory, 78% complete. Please select input on screen." A hologram pops up again, and it asks permission if admin access.

"Oooh, you little sneak. Accept." I press accept, and it disappears.

"Merging memory, 93% complete. Please select input on screen." Another hologram, this time it's asking what to merge. The only option is 'Red', so I select 'Red'. It disappears.

"Merging complete. Please wait." Google had a loading symbol on his head, and the 'G' glowed brightly... then dim... then bright... then dim...

I can't believe I'll get Google back. I... I know it's been a hard month, but I'm glad to have him back. Especially since I won't lose the original. I pray to God that Goog won't come back. I don't understand why he was so obsessed with me. Did Google Inc. make him want to be that obsessed? To the point of murder? No, he... he would've killed me by now. Especially the first day... Stop overthinking... augh!!

"Complete. Rebooting."

Come on, (Y/N), there's no way he'd want to come back and hurt you. Even after everything. Maybe... Oh, God! Maybe Goog was the good guy!? Maybe- shut up, oooh stop, stop. Bad (Y/N), bad! ... My nightmare... Will Red attack me? No, wait, he said he loved me. Then again, so does every guy on Couples True Crimes before they murder their loved one.

"Hello, I am Google IRL. I am your... (Y/N)?"

988 words.

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