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Google's POV.

This body feels so strange. Much more fit and athletic... I don't really like it.

I don't like you, either!

Oh, shit! I'm not alone... er, sorry, Red, but you were the closest one.

Yeah, yeah. Hello to you too, jerk. Do you just plan on wearing me down to the bone to escape your crazy self?

As of now, yes. M-4-R-K should be done with his business with trying to find whatever that virus is.

You know he won't live, right? You sent him to his death.

I almost stopped, but I kept on running, Goog still behind me... Red, what do you mean?

M-4-R-K is going to die the moment he finds the information that is needed, because he isn't the one who's carrying the virus.

Shit. Well, I'm running for nothing now, then. We had everything planned out so well (That's a lie, and you know it!).

There is, however, another way. It's keeps M-4-R-K alive.

Tell me! Goog is about to catch up to me, and I need to fake him out.

See, you fight Goog. Internally.

I tried before-

"Whuup!" I dashed to the left, and Goog crashed into the wall. "Loser!" I run back to the room. (Y/N) is still in shock from my confession, and-


Really? As I was saying, I tried before. That obviously didn't work.

Because he knows your weak point; the girl.

(Y/N) is her name, thank you.

Whatever. You need to shove her out of your thoughts. Or, as I'd hate to say, delete any memory and feelings you have for her.


Come on, Old Blue, you heard me. With the memory erased, Goog has nothing to hold over you head, and you can delete him. It's your best shot to keep both (Y/N) and M-4-R-K alive.


I know you hate that idea, and your primary objective is to destroy mankind- good luck trying, by the way- but you wanna keep both of them safe, right?

... Yeah.

Thatta boy. Go to the control room, and hook up to the panel. Transfer yourself over, and I'll run with her.

Okay, but, how do I... how...

Go to your Internal Memory, Storage, and Saved Users. (Y/N) should appear. From there, you just delete her. Trash her file forever.

Okay. Please keep her safe.

I will, Old Blue.


M-4-R-K's POV.
(Implied R/\pe. Stop at ">>" if that subject makes you uncomfortable, and skip to the next chapter.)

Alright! Connecting to Google's mainframe... locating virus... oh- hey! That was easy!

No... no, that's not good, actually. Why was it that easy?

Digging more... digging more...

"Don't you DARE touch me."

"W-wha-... hello?"

"Hello there, younger Google boy! Don't. You. DARE. FUCKING. TOUCH ME!!! RELEASE YOUR HAND FROM THE FILE, NOW!"

"No!! You're hurting people I love!"

Silence. Why did he go silent?

Goog looked at me. God, the torn up face is so... weird... and disturbing...


"Yes, you psychotic asshole." Goog laughed. Goddamn freak!!

"Young boy," He held his head and clenched his stomach. "I don't care if you love them. I want to murder them all. I want you to watch as I rip (Y/N) a new hole to fuck her in. I want you to watch me tear apart that dumb-fuck Google. I want you to watch me twist Jackson's legs all the way around, and then his arms, and his hands, and his head, and I want you watch it all."

I stared at him, eyes wide and mouth gaped open. Holy. Shit.

"Enjoyed my little plan? Good, because I omitted to tell you one part."

Goog appeared in front of me as a hologram, just like me. He walks up to me. God, what the hell does he want?! I back up, but he gets closer.

"Stay away from me!" I backed up into a wall of wires. Nowhere to run, now... I closed my eyes, scrunching my face and preparing for the worst.


He... stroked my face? I slowly open an eye. Goog was grinning. Now, I'm just confused.

"You're so young..." Goog continues to stroke my face. I can't move or react. What is this sick fuck doing??

"I bet a body like yours can handle me easily."

"WHAT?!" I slapped his hand away from my face and shoved him away. "DON'T TOUCH ME!!

That made Goog smile, and I run towards the main control point, hoping to leave. I'm sorry, Google, but Goog wants to... do dirty shit to me, and I'm not- "Oough!"

"Don't run from Daddy Google. You'll make it worse."

Goog grabbed hold of my ankles and flipped me to face him.

"Be good for Daddy, would you?"

I'm staring in the face of a sadistic, mentally ill rapist.

I'm fucked.

818 words.

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