26//New Adventure

401 11 10

Your POV.

I pull up YouTube on my phone, and scroll through my recommendations while Google makes my breakfast.

Meow, meow! Oh! (Fr/N) texted. Auh, I hope she isn't too upset that I can't come and help...

< Hey, (Y/N)! Have you heard of this guy called 'Markiplier'? He's hilarious and drop-dead HANDSOME!!

I giggle and reply back.

I haven't, but I'll check him out now! >

I go back to YouTube and type in 'Markiplier'. His channel pops up, his latest video, titled 'Google get's an upgrade', being from... a year ago?

I screenshot the current view and I text (Fr/N) again.

Hey, this guy hasn't uploaded in a year. Did I type it in wrong? >

 Did I type it in wrong? >

Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image.

This is correct, right? >

< Huh? Did you tap on his channel? I thought I saw a video that was posted a few minutes ago. Maybe I was wrong?

No, I don't think so. He kinda looks like my Mark. Has the same name, too.>

< Don't be silly, they look nothing alike! Awwe, you have a crush on Markiplier, too!

(Fr/N)! I do not! He just looks so similar. Maybe they were brothers? >

< Girl. You're nuts. Just watch a video, okay? You'll see that they're two different people.

Yeah, yeah. I'll watch the top one. >

I close out of our conversation and tap on the video. It refuses to play.

"Welp. How about 'Google IRL'?"

That, too, refused to play. I sigh in frustration and tap on another one of his videos. It plays. Okay, now I'm curious... I tap on the two Google videos again; refused both times. I tap on another random video; plays like a charm. Why don't the two Google videos play?

I get a buzz, and Google's face pops on, smiling at me. "(Y/N)! Your breakfast is ready. I'll have it in a tray for you, okay?"

"Okay. Thank you, Google." I give him a smile back, and it disappears, resuming me on- on a Google video!! I press play immediately, and it starts up...

"What's going on guys, I am Matthias, if you remember a couple weeks ago, I got early access to Google IRL, and today, we are unboxing it."

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